Tag: weekly horoscopes

Horoscopes for the Week of June 17th – 23rd
The main event this week is the Summer Solstice and the Sun’s move into the imaginative sign of Cancer on Sunday, June 21st, Father’s Day. This is a pivotal personal turning point. It reflects the Sun in relation to the […]

Horoscopes for the Week of June 10th – 16th
(Mosaic Art – Verdiano Marzi) Today and tomorrow the Sun and Mars align to make available an abundance of mental energy. We may be very assertive about filling in the blanks with missing information, stating our point of view, clarifying, […]

Horoscopes for the Week of June 3rd – 9th
(Mosaic Artist – Carol Shelkin) This week we enter the final week of this Mercury retrograde cycle. Reconsideration may begin to yield some new insights and changes in perspective. On Friday Venus, the planet of love, ease, and “coming together,” […]

Horoscopes for the Week of May 27th – June 2nd
(Mosaic Art – Yellow Cottage) This week Mercury continues in retrograde motion, triggering Mars as well as Neptune. On June 2nd (next Tuesday) we experience a Full Moon in Sagittarius, emphasizing sensitivity, foreign territory, as well as communication and the […]

Horoscopes for the Week of April 22nd – 28th
Kathleen Dalrymple – Mosaic Artist This week the planets move into what astrologers call a “Yod” or “finger of god” formation. Fated circumstances may arise that involve the destruction of resistance for the purpose of creating more “breathing room” and […]

Horoscopes for the Week of April 15th – 21st
Yesterday Mercury moved into the sign of Taurus where it will reside until May 1st. During this time inner tempos and the pace of our routines may slow to align with more natural rhythms. Feeling rushed may be especially irritating. […]

Horoscopes for the Week of April 8 – 14
(Antoni Gaudi Mosaic Art) Since December 8, 2014, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, has been moving in retrograde motion, through the self expressive sign of Leo. A period of intense inner growth and expansion, specifically designed to accommodate some new […]

Horoscopes for the Week of April 1 – April 7
(Kasia Polkowska-Mosaic Artist) Mercury, newly in the sign of Aries, is not backing down from verbal conflict. It’s time to assert what you know, to confidently throw your ideas into the conversation, to explode rigid mental frameworks, and to make […]

Horoscopes for the Week of March 25th – 31st
This week we approach the end of a four month introspective focus on how to align future expansion with our unique personality. We may have examined and released long held beliefs about ourselves that were not true. Taking into account […]
Horoscopes for the Week of July 1st – 7th
Mosaic Larissa Strauss This week I am personalizing the full Moon for each sign. Click here to read general Full Moon in Capricorn interpretation Four years ago today there was new Moon eclipse at 9 degrees Cancer 12″ exactly opposite […]