Tag: weekly horoscopes

Horoscopes for the Week of June 8th – 14th
(Mosaic Artist – Goksen Parlatan) Could be some fireworks this week with Mercury (communication) opposing Mars (the fighter). Erupting could be a nasty argument, the culmination of ongoing conflict that has yet to be resolved. The other possibility, because Mars […]

Horoscopes June 1st – 7th
(Mosaic Artist – Sophie Robins) This week the main event is Saturday’s Gemini New Moon. New Moon’s signal the start of a new 28 day cycle. Technically anything is possible. You set the goal, the intention, and decide on a […]

Horoscopes for the Week of May 25th – 31st
(mosaic art – Evelyn Ackerman) Mars in Sagittarius, retrograding since April 17th, continues to backtrack for the next five weeks into old, complicated, Scorpio territory. We’ve ripened (read suffered) to the point where we may be able to reconsider letting […]

Horoscopes for the Week of May 18 – 24
(Mosaic Art – artist?) Astrologically this is a busy week. On Friday the Sun moves past earthy Taurus into the mentally stimulating sign of Gemini. That changes your focus. There is a full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius on […]

Horoscopes for the Week of 5/11 – 5/17
(Line Mortensen – Mosaic Artist) Yesterday I read an article in the NYTimes by Daniel Shapiro that seemed relevant to the current astrology – as news articles often are. Shapiro trains diplomats in the art of peaceful resolution. His theory […]

Taurus New Moon Today & Corresponding Horoscopes
(Mosaic Art – Antonella Zorzi) A Taurus New Moon rises on Friday (May 6, 2016) at 12:29 PM PDT & 3:29 PM EDT. At 16 Degrees of Taurus this New Moon follows the very complex and powerful Scorpio full Moon […]

Horoscopes for Week of April 27th – May 3rd
(Mosaic Artist – Nikki-Ella Whitlock) This week there are different subplots depending on your sign, but the main story continues to revolve around the current Saturn/Neptume closing square. This is basically a crisis point within a long thirty-five year cycle […]

Scorpio Full Moon Horoscopes 4/20 – 4/26
(Mosaic Art – Margo Anton) I will be writing horoscopes using the Scorpio full Moon chart. The Scorpio full Moon takes place on Thursday, April 21st at 10:24 PM (Pacific time) & on Friday, April 22nd at 1:24 AM (Eastern […]

Horoscopes for the Week of April 13th – 19th
(Bull Elephant Artist?) This week the main events include Mar’s and Pluto’s change into direction. Both turn retrograde – Mars on Sunday and Pluto on Monday. They join Saturn and Jupiter, already progressing through retrograde cycles. Soon Mercury will join […]
Horoscopes for the Week of June 15th – 21st
(Mosaic Artist – Catherine Van Der Woerd) Last Monday Neptune turned retrograde signifying a major turning point in our efforts to release what undermines us. It is possible that when you look back at this moment in time, you will […]