Tag: weekly horoscopes

Horoscopes for the Week of Oct. 5th – 11th

(Rivenworks Mosaic Art) On Friday Mercury enters the sign of Libra. Extended by a retrograde phase, Mercury has been transiting through the hypercritical, detail-oriented sign of Virgo for nine weeks. The last few days end a period of difficult mental […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of 9/28 – 10/4

(Mosaic Artist – Emilie Baudrais) Writing this week’s horoscopes I take into consideration the movement of Pluto into direct motion, the Mars transit into the sign of Capricorn, and Friday’s Libra new Moon. Pluto and Mars now bring into clear […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of 9/21 – 9/27

{NOTICE – If you’re sending me e-mails to hrepenn@gmail.com most likely I’m not getting them. G-mail is having huge problems, as you probably know, with massive outages mostly on the East and West coasts. My other e-mail address is hrepenn1@aol.com […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of 9/14 – 9/20

(Mosaic Artist – Hoodworld) A prenumbral lunar eclipse at 24 degrees of Pisces occurs on Friday, September 16th, at 12:05 PM PDT & 3:05 PM EDT. In Pisces the Moon is highly sensitized. You may feel this deeply as you […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of 9/7 – 9/13

(Mosaic Textile Artist: Kaffe Fasset) The Jupiter cycle is a 12 year cycle of expansion – one year through each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Jupiter entered the sign of Virgo on August 11, 2015. Since then we’ve […] 

Horoscopes for the Week Of Aug. 24th – 30th

(Mosaic Artist – Jenny Sayer) This week there is a stunning stellium (grouping) of planets and important astrological significators in the sign of Virgo – all bunched up in one solar house. I’ve taken into consideration the Virgo placements Transpluto, […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of Aug 3rd – 9th

(Mosaic Art – dark side of the Moon) This week we’re adjusting to Mars move into the sign of Sagittarius after it’s five month long voyage through deep, dark, Scorpio waters. Now we get impatient to capitalize n the new […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of July 6th – 12th

(Henry Noel Aubrey – Mosaic Artist) On Monday or Tuesday, depending on your time zone, Venus moves from the watery, sensitive, sign of Cancer into the fiery, self-loving, “me, myself, and I” sign of Leo. This represents a shift in […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of June 29th – July 5th

How do you rearrange things to accommodate the new clarity and freedom that’s emerged over the past six months? Today Mars turns direct giving impetus to the urge to move forward. Since January we’ve been taken deep into the weeds […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of June 22nd – 28th

(Mosaic Artist ?) Last Monday, just hours after the culmination of the Sagittarius full Moon, the Sun peaked at it’s Northern-most point in the sky (Southern-most in the Southern hemisphere). The momentum that’s been building in a relationship stalls momentarily […]