Tag: pisces

Holiday Reading Gifts
An Astrological reading is one of the most thoughtful and personal gifts you can give. Christmas is a wonderful time of year to receive such a gift. The New Year coincides with the need for a new and broader perspective […]

Horoscopes for the Week of Nov. 26th – Dec. 2nd
Mosaic Artist – Nancy Smeltzer Cosmically, the perspective continues to brighten. Mercury enters fiery Sagittarius on Thursday evening emphasizing open conversations, truth telling, tolerant ideas, and hopefulness. After striving for a couple years just to keep our heads above water, […]

Horoscopes for the Week of November 19th – 25th
Mosaic Artist Laura Rendlen Early this Saturday morning the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius. A few minutes later the Moon catches up and we witness a New Moon at 0 degrees of Sagittarius. Venus is newly transiting the sign […]

Horoscopes for the Week of November 12th – 18th
Mosaic Artist Marian Shapiro Two potentially explosive planets, Uranus and Mars, clash in a major way today, tomorrow and into Friday. Unpredictable outcomes can be expected. The best way to deal with this aspect is to deliberately summon the courage […]

Horoscopes for the Week of November 5th – 11th
Larissa Strauss “Mosaic Landscape” This week I’m using the Taurus Full Moon Chart to write horoscopes and will clarify its influence for each sign. The full moon culminates on Thursday, Nov. 6th at 14 degrees of Taurus highlighting a return to […]

Horoscopes for the Week of October 29th – November 4th
Glass Artist Alison Fox “Downtown” This week there is conflict between the commitments you have made, mainly within relationships, and satisfying our own pleasure-seeking impulses. Venus is not “going quietly into the night” though her burning intensity is beginning to […]

Horoscopes for the Week of October 22 – 28
Mosaic Artist Rachel Sager Lynch “Here Be Dragons” First, a reminder of the power of an eclipse from Stephanie Austin; “Light encodes information. Every second, our Earth receives three billion megawatts of electromagnetic energy from the Sun. During an eclipse, […]

Horoscopes for the Week of October 8th – 14th
Mosaic Artist Yulia Hanansen – “Starscapes” Today we experience the aftermath of the Aries Eclipse. Relationships have been interesting. Emotionally there has been a change. We’re being challenged to let go of old ways, to shake it off, and to […]

Horoscopes for the Week of September 24th – 30th
Mosaic – Kasia Polkowska “Moving into More Fertile Territory” With the Sun’s move into Libra, the New Moon, and Pluto’s change in direction behind us, we’re standing on new ground. We no longer have the “luxury” of blaming, wallowing, waiting, […]
Horoscopes for the Week of Dec. 3rd – 9th
Mosaic Artist – Arnaldo Pomodoro – Mosaic Fountain On Thursday Mars enters into the sign of Aquarius encouraging all kinds of bold and unusual actions designed to break through the tyranny of authority and inequitable, well-established, modes of operation. Humanitarian […]