Tag: pisces

Aquarian New Moon Today
Aquarius is a fixed, contrarian sign – highly capable of disrupting any system or tradition. Aquarians are opposed to aligning themselves with restrictive traditions – or agreeing to sign up for what they suspect will require them to live up […]

Horoscopes for the Week of Jan. 23rd – 29th, 2022
ON MONDAY, JAN. 24TH AT 7:53 AM EST MARS RE-ENTERS THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN This represents a departure from recent Sagittarian “belief-based” actions, exaggerations, and wishful thinking – toward a more factual, restrained, realistic, effective approach. Careful analysis, rigorous assessment, […]

Cancer Full Moon 1/17/2022 with Weekly Horoscopes
Cancer Full Moons are emotionally triggering. It’s possible we’ve come to the end of the road, a decisions point, a realization over the past couple weeks that we’ve taken things as far as they can go in the current direction. […]

Update and Horoscopes for the Week of Jan. 9th – 14th
The two strongest events this week involve Mercury’s turn into retrograde motion at 10 degrees of Aquarius next Saturday, and Ceres move into direct motion in Taurus on Friday. Today, Sunday Jan. 9th, Mercury at 8 degrees of Aquarius sextiles […]

Capricorn New Moon Jan. 2, 2022
Something revolutionary (personally and globally) is in play. This Capricorn new Moon’s alignment with the start of the new year is likely to feel especially timely, supportive, and promising in some regard. Mercury’s move (today) into the sign of Aquarius […]

Full Moon at 27 Degrees of Gemini at 11:35 PM EST on Dec. 18th
This is an abbreviated interpretation of tonight’s Gemini full Moon without horoscopes for each sign. (Technically I’m on vacation until the first of the year.) Jupiter in late Aquarius trines this new Moon. An expansive opportunity is presented and well […]

Total Solar Eclipse 12 Degrees of Sagittarius Dec. 4th
A major re-set is associated with any solar eclipse. What was previously possible to sustain might no longer be. And what was previously impossible might now be well within reach. This eclipse at 12 degrees of Sagittarius culminates on Dec. […]

Horoscopes for the Week of 11/28 – 12/5
This week it’s important to note we’re under the intensifying effects of a total Solar eclipse at 12 degrees of Sagittarius, set to culminate on Saturday, Dec. 5th. In 2002 we experienced we experienced a total eclipse at the same […]

Overview and Horoscopes for the Week of Nov. 21 – 27
Today the main event is the Sun’s move into the sign of Sagittarius. What’s illuminated is fiery, energetic, hopeful, and promising. The heaviness of the Scorpio season lifts. A shift involves looking forward rather than inward or underneath. The future […]
Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 6th – 13th
Today Mars in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. Mars asserts his authority and control through actions or conditions that have historically felt restrictive, hurtful, or victimizing in some regard. The good news is that you may be able to see […]