Tag: new horoscopes

Horoscopes for the Week of Aug. 17th – 23rd
(mosaic art – David Chidgey) Tomorrow, very early in the morning if you live in the U.S., a full Moon in Aquarius is culminating. Some sources are labeling this an eclipse but it’s not designated as one in the “New […]

Horoscopes for the Week of Aug. 10th – 16th
(Mosaic Artist – Virgini Atelie) On Friday Jupiter exactly opposes Chiron. This is a great aspect for integrating some inspired healing methods that feel magical in some way. It is likely that through necessity and pain you have developed what […]

Horoscopes for the Week of July 27th – August 2nd
(Mosaic Art – quarry garden) On Friday of this week Uranus turns retrograde. It will be in retrograde motion for the next five months – through December 28, 2016. Uranus is more “Uranian” in retrograde motion. There can be an […]

Horoscopes for the Week of July 22nd – 28th
Late today the Sun enters the sign of Leo. Tomorrow Mercury transits into Leo as well energizing creative thought and entertaining communication. A more celebratory, loving, fiery tone ignites the world in dramatic ways. Attention-seeking behavior and more socializing may […]

Horoscopes for the Week of July 8th – 14th
(Mosaic Artist – Anita Damron) Astrology is the study of cycle within cycles. This week we have come to the close of an important one that began on April 10, 2013. It was the first new Moon of that year […]

Horoscopes for the Week of February 18 – 24, 2015
Mosaic Art – Lillian Sizemore Today the main event is the highly unusual New Moon in the final degrees of Aquarius. Here is the link to my interpretation. http://wp.me/p3810x-4kw This is an eventful week. The door is swinging wide open, […]
Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 15th – 21st
(Mosaic Art – Tumbling Tesserae) This week the main event is the Sun’s transit from the sign of the freedom-loving, inherently rebellious Aquarius into the mysteriously powerful sign of Pisces. It can be difficult to define and recognize Pisces. Her […]