Tag: aries

Horoscopes for the Week of September 24th – 30th

Mosaic – Kasia Polkowska “Moving into More Fertile Territory” With the Sun’s move into Libra, the New Moon, and Pluto’s change in direction behind us, we’re standing on new ground.  We no longer have the “luxury” of blaming, wallowing, waiting, […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of September 17th – 23rd

“The Unconscious at Work”  Sonia King (Mosaic Artist) Pluto changes direction this week (next Tuesday) from retrograde into direct motion. If you ‘re unfamiliar with the effects read this article posted at Mosaic Astrology last Sunday.  Together with Mars recent transition […] 

Pluto on the Cusp of a Change in Direction

Pluto has been in retrograde motion since April 14, 2014 and is about to change into direct motion on September 22nd.   Any planet moving retrograde (Mercury does fairly often) changes the way we experience that planet’s energy. When Pluto […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of September 10th – 16th

Mosaic by Kelley Knickerbocker With the full Moon behind us, we now begin to see how the dust is settling into new forms and different feelings. Mars enters the final degrees of Scorpio where we end a transformative phase, release […] 

Full Moon in Pisces Monday, Sept. 8, 2014 – 9:38 PM EST & 7:38 PM PDT

This watery Pisces full Moon culminates as we find ourselves moving through  dangerous waters into a calmer, more stable place.  The full Moon aligns with Chiron, the wounded healer, activating, once again, major emotional energy shifts.  What is required, as […] 

New Horoscopes for the Week of Sept. 3rd – 9th

This week’s horoscopes encompass next Monday’s Full Moon in Pisces. In this week’s horoscopes I’ll be using the Full Moon chart to personalize its effects for your sign. The Full Moon indicates that there’s a part of you that’s been […]