Category: Uncategorized

Horoscopes Week of December 12th – 18th

Things are starting to move again.  Areas of life that felt old, repetitive, frustrating, uninteresting, or just stuck in neutral will now shift into a higher gear breathing new life and a degree of excitement into your life  Most would […] 

Gemini Full Moon with Eclipse Nov 28, 2012 6:47 AM PST, 9:47 AM EST

A Full Moon with an Eclipse falling in Gemini is interesting in that it combines emotion with thought and heart with mind.  Gemini represents pure thought and the moon our emotional nature. The experience of this full moon suggests an […] 

Asking Better Questions

Including astrological knowledge among the data used to in conjunction with client input yields better answers most of the time.  Astrological knowledge in conjunction with client input always leads to better questions and increases the accuracy of assessment.  Examples of […] 

New Moon in Scorpio/Total Solar Eclipse Nov.13, 2012 (2:09 PM PST – 5:09 PM EST)

Tuesday’s Scorpio New Moon and total eclipse will, like all total eclipses, be accompanied by a power surge that disrupts energy flow. In life this is often felt as a sudden event that abruptly changes and concentrates attention.  Scorpio, the […] 

Taurus Full Moon Monday

As I remember, the Taurus Full Moon is visually stunning… a gigantic sepia globe lying low in the sky casting its warm  glow over the harshness of landscapes and life. A Taurus full moon always offers the opportunity to soothe […] 

Astrology – Extraordinary Potential

“We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and season in which we are born.  Astrology does not lay claim to anything else”.  -Carl […] 

Putting Things Together Astrologically

If you’re a Leo with your Sun in the 1st house, you’re life focus is very different from a Leo with her Sun in the 6th house. If you’re not already aware, an astrology chart is divided into 12 houses […] 


Manifested visions reflect the holistic health of the visionary.  Herbs can improve health in many ways  because their mode of action is holistic, smart, and compatible with life. In written record, the study of herbs dates back over 5,000 years […] 

About the Director

  I was born in Boston, lived a few idyllic years in Cleveland, and spent my adolescence just outside Chicago in a small community on Lake Michigan.  Throughout most of my adult life I’ve had a passion for Astrology.  When […] 

Biological Gifts

It’s well known that women have an exceptional ability to intuit non-verbal emotional cues. They’re highly sensitized to the feelings of others which profoundly affects their perceptions. In a masculine-modeled world  driven by productivity, profits, and winning, sensitivity to others […]