Category: Uncategorized

The Solstice

At 3:51 AM PDT today, the Sun (in relation to the earth) reached it’s highest point in the sky, creating the longest day of the year at the North Pole. From now until the Winter Solstice in December, the Sun […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of June 4th – 10th

Mosaic Artists Collaborative Linn Schorr & Pam Goode On Saturday, June 7th, at 4:56 AM PDT, Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks. An impending “pause in the action” allows time to reconsider the facts, revisit communication issues, renegotiate contracts, and […] 

Horoscopes for the Week of May 21st – 27th

Laurel True Mosaic Artist Chances are you’ll encounter the makings of a great story this week as the Sun begins it’s transit through the sign of Gemini. In some particular area of life, the willingness to learn, to be flexible, […] 

Horoscopes for the week of May 14th -20th

The week begins with a full Moon in Scorpio. (see feature article at I will personalize it for each sign, but basically it involves, as Scorpio always does, issues with power and control, trust, joint finances, sex, intimacy, and […] 

The Impending Grand Cross – Its Personal Impact

Much has been written on the global effects of the rare impending Grand Cross. It’s set to be exact this week (April 22nd-23rd). It’s the signature of the time period extending from 2008-2016… the climax and the beginning of a […] 

Healing Hangout Broadcast Tomorrow at 12:00 Noon PDT- “The Intersection of Astrology and Energy Healing”

Tomorrow I will be hanging out with my friend and amazingly talented energy healer, Anna Holden.  She is based in Seattle and has been instrumental in my own healing.  Having worked through some fairly serious health issues over the past […] 

The Impending Grand Cross; It’s Meaning and Message.

There is an underlying thread running through all the conflicts and concerns we’re currently working through.  It’s a powerful cosmic influence affecting everyone on the planet on both personal and global levels.  This point in time represents a turning point […] 

What Your Venus Sign Says About You

INTRODUCTION The helical rise of venus occurred on June 12, 2012.  This marks the exact date that venus transformed herself from an evening star into a morning star.   She reappeared from the shadows in new garb setting the feminine […] 

Gemini Full Moon December 17, 2013 1:28 AM PST & 4:28 AM EST

Gemini is interesting.  He has lots of questions…as many questions as his opposing sign, Sagittarius, has answers.  This is not to imply that Sagittarius is a know-it-all, but Sagittarius actually can be pretty irrationally sure of himself regarding what he […] 

We’ve Officially Entered The Balsamic Phase of the Moon

We now officially enter the balsamic phase of the moon, a time of decreased physical energy and increased psychic energy. It’s the period of time just before the new moon when the sky is very dark and what remains of […]