10/23/22 A Jam Packed Day!

Today marks the end of “a period of review “that began on June 4th of this year. It ends today at 16 degrees of Aquarius at 12:07 AM EDT as Saturn turns direct. Rethinking our role in the world for the past four months may have centered around how we wanted to be perceived by the public, how much effort we actually wanted to apply, or how much sacrifice we were willing to make to accomplish our goals.

Making an authentic statement about who we are as opposed to “who we were or thought we should be” could feel newly liberating. Now is a good time to get comfortable with the most unusual, enlightened, and “likely to be rejected” aspects of yourself. This has required about four months of a single-minded focus, a soul-searching review of the past, and some new-found courage.

As of today we may be ready to move forward in a way that feels more honest and authentic.

At 3:52 AM EDT today Venus enters the intense and, secretive sign of Scorpio. What’s hidden (possibly within the realm of a relationship) – is likely to be exposed. A significant transformational change is indicated. It’s hard to continue to pretend that what’s imbalanced, false, exploitative, or unfair is “beside the point.”

Casting a powerful “disinfecting light” is the Sun’s move into Scorpio today. We’ve officially entered the “Scorpio Season” – and it’s not for the”faint of heart.” November is never the best time (no matter the year) to be less than honest. It’s risky and harder to hide what you’d prefer not to expose.

But there’s more.

Juno – the asteroid of commitment within the realm of relationships also turns direct today at 7 degrees of Pisces 41′ – after moving in retrograde motion since July 26th, 2022. It might finally feel safe to commit to something or someone new -or to be “all-in” for the long haul.

Now it seems could be the right time to drag a difficult personal or global issue into the spotlight vs. gentle admonitions from the sidelines. Thinking holistically while cultivating a better integration of thought based on compassion and kindness requires the kind of enlightened thought Aquarius is known for.

Enlisting the focus and discipline of “Saturn direct” allows you to assert your authority over yourself, others, or any a potentially threatening status quo.

It’s time to move forward with a new sense of confidence.

1 Comment

  1. Elizabeth Mahaffey:

    Thank you, Holly

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