Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 6th – 13th

Today Mars in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. Mars asserts his authority and control through actions or conditions that have historically felt restrictive, hurtful, or victimizing in some regard.

The good news is that you may be able to see how something that chronically “handicaps” you – or puts you at a distinct disadvantage can be applied in a new way to work in your favor. Integrating a new and different perspective gives you an unlikely advantage – a nice “work-around” that transforms a vulnerability into something that gives you a distinct advantage – or the upper hand. If you’re willing to work in a disciplined/focused way you might find the source of some “hidden power or potential” you’ve historically defined as unfortunate. The key is to look at the big picture and to take a holistic approach to the entirety of what is. You might recognize an some healing gift or mechanism that’s been disguised a handicap. This could bring you to an important turning point.

On a different note you might have to deal with a mentor who expresses disappointment in you or your efforts – or you imagine that to be the case.

On Tuesday, Feb. 8th at 9:02 PM Ceres enters the sign of Gemini. Nurturing in the “parenting/care-giving sense” involves listening skills, making connections through communicating, sharing ideas, teaching, observing, and analyzing to clarify what’s actually true. It’s complicated. With Gemini two things can be true at once.

What you’re attempting to cultivate benefits from an approach aligned with natural processes, natural timing, the flow of the life, and the rhythm of the seasons. The forever repeating cycles of “birth, bonding, cultivating, releasing, and moving on” are instructive with regard to whatever it is you’re trying to cultivate.

(Ceres, the asteroid of cultivation, caring, and parenting transits through the sign of Gemini from Tuesday, Feb. 8th – Sunday May 15, 2022.)

Being verbally reassuring, and consistent is part of the emerging “supportive/caring picture.” Sharing wisdom accumulated over time may be especially valuable to others. Perspectives, beliefs, and actions might need to change as a result of some heightened sense of awareness. A give and take exchange may be most effective.

On Friday, February 11th, Mercury conjuncts Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn. A reckoning or harsh clarification reveals what lies beneath the surface.

This has the potential of being deeply transformative. The challenge is to release something you’re attached to – something old, toxic, deeply ingrained, no longer useful, or true for you.

Underlying motivations surface. Those could be horrifying, uncomfortable or revealing – depending on how you deal with the past. the past A major purge is in play that paves the way for an important breakthrough – and your most promising way forward.

Thanks for reading,


Holly RePenn RN., MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher

31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675


ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week actions taken or withheld – with the apparent intent to control and restrict could be hurtful. The good news is that you may be able to see how something that chronically “handicaps” you – or puts you at a distinct disadvantage – can be applied in a new way to work in your favor. A change in your perspective allows you to see what you previously could not. This may involve your physical body, your sense of initiative, the willingness to act courageously, and to take some risk.

On Tuesday of this week Ceres, the asteroid of cultivation, transits into the sign of Gemini. It seems you will be moving forward from the stage of stabilization where the focus involved improving your financial situation and your sense of self-worth. Being verbally reassuring, and consistent is part of this “supportive/caring Gemini picture.” Sharing wisdom accumulated over time may be especially valuable. Perspectives, beliefs, and actions might need to change as a result of some heightened sense of awareness.

Uranus, the planet of enlightenment- aligns beautifully with a push to achieve, to lead, to overcome, and to create a new challenges for yourself.

Deep personnel introspection is timely.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This week there’s some hurt involved in what’s going on behind the scenes, out of sight, or outside the realm of your control. It might conflict with the self-discipline required to move you into the kind of future you desire. When you consider future options you might feel disappointed or restricted.

A big, possibly monumental personal transformation is likely “in play.” You might find it hard to “get from here to a better, more liberating place. The price you pay to move yourself forward is acting release what you’ve become deeply attached to – and imprisoned by.

Ceres move into your 2nd house of “self worth and net worth” could come “on the heels of something stabilizing with regard to your style and approach to life – creating something more balanced, and addressing some health issues.

Nurturing in the “parenting/care-giving sense” involves listening, finding opportunities to connect through communication, sharing ideas, teaching, observing, and analyzing to clarify what’s actually true for you. With Gemini two things can be true at once. Cooperation may be factor. You might need to release the notion of playing by the rules. It might be time to break the rules as they relate to your success, public role, or what it is you’re trying to achieve.

(Ceres, the asteroid of cultivation, caring, and parenting transits through the sign of Gemini from Tuesday, Feb. 8th – Sunday May 15, 2022.)

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Mercury, your chart ruler is exactly aligned in conjunction with Pluto. It’s time for some deep personal introspection, a confrontation with yourself, and possibly the release of what you’ve become deeply attached to. This is not for the faint of heart. But being scrupulously honest with yourself works in your favor. Your likely carrying too much baggage from the past. That could involve a tendency hoard and protect something that’s no longer useful or relevant. Something super controlling with regard to your freedom and expansion may be in play. There may be some hurt or pain associated groups, group work, the community, or feeling like you belong.

Ceres, the planet of nurturing, parenting, and mothering has moved into your 1st house. Behind the scenes you may be stabilized A joint financial project could be promising from the standpoint of what’s healing, magical, and profoundly powerful. You can make some real progress this week if your goal is to highlight your innovativeness or your ability to see what’s likely to occur in the future.

A new, more communicative or “information sharing approach” to parenting or cultivating what’s most important to you is possible because you’ve achieved a level of spiritual stabilization.

CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This week what’s uncovered or revealed within the realm of relationships (or your role within those relationships) – works beautifully to move you in the direction of what’s most promising for you. A memory could get you back in touch with a cherished dream, some enlightened group work, the community, and the most promising direction for you.

It’s possible you might have been hurt by a controlling “partner” who challenged you in some regard. There is a silver lining if you can look holistically at the big picture. The good news is that you may be able to see how something that chronically “handicaps” you – or puts you at a distinct disadvantage – can be applied in a new way to work in your favor. A change in your perspective allows you to see what you previously could not. This may involve you physical body, your sense of initiative, the willingness to act courageously, and to take some calculated risk.

With regard to the group, future dreams, and enlightened perspectives you may have stabilized.

Ceres transits on Tuesday into the 12th house of “behind the scenes” spiritual work. You might need to listen more carefully to “intuitive voices” or your internal dialogue. That will be clarifying if you can take a holistic view of your situation. Rules may need to be broken – or something more innovative may need to be established along the lines of a financial partnership or issues related to trust and intimacy.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This week Mars in Capricorn in your 6th house of work, practical improvement, or supervisory responsibility conflicts with something hurtful – an area of vulnerability with regard to future plans. The good news is that actions you take within the workplace- or how you manage your responsibilities – aligns beautifully with the most promising direction for you – professionally, reputation-wise, and achievement-wise.

There could be a message here related to a complete transformation of your current perspective on work, responsibility, or engaging with the deeper, hidden, more sensitive sides of those you “manage.” It’s likely you could resist the part of yourself endowed with magical powers to engage on deeper, more sensitive levels with others.

Ceres move into your 11th house of friends, allies, groups and the community requires some clear thinking regarding the evaluation of an offer or promotion. With Gemini there’s the issue of opposites, and opposing considerations, or contradictory considerations.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The Sun and Saturn in Aquarius highlight your 6th house of work, responsibility, health, and practical improvements. Virgo’s motivated is to serve others, to be useful, and maybe to be the recipient of a glowing quarterly report from the powers that be. Now is the time to break some rules in the interest of making space for something more creative, innovative, intuitively inspired, and “ahead of it’s time.” You might be ready to act more independently or to work for yourself.

In love there may be something hurtful to deal with – a betrayal or lack of trust possibly. But disciplined action in love or with regard to a creative project moves you in the direction of what’s expansive, liberating, and most promising for you. The need for some deep introspection with regard to issues involving love, sex, control, or restriction may be challenging – but timely.

Ceres move into Gemini and your 10th house makes some new achievements possible. Stabilizing your finances and managing your resources wisely provides support for your future future plans and aspirations.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Your 5th house of love, sex, playfulness, and creativity is highlighted in ways that encourage you to “color outside the lines, break the rules, or go your own way – with a sense of discipline and structure of course. Something hurtful, possibly with regard to your feelings, – your home, family, or sense of security might need to be addressed.

There may be some tough actions you resist that have the potential to move you in alignment with what’s most promising for you. This could involve asserting your authority or penetrating beneath the surface to discover what’s true for you.

Ceres might require you to clarify your plans for the future, to “drill down on the details,” make a few important decisions, or listen to some sage advice from the elders. Your might have a clearer picture of your goals and aspirations for the future. A flash of insight or enlightenment could reveal whats essential and true for you.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This week some hard work, attention to detail, restrictions, and decisions move you in alignment with what’s most promising for you. This could involve some stabilization within the realm of relationships that allows you to focus on your power, some writing talent, or ability to treat what’s threatening and undermining with lightness, flexibility, and some clarifying or dual purpose effect. Maybe you have a partner that possesses the knowledge you need to be successful.

It’s time to dig deeper into what your true motivation might be with regard to exposing a hidden truth. Some (courageous) action moves you in the direction of whats most promising for you. This seems to relate to a committed partnership.

It might be necessary to work through some old betrayals or outdated beliefs that restrict the “free flow” of the kind of information you need.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
This week the Sun and Saturn highlight the need for a self-disciplined or a structured approach to updating your beliefs about love, your future, foreign adventures, and something liberating and expansive.

A structured, responsible, cautious, approach to money and resource management moves you in the direction of what’s most promising for you. That may involve your ability to be useful with regard to the use of enlightened, “rule-breaking methods” and routines.

An area of vulnerability and pain in your 5th house of love, creativity, and children may be the the result of old trauma or something hurtful or restrictive with regard to finances – or issues of control. It’s timely this week to take a closer look at what underlies and supports feelings of un-deservingness or financial fears. Ceres move into your 7th house of committed relationships and partnerships. You could be encouraged you to analyze the details closely and to be clear about you may be consider signing up for.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
Your 2nd house of financial and resource management is highlighted. Aquarius rules your 2nd house. This implies the need to go your own way and do your own thing when it comes amassing wealth, stabilizing, and aligning with your most natural way of being. The standard “rules” for financial success might not apply to you. Something more innovative, cutting-edge, authentic, and unusual may be closely aligned with your most natural inclinations.

It might be timely to take a deeper look into your true motivations. Your style and approach to life – or the need for change might be “up for review.” Something hurtful with regard to your home and family could be part of the current picture.

A self-disciplined approach is likely to move you in a very promising direction with regard to love, creativity, and romance. Ceres move into the sign of Gemini requires you to pay closer attention to the needs of co-workers, to analyze methods for efficiency, or to selectively infuse intuitive/enlightened work routines into your repertoire. Most of your challenges involve dealing with yourself, inner conflicts, and maybe sone hurt involving your home and family.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
This week the all-important first house – related to your style and approach to life and relationships – and your role within relationships is emphasized. You could experience a significant personal breakthrough – the result of abandoning some old rules that have restricted you in some regard.

It seems you’re being rewarded for maintaining your focus or working behind the scenes to uncover “secret” information that might be helpful to others. You seem driven to go above and beyond mere competence – into the realm of providing something enlightening or potentially life-changing. Promoting some important personal breakthrough or realizations may be part of your work routine.

Still it seems necessary to delve deeper into “hidden realms” to eliminate something toxic, guilt-ridden, outdated, or confusing with regard to your work and routines. Behind the scenes disciplined actions move you in the direction of what’s most promising for you. (A new home or more enlightened place to live may be the goal.

pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
This week your 12th house of what’s hidden, intuitive, boundary-less, magical, and filled with (artistic) potential not yet realized – is highlighted. You may be hurt by some restrictions, rules, or controlling mechanism within a group that prevents you from aligning with your most natural way of being. Your physical body and your connection to it could be highlighted in some regard.

It’s also true that self-discipline and focus supports a direction that’s most promising for you. This could involve something stabilizing that allows you to clarify what’s true for you, what’s true for your mother, or what’s true for your family.

Behind the scenes you may be breaking all the rules as you open new doors and possibilities for yourself – despite the vulnerability or pain involved. There’s something very powerful and transformative involved in a group activities and processes. You might want to delve deeper into the mysteries of what’s been liberating for you and your physical body.

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