We’re on the verge of a new beginning globally, socially, and with regard to individual relationships. Initiating something more balanced is empowered by this 13 degree Libra New Moon.
Mars conjuncts this new Moon. This involves a compromise that’s a struggle, a battle, a “fight to the death” for something that feels equitable, honorable, and in the end, heroic in some regard.
For some background it’s interesting that three major outer planets – Jupiter(freedom), Saturn (focus and restriction), and Pluto (major transformations) have been moving through their retrograde phases for several months. All three will shift into direct motion by Oct. 18th. On that day Mercury will also shift into direct motion. Cumulatively this is dramatic – a tidal shift in some regard -socially or on more personal levels.
Retrogrades allow for the slow evolution of social structures, consciousness, and the ripening o r maturation of relationships. Making this kind of progress has entailed, over the past several months, the personal strength to press forward despite some severe internal and external resistance/limitations that Saturn and Pluto retrograde are known to provide.
As a result we might be in a good position to take more courageous action and to move forward in a more balanced, fair, and equitable direction.
(Pluto moves into direct motion just hours after the culmination of this New Moon implying a super-powered, dramatic social shift.)
Uranus remains in retrograde motion until Jan 10, 2022. Now Uranus is demanding an adjustment that requires you to reconsider or reorder your values and priorities – to change what’s become routine or “second nature,” to “take the high road,” the path that feels most enlightened, unselfish, and to focus on what’s best for the group or humanity as a whole.
New Moon’s have reached their culmination point when the Sun and Moon unite. How you define yourself to yourself moves into alignment with your emotional self or your emotional needs. In a sense you’re moved into being “on the same page with yourself.” Then it becomes easier easier to solidify your power, in the absence of inner conflict, to promote change in a courageous, wholistic, and balanced way.
Saturn in Aquarius (retrograde) squares Vesta in the sign of Scorpio. You might be laser-focused on what’s going on beneath the surface and out-of-sight. The focus on a secret or what’s hidden becomes especially intriguing or obsessive. You might have experienced something similar in the past.
Safe passage through a crisis or challenge could depend on your ability to see the bigger picture. Making the best decision at a critical time might depend on broadening your perspective, looking at things you’ve missed, seeing the whole forest rather than just the trees – or in the case of a severely limited perspective – just one tree.
The Sabian symbol for this new Moon:
“After drinking a great deal of Champagne, tipsy party-goers entertain themselves by blowing soap bubbles.”
Letting go of constant efforts to define reality; re-structuring ones values to make life more livable and interesting; taking what people normally consider important as trivial – or what others consider trivial as most important: bursting people’s bubbles and getting them to lighten up: being socially sophisticated without losing one’s innocence or send of fun.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn RN., MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Within a marriage or committed relationship situation, your ability to move in a more balanced direction is likely to involve a few challenging but liberating adjustments. Those may involve a change in your values and priorities, a deliberate disruption to your normal routines, and maybe some change in the way you earn your income. Something more liberating and enlightening seems important especially if it involves moving the group or the masses in a better direction. Chiron, the wounded healer, requires some extra courage to make this new Moon work for you. It’s time to push through an area of vulnerability involving the courage to initiate something new. It’s time to make some challenging decisions. It’s time to fight for something more balanced.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The new Moon focus for Taurus highlights the 6th house of work, self-improvement, making yourself more useful to yourself – and others. If a sacrifice is involved you’ll want to make sure that it’s equally distributed. The same goes for your work-load and your relationship with co-workers. Make sure you’re not doing more than your share – or less than your share. Your current style and approach to life might involve a deep dive into what lies beneath the surface of some previous relationship “losses” or restrictions. It’s good to remain somewhat detached in a general sense – from everything. Feeling like you’re elevated “above the fray” might involve some sensory pleasures or indulgences that promote effortless healing. It’s likely your beliefs have been solidified and your ready to put them into action – possibly in a leadership capacity.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This new Moon highlights your 5th house of creative relationships and collaborations – love,, romance, children, and a playful approach. Uranus is suggesting that detachment from an old, outdated dream might support a more courageous or energetic approach to collaborative initiatives. Mercury is encouraging a careful re-consideration of what’s fair and equitable in love. Pluto’s move into direct motion a few hours after the culmination of the New Moon suggests a dramatic shift that empowers and accelerates your progress in a healing/liberating direction. Safe passage through a crisis or challenge could depend on your ability to see parts of the bigger picture you haven’t previously seen. Making the best decision at a critical time might depend on broadening your perspective and looking closely at things you’ve previously missed. If you feel like you might be arriving at a crisis point it could be time to step back and expand your perspective. There might be a lot more to consider than the small slice of reality that seems to be consuming most of your attention.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This week the new Moon in Libra highlights your 4th house. Family relationships and the past are emphasized. It might be time to consider the past from a more balanced perspective. Chiron requires you to push for something more balanced and to initiate something you might feel too vulnerable or afraid to initiate. This involves an old wound and pushing through regardless of the fear or vulnerability involved. Uranus demands a change in values and priorities with regard to your interest or dedication to group involvement. Moving the masses or the group in a better direction involves a detached, objective perspective – or some significant changes to your normal routines or approach. It’s likely two parts of yourself that have been disconnected or at odds for awhile will come together in a way that feels empowering. Moving forward in a wholistic way feels right. You may be benefit from a willingness to accept a hard truth related to love and the family.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This new Moon highlights your 3rd house of communication, promoting a more balanced verbal “give and take, arriving at a mutual decision through discussions, or promoting a fair and equitable process that most likely will involve a compromise. In order to make a collaboration work you might need to consider another’s emotional needs as well as what’s most important to them. To arrive at something balanced, and agreeable to both parties, a change in your professional routines, goals, priorities, or what comes most naturally to you might be required. A courageous new beginning agreeable to both parties might depend on an introspective process and some willingness to admit what’s true. A willingness to address the future and to make future plans might represent an area of vulnerability for you. It might be the right time to courageously push through and to believe in your power to confront the unknown – whatever that might involve – for the sake of love.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This new Moon beginning highlights your 2nd house of money, values, priorities, financial partners and partnerships. An old belief or routine related to building wealth, following the rules, or going along with some exploitative game because it’s been normalized and promoted might need to be reconsidered. Thinking in terms of a shared future fate and individual responsibility might be especially important for Virgo as it clarifies what’s most practical, critical and useful. Adjustments to your current perspective involve future priorities, your values, and your plans. Uranus is an enlightened, futuristic, perspective that can be adapted to fit the objectives of the group. Mercury retrograde encourages you to rethink and reconsider what you value most. An area of vulnerability needs to be pushed through. It’s related to courageously initiating an equitable financial partnership in order to wield more power.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This new Moon highlights your 1st house of your basic style and approach to life – something courageous and initiating possibly involving a collaborative effort or more balanced approach to your personal committed relationships. Some difficult adjustments may need to be made. Uranus seems to require an adjustment with regard to values and priorities when it comes to joint financial management and something more equitable and balanced on a personal level. Uranus seems to be pushing for an adjustment related to a break with the status quo and something corrupting or corrosive within the social environment. Something investigative may be required. You might need to find a way to support an enlightened social goal or the restoration of the public trust in some regard through an enlightened approach that gains some traction.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
A relationship with something or someone behind the scenes and out of sight is under review until Oct. 18th. A review of some old, dreamy, romantic, relationship beliefs may be underway. Something might need to be released with regard to the confusing or unrealistic way you think about balance and a stabilizing equal give and take. Uranus is suggesting some adjustments to the current relationship status quo based on Mercury’s ongoing review. Maybe you need to expect more and give less – or vice versa. Venus’s trek through Scorpio since Sep. 11th might have encouraged you to look within for some illuminating answers – probably with some encouraging results that will be revealed on Oct. 7th. It’s good to push through some fear re: a lack competence or the ability to demonstrate measurable improvement.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Something very promising within the realm of committed relationships – and with regard to future expansions depends on “keeping the faith” regular, updated, informative discussions, and a balanced give and take of ideas. This new Moon highlights friends, your social life, the group, and social support. Some adjustments may need to be made that involve the disruption of a status quo involving your work life, your health, or your values and priorities as they relate to your physical and mental health. Chiron suggests you may have some social vulnerabilities that need to be pushed through to restore – or newly create – a healthy balance. This week Venus transits over your ascendent. Your ability to attract a new and healthier relationship balance is strengthened. Your ability to attract a more balanced partnership is favored.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
This new Moon beginning highlights your 10th house of your professional/public life, your life direction, and status. Initiating something new with regard to your public role is indicated. but it will require some adjustments related to your values and priorities. This could involve something less self centered and more relationship focused – something highly creative, enlightened, and innovative that breaks through an old, stubborn, creative blockage. Pluto’s move into direction motion just hours after the culmination of the new Moon on Oct. 6th could signify the ability to move forward with confidence – the feeling that everything you need to support a new beginning or new idea has been solidified or set in place. Pushing through an area of vulnerability related to home and security is required.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
This week initiating a new, more balanced beginning involves the future, liberation, travel, expansion, and faith in your ability to manifest what you desire. A future plan could be solidified over the next couple weeks. Saturn in your 1st house since March 23rd, 2020 has strengthened you ability to deal with a restricted reality, to do the work, to focus on what you could accomplish, to figure out how manage restrictions – and even how to make those work in your favor. Things get easier this week – as of Oct. 11th. Adjustments need to made involving an old status quo related to your relationship with your home, family, and the past.
PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
This new Moon highlights your 8th house of mystery, what’s hidden beneath the surface, underlying motivations, and the deeper truths that may be revealed. This new Moon most likely involves financial relationships, stability, relationships in general, and something more fair, equitable, and soulfully satisfying. Adjustments might need to be made and internalized. These could involve your thoughts, ideas, and some old, inherited perspectives. The infusion of something more enlightened, less self-centered, more spiritually elevated, or compassionately healing, seems to be required. A focus on moving the group or masses in a better direction through love and kindness seems important. Something transformative has solidified with regard to group healing and group participation. Progress is now possible. It might feels powerful and life-changing.
Libra New Moon Horoscopes Oct. 3rd – 8th
We’re on the verge of a new beginning globally, socially, and with regard to individual relationships. Initiating something more balanced is empowered by this 13 degree Libra New Moon.
Mars conjuncts this new Moon. This involves a compromise that’s a struggle, a battle, a “fight to the death” for something that feels equitable, honorable, and in the end, heroic in some regard.
For some background it’s interesting that three major outer planets – Jupiter(freedom), Saturn (focus and restriction), and Pluto (major transformations) have been moving through their retrograde phases for several months. All three will shift into direct motion by Oct. 18th. On that day Mercury will also shift into direct motion. Cumulatively this is dramatic – a tidal shift in some regard -socially or on more personal levels.
Retrogrades allow for the slow evolution of social structures, consciousness, and the ripening o r maturation of relationships. Making this kind of progress has entailed, over the past several months, the personal strength to press forward despite some severe internal and external resistance/limitations that Saturn and Pluto retrograde are known to provide.
As a result we might be in a good position to take more courageous action and to move forward in a more balanced, fair, and equitable direction.
(Pluto moves into direct motion just hours after the culmination of this New Moon implying a super-powered, dramatic social shift.)
Uranus remains in retrograde motion until Jan 10, 2022. Now Uranus is demanding an adjustment that requires you to reconsider or reorder your values and priorities – to change what’s become routine or “second nature,” to “take the high road,” the path that feels most enlightened, unselfish, and to focus on what’s best for the group or humanity as a whole.
New Moon’s have reached their culmination point when the Sun and Moon unite. How you define yourself to yourself moves into alignment with your emotional self or your emotional needs. In a sense you’re moved into being “on the same page with yourself.” Then it becomes easier easier to solidify your power, in the absence of inner conflict, to promote change in a courageous, wholistic, and balanced way.
Saturn in Aquarius (retrograde) squares Vesta in the sign of Scorpio. You might be laser-focused on what’s going on beneath the surface and out-of-sight. The focus on a secret or what’s hidden becomes especially intriguing or obsessive. You might have experienced something similar in the past.
Safe passage through a crisis or challenge could depend on your ability to see the bigger picture. Making the best decision at a critical time might depend on broadening your perspective, looking at things you’ve missed, seeing the whole forest rather than just the trees – or in the case of a severely limited perspective – just one tree.
The Sabian symbol for this new Moon:
“After drinking a great deal of Champagne, tipsy party-goers entertain themselves by blowing soap bubbles.”
Letting go of constant efforts to define reality; re-structuring ones values to make life more livable and interesting; taking what people normally consider important as trivial – or what others consider trivial as most important: bursting people’s bubbles and getting them to lighten up: being socially sophisticated without losing one’s innocence or send of fun.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn RN., MS
Professional Astrologer
Certified Astro-Cartography Practitioner
Nurse Master Herbalist
Registered Yoga Teacher
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Within a marriage or committed relationship situation, your ability to move in a more balanced direction is likely to involve a few challenging but liberating adjustments. Those may involve a change in your values and priorities, a deliberate disruption to your normal routines, and maybe some change in the way you earn your income. Something more liberating and enlightening seems important especially if it involves moving the group or the masses in a better direction. Chiron, the wounded healer, requires some extra courage to make this new Moon work for you. It’s time to push through an area of vulnerability involving the courage to initiate something new. It’s time to make some challenging decisions. It’s time to fight for something more balanced.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The new Moon focus for Taurus highlights the 6th house of work, self-improvement, making yourself more useful to yourself – and others. If a sacrifice is involved you’ll want to make sure that it’s equally distributed. The same goes for your work-load and your relationship with co-workers. Make sure you’re not doing more than your share – or less than your share. Your current style and approach to life might involve a deep dive into what lies beneath the surface of some previous relationship “losses” or restrictions. It’s good to remain somewhat detached in a general sense – from everything. Feeling like you’re elevated “above the fray” might involve some sensory pleasures or indulgences that promote effortless healing. It’s likely your beliefs have been solidified and your ready to put them into action – possibly in a leadership capacity.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This new Moon highlights your 5th house of creative relationships and collaborations – love,, romance, children, and a playful approach. Uranus is suggesting that detachment from an old, outdated dream might support a more courageous or energetic approach to collaborative initiatives. Mercury is encouraging a careful re-consideration of what’s fair and equitable in love. Pluto’s move into direct motion a few hours after the culmination of the New Moon suggests a dramatic shift that empowers and accelerates your progress in a healing/liberating direction. Safe passage through a crisis or challenge could depend on your ability to see parts of the bigger picture you haven’t previously seen. Making the best decision at a critical time might depend on broadening your perspective and looking closely at things you’ve previously missed. If you feel like you might be arriving at a crisis point it could be time to step back and expand your perspective. There might be a lot more to consider than the small slice of reality that seems to be consuming most of your attention.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This week the new Moon in Libra highlights your 4th house. Family relationships and the past are emphasized. It might be time to consider the past from a more balanced perspective. Chiron requires you to push for something more balanced and to initiate something you might feel too vulnerable or afraid to initiate. This involves an old wound and pushing through regardless of the fear or vulnerability involved. Uranus demands a change in values and priorities with regard to your interest or dedication to group involvement. Moving the masses or the group in a better direction involves a detached, objective perspective – or some significant changes to your normal routines or approach. It’s likely two parts of yourself that have been disconnected or at odds for awhile will come together in a way that feels empowering. Moving forward in a wholistic way feels right. You may be benefit from a willingness to accept a hard truth related to love and the family.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This new Moon highlights your 3rd house of communication, promoting a more balanced verbal “give and take, arriving at a mutual decision through discussions, or promoting a fair and equitable process that most likely will involve a compromise. In order to make a collaboration work you might need to consider another’s emotional needs as well as what’s most important to them. To arrive at something balanced, and agreeable to both parties, a change in your professional routines, goals, priorities, or what comes most naturally to you might be required. A courageous new beginning agreeable to both parties might depend on an introspective process and some willingness to admit what’s true. A willingness to address the future and to make future plans might represent an area of vulnerability for you. It might be the right time to courageously push through and to believe in your power to confront the unknown – whatever that might involve – for the sake of love.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
This new Moon beginning highlights your 2nd house of money, values, priorities, financial partners and partnerships. An old belief or routine related to building wealth, following the rules, or going along with some exploitative game because it’s been normalized and promoted might need to be reconsidered. Thinking in terms of a shared future fate and individual responsibility might be especially important for Virgo as it clarifies what’s most practical, critical and useful. Adjustments to your current perspective involve future priorities, your values, and your plans. Uranus is an enlightened, futuristic, perspective that can be adapted to fit the objectives of the group. Mercury retrograde encourages you to rethink and reconsider what you value most. An area of vulnerability needs to be pushed through. It’s related to courageously initiating an equitable financial partnership in order to wield more power.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
This new Moon highlights your 1st house of your basic style and approach to life – something courageous and initiating possibly involving a collaborative effort or more balanced approach to your personal committed relationships. Some difficult adjustments may need to be made. Uranus seems to require an adjustment with regard to values and priorities when it comes to joint financial management and something more equitable and balanced on a personal level. Uranus seems to be pushing for an adjustment related to a break with the status quo and something corrupting or corrosive within the social environment. Something investigative may be required. You might need to find a way to support an enlightened social goal or the restoration of the public trust in some regard through an enlightened approach that gains some traction.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
A relationship with something or someone behind the scenes and out of sight is under review until Oct. 18th. A review of some old, dreamy, romantic, relationship beliefs may be underway. Something might need to be released with regard to the confusing or unrealistic way you think about balance and a stabilizing equal give and take. Uranus is suggesting some adjustments to the current relationship status quo based on Mercury’s ongoing review. Maybe you need to expect more and give less – or vice versa. Venus’s trek through Scorpio since Sep. 11th might have encouraged you to look within for some illuminating answers – probably with some encouraging results that will be revealed on Oct. 7th. It’s good to push through some fear re: a lack competence or the ability to demonstrate measurable improvement.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Something very promising within the realm of committed relationships – and with regard to future expansions depends on “keeping the faith” regular, updated, informative discussions, and a balanced give and take of ideas. This new Moon highlights friends, your social life, the group, and social support. Some adjustments may need to be made that involve the disruption of a status quo involving your work life, your health, or your values and priorities as they relate to your physical and mental health. Chiron suggests you may have some social vulnerabilities that need to be pushed through to restore – or newly create – a healthy balance. This week Venus transits over your ascendent. Your ability to attract a new and healthier relationship balance is strengthened. Your ability to attract a more balanced partnership is favored.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)
This new Moon beginning highlights your 10th house of your professional/public life, your life direction, and status. Initiating something new with regard to your public role is indicated. but it will require some adjustments related to your values and priorities. This could involve something less self centered and more relationship focused – something highly creative, enlightened, and innovative that breaks through an old, stubborn, creative blockage. Pluto’s move into direction motion just hours after the culmination of the new Moon on Oct. 6th could signify the ability to move forward with confidence – the feeling that everything you need to support a new beginning or new idea has been solidified or set in place. Pushing through an area of vulnerability related to home and security is required.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 21)
This week initiating a new, more balanced beginning involves the future, liberation, travel, expansion, and faith in your ability to manifest what you desire. A future plan could be solidified over the next couple weeks. Saturn in your 1st house since March 23rd, 2020 has strengthened you ability to deal with a restricted reality, to do the work, to focus on what you could accomplish, to figure out how manage restrictions – and even how to make those work in your favor. Things get easier this week – as of Oct. 11th. Adjustments need to made involving an old status quo related to your relationship with your home, family, and the past.
PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
This new Moon highlights your 8th house of mystery, what’s hidden beneath the surface, underlying motivations, and the deeper truths that may be revealed. This new Moon most likely involves financial relationships, stability, relationships in general, and something more fair, equitable, and soulfully satisfying. Adjustments might need to be made and internalized. These could involve your thoughts, ideas, and some old, inherited perspectives. The infusion of something more enlightened, less self-centered, more spiritually elevated, or compassionately healing, seems to be required. A focus on moving the group or masses in a better direction through love and kindness seems important. Something transformative has solidified with regard to group healing and group participation. Progress is now possible. It might feels powerful and life-changing.
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