Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus indicating an easy, almost unconscious, process of integration. Letting go of what you once valued and prioritized is seamless as you gracefully shift into a new phase.
Tomorrow at around 1:30 PM EST, Mercury (the messenger) transits out of the authoritative, limiting, success-driven sign of Capricorn into the rebellious, independent, socially conscious sign of Aquarius. This triggers the beginning of a break up of the stellium (grouping) of six Capricorn planets influencing one specific area of your life experience. Slowly the heaviness and restriction begins to subside.
Mercury’s square to Uranus in Taurus implies that information received is somewhat surprising and maybe challenging to accept. Ideas thrown into the mix may unsettle the status quo, long-held traditions, values, and foundations that once felt reliable and supportive.
The nature of incoming information and communication may be freeing. Something more radical, humane, or rebellious, is implied. What resonates globally or within your own world may feel interesting or exciting We’re drawn to conversations with reformers, visionaries, and the like-minded. Groups efforts move us into the future as it becomes more obvious that the past and old ways of viewing the world have run their course. What was once effective and essential may no longer be. This week we’re called to act on unusual and promising idea or opportunities
On Thursday Mercury in Aquarius makes contact with Chiron in ways that are potentially healing. What we have not been able to identify as an old wound or vulnerability – or what we have not been able to identify as a collectively wounding factor – is clarified or more precisely defined. What is newly understood sets us free to effectively work around weaknesses in the system – or to eliminate them.
Pallas enters the sign of Capricorn on Saturday, Jan 18th. The Capricorn warrior goddess influence has an organized, realistic, intelligent plan for controlling a personal or collective menace. She’s a force to be reckoned with in a war of ideas, or a battle for the soul of a person, enterprise, country, etc. Her strategies are filled with wisdom born of experience. From an elevated position Pallas sees the “lay of the land” and strategizes to protect what’s of lasting value. She’s a model you’ll be able to emulate in some regard this week.
The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on Monday, Jan 20th at 9:55 AM Eastern time. The Sun’s energy is absorbed into anything resembling Aquarian qualities. The part of you that wants to express a unique or rebellious side of yourself is empowered to do so. Enlightened ideas are generated and welcomed into the fold. Opportunities to promote change, upgrades, and updates are prevalent. An urge to break through blockages to progress is (highly) energized.
For the next month Aquarians will feel that finally the world is on the same page with them. Everyone is more willing to be the outsider or agitator, more open to revealing, developing, highlighting or appreciating their most unique qualities. For Taurus and Scorpio (maybe Leo as well) Feb. 20th and the Pisces season can’t come soon enough. But for Gemini and Libra your path through life is eased and becomes more interesting.
Thanks, as always, for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week the energy moves into your 11th house of friends, allies, social situations, and group activities. Professional achievements may need to be fortified by those likely to support your efforts. You may need to be strategic about the things you say or share. Saying whatever crosses your mind may not work in your favor. There is some chronic vulnerability or lack of confidence related to your physical body, initiating new things, following your instincts, or to attempts to make a significant impact on the world. This week you might gain some insight into the source of that vulnerability. As a result you may be better able to manage it effectively. For the sake of your life’s central purpose it’s important to nourish the part of you that seeks to create a comforting, beautiful, magical retreat or safe haven for yourself within your home or family.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The Aquarian season is typically challenging for Taurus. Change, breaking through blockages to progress, and subsequent chaos is highly energized. This can be hard for Taurus who may be deeply connected to the past, creature comforts, and the nourishing rhythms of old, familiar routines. Contradictions are highlighted this week. What’s emphasized is your public role and your “public face.” The public may see you as an electrifying force for unusual ideas, freedom of expression, entertaining antics, and exciting leadership. We can count one you to add something shocking, libertine, or free-thinking into the conversation. But privately you may feel restricted or confined. It may be time for you to advance a brilliant strategy for gaining more independence and personal freedom at home or within the family.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This week it may be necessary to employ new strategies for dealing with something bigger, more expansive, or potentially overwhelming. Taking the wisdom you’ve learned about dealing with reality, organization, patience, and conquering fear serves you well as you head into the next phase. What’s energized now are your most unique and brilliant tendencies/talents, your desire to be free and more independent as you engage with foreign ideas/cultures/environments, and beliefs. Teaching, humor, publishing, and adventurous travel may take center stage. A wound related to feeling different from the rest may be clarified. In fact you may find a group that resonates with you. Or you may be able to use your outsider status to advance your interests. What’s most important for keeping you the track with your essential life purpose is to stay sensitized and emotionally attuned to the messages your physical body gives you.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This week you may be gifted with brilliant/creative ideas, strategies, and expressions that move you beyond the usual formats, protocols, and rules that apply to (financial) partnerships. Something more exciting, futuristic, effective, and lucrative is energized. But it may involve a challenging personal transformation that sets you free. On psychological/emotional levels digging deeper for answers has the potential to empower you and a financial partnership. Methods that stimulate transformations may be way outside the box of what would normally be considered. But Aquarius changes that game. Futuristic methods, ancient techniques, and magic may be useful. An old vulnerability is clarified in ways that allow you to more effectively work around it. Success may depend on your ability to embrace what most authentic and unique about you and your partner. A financial partnership known for its maverick-y, “ahead of its time” qualities could be a distinguishing advantage.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
This week the energy, focus, and strategies you’ve applied for the past month toward improving your work methods, your work environment, and your health shifts into the realm of relationships. A different focus on marriage, partnerships, significant others, and the “other” in general allows you to apply strategies and to experiment with ideas that are unusual, brilliant, or unique to you. You may welcome an opportunity to reassess values and priorities and to connect with what you love. You’re free to freelance while playing a loving, entertaining, brilliantly supportive role – a role you may have been born to play. It’s time limited so extract all you can from the week at hand. Compassion, emotional connection, alone time, and healing activities move you closer to your life’s central purpose. A partner may shock you into re-considering your current values and priorities.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Furthering your life purpose may involve an emotional engagement with disadvantaged groups and a push for change. A leadership role is implied. But any emotional connection to friends, allies, community causes, or social situations might be personally rewarding and clarifying. It seems you have inborn organizational talent, creativity, and know-how that allows you to move groups/society in a more just/humane direction. This week you might consider initiating a public service that revolves around doing something you love to do. Gaining more independence and freedom within a work situation seems important. You will be generating too many (brilliant) ideas to be restrained by the “authorities.” You know a better way to improve your work situation and your health but it may not conform to the usual protocols. This week you have the opportunity to clarify the source of an old source of vulnerability and to employ more unusual methods for working around it.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
The week begins on a graceful note as you ease your way forward into something that feels like creative freedom and independence. Something that used to feel essential may no longer. Smart strategies involving learning, teaching, connecting, publishing, or legal maneuvering may no longer be necessary. The focus changes. Now the challenge might involve strategies that move you through restrictive patterns involving the past, home, family, and security/financial developments. Emotions may need to be strictly controlled as you employ an organized, committed, dispassionate approach to winning a battle or achieving your goal. Sun/Mercury’s moves into Aquarius highlights a more enthusiastic expression of your most unique/unusual talents. Traveling may be an option. Finding a like-minded group that supports your futuristic leanings is important. Finding a group that celebrates your most unique contribution may be a priority. The identification or clarification of a vulnerability within the realm of relationships potentially increases the effectiveness of your role.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Venus in your 5th house of love and Uranus in your 7th house of relationships looks exciting and promising. A commitment may be wise as it’s most likely infused with a most authentic kind of love. It’s unlikely you would be disappointed. Developments feel uplifting and encouraging. There may be some shocking conversations this week involving home, family, security or the location and structure of your home. Old ideas are challenged. Something experimental, freer, unusual, or outside the realm of what you’d consider normal within the domestic part of your life can be considered. It might be wise to consider refreshing options. It might be necessary to accommodate something less conventional or predictable. Staying on track with your life’s central purpose may involve foreign countries, travel, or situations that can make you feel like a fish out of water – temporarily. But it might be exactly what you need.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Current strategies involving teaching, learning, organizing and preparing a plan move into the next phase. What’s next involves the challenging part – money, commitment, organizing, scheduling, the specifics, and doing the actual work. You’ll move through that intelligently/brilliantly to the extent you’re willing to do it your own way. Something freeing or experimental can be exciting. Ideas generated are original and unusual. They promote new connections and new thought. Something healing or clarifying stimulates creativity and new ways to express your most unique qualities and interests. Doing it differently is your strength. Being open minded and willing to learn opens doors that might be worth the initial investment of time. For now furthering your life purpose may involve an emotional sensitivity to the need for personal transformations through gaining access to hidden information.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
This week your focus shifts from organizing and managing your approach to work, new situations, and possibly heavy responsibility, into the realm of finances and wealth – what you own, what it’s worth, what you’re worth, and the possibility of managing your resources in new, unorthodox ways. New, “out-side the box” ideas may be applied. Financial freedom for you may be a goal whose time has come. Old vulnerabilities and wounds may be clarified. Fears surrounding your security may have confined you to playing by the rules or refusing to venture outside the realm of the general consensus or what you were taught. It may be time to test the waters, to re-assess your values, to consider updated, unusual, futuristic ideas and ways of managing your resources. Pay attention to thoughts along these lines that hit you out of the blue. Venus is likely to give you a gift that comes in the form of information or an enlightened idea.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
“Out of the dark and into the light rather suddenly” is a metaphor for what you might you might experience this week. What has been hazy or unfocused could be clarified. Your physical body is energized and challenged to adjust to a higher level of energy and vibration. Suddenly after a period of being pleasantly disconnected from the truth or full reality of a situation you’re brought face-face with it. You may be seeing things you didn’t want to see – or were afraid to see. The Sun’s impending move into your 1st house (next Monday) is a courageous placement signifying a new beginning. It may be the right time to ask the hard question or to introduce something disruptive or enlightening (the truth) into a conversation you initiate. Avoidance may no longer be necessary. The truth sets you free.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Following your instincts advantages you this week. Venus in Pisces in your 1st house is a powerful by subtle attracting influence. Magically you draw to yourself the ideas, connections, or potential mates you can love. Secrets may be revealed – but they’re most likely good ones that heal you in some regard. Big problems seem to dissolve and resolve. Problems or tasks that once seemed overwhelming may seem very doable this week. Strategies and plans involving your profession and career – plans involving teaching, travel, expansion, and better understanding move into the next phase. Now it may be time to get organized, practical, and specific about what you will do with a group that may be coalescing under your leadership or under your wing.
Horoscopes for the Week of Jan. 15th – 21st
Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus indicating an easy, almost unconscious, process of integration. Letting go of what you once valued and prioritized is seamless as you gracefully shift into a new phase.
Tomorrow at around 1:30 PM EST, Mercury (the messenger) transits out of the authoritative, limiting, success-driven sign of Capricorn into the rebellious, independent, socially conscious sign of Aquarius. This triggers the beginning of a break up of the stellium (grouping) of six Capricorn planets influencing one specific area of your life experience. Slowly the heaviness and restriction begins to subside.
Mercury’s square to Uranus in Taurus implies that information received is somewhat surprising and maybe challenging to accept. Ideas thrown into the mix may unsettle the status quo, long-held traditions, values, and foundations that once felt reliable and supportive.
The nature of incoming information and communication may be freeing. Something more radical, humane, or rebellious, is implied. What resonates globally or within your own world may feel interesting or exciting We’re drawn to conversations with reformers, visionaries, and the like-minded. Groups efforts move us into the future as it becomes more obvious that the past and old ways of viewing the world have run their course. What was once effective and essential may no longer be. This week we’re called to act on unusual and promising idea or opportunities
On Thursday Mercury in Aquarius makes contact with Chiron in ways that are potentially healing. What we have not been able to identify as an old wound or vulnerability – or what we have not been able to identify as a collectively wounding factor – is clarified or more precisely defined. What is newly understood sets us free to effectively work around weaknesses in the system – or to eliminate them.
Pallas enters the sign of Capricorn on Saturday, Jan 18th. The Capricorn warrior goddess influence has an organized, realistic, intelligent plan for controlling a personal or collective menace. She’s a force to be reckoned with in a war of ideas, or a battle for the soul of a person, enterprise, country, etc. Her strategies are filled with wisdom born of experience. From an elevated position Pallas sees the “lay of the land” and strategizes to protect what’s of lasting value. She’s a model you’ll be able to emulate in some regard this week.
The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on Monday, Jan 20th at 9:55 AM Eastern time. The Sun’s energy is absorbed into anything resembling Aquarian qualities. The part of you that wants to express a unique or rebellious side of yourself is empowered to do so. Enlightened ideas are generated and welcomed into the fold. Opportunities to promote change, upgrades, and updates are prevalent. An urge to break through blockages to progress is (highly) energized.
For the next month Aquarians will feel that finally the world is on the same page with them. Everyone is more willing to be the outsider or agitator, more open to revealing, developing, highlighting or appreciating their most unique qualities. For Taurus and Scorpio (maybe Leo as well) Feb. 20th and the Pisces season can’t come soon enough. But for Gemini and Libra your path through life is eased and becomes more interesting.
Thanks, as always, for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week the energy moves into your 11th house of friends, allies, social situations, and group activities. Professional achievements may need to be fortified by those likely to support your efforts. You may need to be strategic about the things you say or share. Saying whatever crosses your mind may not work in your favor. There is some chronic vulnerability or lack of confidence related to your physical body, initiating new things, following your instincts, or to attempts to make a significant impact on the world. This week you might gain some insight into the source of that vulnerability. As a result you may be better able to manage it effectively. For the sake of your life’s central purpose it’s important to nourish the part of you that seeks to create a comforting, beautiful, magical retreat or safe haven for yourself within your home or family.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The Aquarian season is typically challenging for Taurus. Change, breaking through blockages to progress, and subsequent chaos is highly energized. This can be hard for Taurus who may be deeply connected to the past, creature comforts, and the nourishing rhythms of old, familiar routines. Contradictions are highlighted this week. What’s emphasized is your public role and your “public face.” The public may see you as an electrifying force for unusual ideas, freedom of expression, entertaining antics, and exciting leadership. We can count one you to add something shocking, libertine, or free-thinking into the conversation. But privately you may feel restricted or confined. It may be time for you to advance a brilliant strategy for gaining more independence and personal freedom at home or within the family.
This week it may be necessary to employ new strategies for dealing with something bigger, more expansive, or potentially overwhelming. Taking the wisdom you’ve learned about dealing with reality, organization, patience, and conquering fear serves you well as you head into the next phase. What’s energized now are your most unique and brilliant tendencies/talents, your desire to be free and more independent as you engage with foreign ideas/cultures/environments, and beliefs. Teaching, humor, publishing, and adventurous travel may take center stage. A wound related to feeling different from the rest may be clarified. In fact you may find a group that resonates with you. Or you may be able to use your outsider status to advance your interests. What’s most important for keeping you the track with your essential life purpose is to stay sensitized and emotionally attuned to the messages your physical body gives you.
This week you may be gifted with brilliant/creative ideas, strategies, and expressions that move you beyond the usual formats, protocols, and rules that apply to (financial) partnerships. Something more exciting, futuristic, effective, and lucrative is energized. But it may involve a challenging personal transformation that sets you free. On psychological/emotional levels digging deeper for answers has the potential to empower you and a financial partnership. Methods that stimulate transformations may be way outside the box of what would normally be considered. But Aquarius changes that game. Futuristic methods, ancient techniques, and magic may be useful. An old vulnerability is clarified in ways that allow you to more effectively work around it. Success may depend on your ability to embrace what most authentic and unique about you and your partner. A financial partnership known for its maverick-y, “ahead of its time” qualities could be a distinguishing advantage.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)

This week the energy, focus, and strategies you’ve applied for the past month toward improving your work methods, your work environment, and your health shifts into the realm of relationships. A different focus on marriage, partnerships, significant others, and the “other” in general allows you to apply strategies and to experiment with ideas that are unusual, brilliant, or unique to you. You may welcome an opportunity to reassess values and priorities and to connect with what you love. You’re free to freelance while playing a loving, entertaining, brilliantly supportive role – a role you may have been born to play. It’s time limited so extract all you can from the week at hand. Compassion, emotional connection, alone time, and healing activities move you closer to your life’s central purpose. A partner may shock you into re-considering your current values and priorities.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Furthering your life purpose may involve an emotional engagement with disadvantaged groups and a push for change. A leadership role is implied. But any emotional connection to friends, allies, community causes, or social situations might be personally rewarding and clarifying. It seems you have inborn organizational talent, creativity, and know-how that allows you to move groups/society in a more just/humane direction. This week you might consider initiating a public service that revolves around doing something you love to do. Gaining more independence and freedom within a work situation seems important. You will be generating too many (brilliant) ideas to be restrained by the “authorities.” You know a better way to improve your work situation and your health but it may not conform to the usual protocols. This week you have the opportunity to clarify the source of an old source of vulnerability and to employ more unusual methods for working around it.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
The week begins on a graceful note as you ease your way forward into something that feels like creative freedom and independence. Something that used to feel essential may no longer. Smart strategies involving learning, teaching, connecting, publishing, or legal maneuvering may no longer be necessary. The focus changes. Now the challenge might involve strategies that move you through restrictive patterns involving the past, home, family, and security/financial developments. Emotions may need to be strictly controlled as you employ an organized, committed, dispassionate approach to winning a battle or achieving your goal. Sun/Mercury’s moves into Aquarius highlights a more enthusiastic expression of your most unique/unusual talents. Traveling may be an option. Finding a like-minded group that supports your futuristic leanings is important. Finding a group that celebrates your most unique contribution may be a priority. The identification or clarification of a vulnerability within the realm of relationships potentially increases the effectiveness of your role.
Venus in your 5th house of love and Uranus in your 7th house of relationships looks exciting and promising. A commitment may be wise as it’s most likely infused with a most authentic kind of love. It’s unlikely you would be disappointed. Developments feel uplifting and encouraging. There may be some shocking conversations this week involving home, family, security or the location and structure of your home. Old ideas are challenged. Something experimental, freer, unusual, or outside the realm of what you’d consider normal within the domestic part of your life can be considered. It might be wise to consider refreshing options. It might be necessary to accommodate something less conventional or predictable. Staying on track with your life’s central purpose may involve foreign countries, travel, or situations that can make you feel like a fish out of water – temporarily. But it might be exactly what you need.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Current strategies involving teaching, learning, organizing and preparing a plan move into the next phase. What’s next involves the challenging part – money, commitment, organizing, scheduling, the specifics, and doing the actual work. You’ll move through that intelligently/brilliantly to the extent you’re willing to do it your own way. Something freeing or experimental can be exciting. Ideas generated are original and unusual. They promote new connections and new thought. Something healing or clarifying stimulates creativity and new ways to express your most unique qualities and interests. Doing it differently is your strength. Being open minded and willing to learn opens doors that might be worth the initial investment of time. For now furthering your life purpose may involve an emotional sensitivity to the need for personal transformations through gaining access to hidden information.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
This week your focus shifts from organizing and managing your approach to work, new situations, and possibly heavy responsibility, into the realm of finances and wealth – what you own, what it’s worth, what you’re worth, and the possibility of managing your resources in new, unorthodox ways. New, “out-side the box” ideas may be applied. Financial freedom for you may be a goal whose time has come. Old vulnerabilities and wounds may be clarified. Fears surrounding your security may have confined you to playing by the rules or refusing to venture outside the realm of the general consensus or what you were taught. It may be time to test the waters, to re-assess your values, to consider updated, unusual, futuristic ideas and ways of managing your resources. Pay attention to thoughts along these lines that hit you out of the blue. Venus is likely to give you a gift that comes in the form of information or an enlightened idea.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)

“Out of the dark and into the light rather suddenly” is a metaphor for what you might you might experience this week. What has been hazy or unfocused could be clarified. Your physical body is energized and challenged to adjust to a higher level of energy and vibration. Suddenly after a period of being pleasantly disconnected from the truth or full reality of a situation you’re brought face-face with it. You may be seeing things you didn’t want to see – or were afraid to see. The Sun’s impending move into your 1st house (next Monday) is a courageous placement signifying a new beginning. It may be the right time to ask the hard question or to introduce something disruptive or enlightening (the truth) into a conversation you initiate. Avoidance may no longer be necessary. The truth sets you free.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Following your instincts advantages you this week. Venus in Pisces in your 1st house is a powerful by subtle attracting influence. Magically you draw to yourself the ideas, connections, or potential mates you can love. Secrets may be revealed – but they’re most likely good ones that heal you in some regard. Big problems seem to dissolve and resolve. Problems or tasks that once seemed overwhelming may seem very doable this week. Strategies and plans involving your profession and career – plans involving teaching, travel, expansion, and better understanding move into the next phase. Now it may be time to get organized, practical, and specific about what you will do with a group that may be coalescing under your leadership or under your wing.
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