Horoscopes for the Week of April 10th – 16th

There’s a lot going on in the sky this week. The main event is Jupiter’s turn into retrograde motion. This will encourage you to rethink an idea or area of expansion you might have been entertaining or tentatively decided upon around the end of February. Any retrograde tends to deepen your level of engagement and focus while giving you better access to what lies beneath and within.

Rather than reconsidering or doubting your direction you might choose to delve deeper while deciding to eliminate distractions. Or you might be ending a process of unraveling or undoing that was triggered in November of last year.

A Jupiter cycle lasts twelve years. Jupiter transits through each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac for one year. Jupiter moved into its current sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 9th of last year. At that time you may have thought about expanding in a new direction or introducing something more.

Sagittarius is Jupiter’s “home sign.” He’s very comfortable and expresses powerfully in Sagittarius. He’s enthusiastic and freeing. But being set free is not always a welcomed thing. Sometimes we’re set free of something or someone we loved. Setting you free to grow in a new direction is the point.

Urges to overdo, exaggerate, expand, explore, travel, publish, and to be more “educated” have been in play for about five months. Restlessness sets in when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius. Now he will be retrograding at 24 degrees of Sagittarius for almost a month.

This degree lies close to the galactic core so important information for humanity is being broadcast on a wavelength we might pick up. In the words of someone whose name I forget, we can now “penetrate the veneer of the rational and enter into the chaos of creation.” Our mind is encouraged to deepen in ways that promote understanding. Growth necessitates ongoing adjustments and updates.

The last time Jupiter retrograded in the sign of Sagittarius was in 2007. (I think I learned how to ski that year). The last time Jupiter retrograded at 24 degrees of Sagittarius was in 1936.

There seems to be some kind of a healing influence accompanying Jupiter’s change in direction. It embodies the healing process of Scorpio. It’s about a release of “poison” or working with something toxic that becomes effective medicine.

Vision quests and deeper levels of honesty are highlighted. If you have a personal planet at the 24th degree of Sagittarius or, to a lesser extent, at any degree of Sagittarius, expect this to be a period of significance regarding your life direction.

Also happening this week is the warrior-like Aries Sun’s harsh and challenging aspect to Saturn, Pluto, and the Nodes. We can expect some solar-fueled (ego-driven) power struggles, restrictions that are boldly challenged, “make or break” turning points, and clarification.

Venus in the dreamy sign of Pisces aligns with Neptune making things even dreamier – or more uplifting and transcendent. But the dream does seems real. Saturn is providing some nice grounding.

Mercury squares Jupiter bringing up something (an idea maybe) from the past (late February 2019).

Venus trines the North Node on Saturday. This is an easy merge onto a path that embodies your life’s purpose.

And on Sunday the feisty Aries Sun trines Jupiter retrograde while Venus sextiles Pluto. This looks like an opportunity to make a difference – to transform the nature of a relationship in a positive direction. A lucky break could materialize.

On Tuesday Mercury moves from the hazy sign of Pisces into the clarifying sign of Aires. A stark clarification or demarcation is triggered.

Thanks for reading and have a great week,


Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675


ARIES (March 21-April 21)
You may be feeling especially dynamic, alive, courageous, and willing to “go for it” at the moment. A clarification of how your most natural approach to life melds well with your potential for great success builds confidence and may feel enlivening and motivating. Keeping yourself updated while moving away from something old and toxic allows you to move onto the kind of solid ground that will support your most ambitious and cherished aims. Reconsidering your future direction in light of doing something that brings you joy may be easier now that Jupiter has moved into retrograde motion in your 9th house. Deeper levels of “inner” exploration may feel like fertile territory for something that will engage both your nurturing and artistic talents. Teaching and publishing opportunities may be outgrowths of ideas and plans you’re currently entertaining. It may be time to expand your vision of what success looks like to you. Chances are it’s something bigger than you were previously able to imagine.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
For Taurus, the courageous warrior Sun in your twelfth house of all things hidden and mysterious is providing some potential clarification regarding health issues and a return to balance. Old familiar patterns within relationships, with health issues, an approach to work, and the way you identify responsibilities that belong to you are ripe for change. It’s hard to let go of old patterns and expectations, but you may be getting some signals that it’s time and some invisible assistance this week. More clarification and information surfaces along with the power to undercut and undermine what is toxic. Alone time is valuable. This week being alone with your thoughts and your breath is the most interesting and potentially fertile place to be. Venus conjunct Neptune brings to life a beautiful friendship, a beautiful dream, or the ability to further develop a friendship with invisible sources of strength and support. A loving ancestor may be waiting in the wings to provide you with something fundamentally enlivening. It’s time to reach out in the interest of making life much easier.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Something involving the mysterious, hidden, subconscious, psychic realm of your life is being awakened, unsettled, and thrown into the kind of chaos that is especially fertile ground for new innovations and creative self-expression. Inspiration and flashes of insight may be hitting you more often. You may feel some free-floating anxiety and be unable to pinpoint the source. Or you may experience some disruptions involving your health, routines, and work life that reflect the ongoing invisible destabilization. You may be uncertain in ways you’ve never previously been uncertain. Again – this is a fertile development. Your relationship with yourself (and others) is invited into deeper realms. Trying to sustain what you always have becomes impossible. You have less control over this “update and download” than you would like. But it looks to be moving you in an exciting direction. Throw some stuff out this week and pay more attention to subtle indicators.

CANCER (June 21-July)
The Sun is activating your courage to aim high and to move your life in a direction that feels energizing, enlivening, and challenging. A clarification from a philosophical point of view regarding the nature of work, your health, and the responsibilities you agree to take on, takes you into deeper levels. The price you pay to do what you do and to sustain what your sustaining may be too high. The issue is a dynamic pull away from old patterns, sources of familiarity, and security. Opening your mind to something different is the first step to achieving an unprecedented inner peace with the kind of relationship arrangements you will tolerate. You may have a choice to make this week. It looks like the choice between following familiar patterns of restriction within the realm of relationships (a pattern that’s been role-moodeled for you) and something more courageous and independent. You may be charged with breaking the bonds of a long lineage of “unhappy couplings.” And you may now have the courage to aim higher despite the fear you’ve inherited.

LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
Highly activated this week (and for the next two) is expansion, something more adventurous, and the need to open your mind to something less familiar and predictable. Old mental patterns continue to replay themselves cutting deeper and deeper grooves into what becomes more and more difficult to change. Mentally it’s time to move out of your comfort zone and into something more exciting and less predictable. It’s time to loosen your grip on resistance. You may be getting a few messages along those lines. Philosophically you may be deepening your understanding of love, what it takes to keep people “alive”, and what is necessary to bring more joy and fun into the existing equation. You fundamental responsibility is to enliven the masses. Obviously you first have to keep yourself alive and interested, open to adventure and continual growth. This is a time when your ultimate responsiblity is clarified. You may need to make a conscious choice to nurture within yourself what you were born to nurture in others. That is life itself.

VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
The world may break you down this week for the sake of an opportunity to build you back up in ways that put you in touch with deeper levels of richness and joy. Something supportive and fundamental needs to be loosened, demolished, and reconstructed. An old belief about yourself, your home, family, and need to feel secure is undone for the sake of something more joy-filled and fertile. Opening your mind to a different arrangement may be necessary – but not necessarily. There’s a lot of Karma – and the fact that the “timing is just right” for this transformation to occur. It’s been building and intensifying for a awhile – at least since the beginning of last November. You can choose to resist. But you could instead move on in an attempt to move more securely into your destined life purpose. It looks like you’re destined to manifest a cherished dream. You can’t get there from where you are now. But if you relax into some changes you can easily get there from where you will be.

LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
If you’re locked into an old approach to life that feels repetitive or a relationship role that has a “been there done that” feel, now is a good time to consider your choices. One is to revert back to what is old and familiar – patterns from your past that continue to be repeated even when the “players” change or the partners are new. The other is to create a new life direction for yourself – one with new goals, new opportunities to express your caring, nurturing ways – a life that feels more natural, alive, and authentic. Being free to play a different kind of role is key. Jupiter’s retrograde motion may have you considering different ideas for growth that more closely align with who you are and what you want to contribute within the public sphere. You may need a new challenge and a new direction to break the old spell. Maybe others will be resistant and inconvenienced by a newer, more real version of yourself. Create some distance between you, your family, and those who “knew you when.” Everyone needs the freedom to change. It looks like it’s your turn.

SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Triggered in November of last year was the need to push back against marital or committed relationships and arrangements – specifically the balance of power involved or something concerning values, priorities, finances, and an unbalanced “giving/receiving” dynamic. You may be in the process (or at the end of a process) that involves untangling financial partnerships and power structures. Your own values may have changed since November of last year. What used to be most important may no longer be. Your sense of self-worth may be enhanced or depleted. Now it’s time to take a healing process to a deeper level. Identifying a toxicity that continues to exist will be helpful. Pallas in Libra tends to skim the surface when it comes to understanding an inner life and relationship patterns. Something that does not serve you well needs to be understood on a deeper level. Letting go is encouraged. But that remains a choice. Consider choosing something or someone more nourishing, adventurous, and consciously engaged with the unseen, deeper aspects of life.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Sagittarians may be most sensitive to Jupiter’s change in direction. An expansive approach to life, to imitating something new, or to making an impact through courageous action is revisited. Maybe your focus deepens and what could only be imagined before November of last year has solidified or been clarified. Relationships may have undergone a significant change – a reflection of how much you’ve grown. But now may be the time when you reconsider, narrow your range, and target your focus. Something scattered may be morphing into something that can be channeled effectively. A re-arrangement of relationships – or a rearrangement of the relationship you have with yourself – opens the door to something more nourishing and powerful. The Sun in Aries is fueling love, a more courageous kind of creativity, and more confident self expressions. Something clarifying, limiting, or structuring involves self-worth, net worth, and stabilization. But the enrichment you’re seeking may come in the form of music, art, films, photography, sculpture, and the beauty you soul needs to move on from old familiar patterns.

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Something new and encouraging may have materialized as a result of letting go of something old and outdated. Something more energized and “on track” has been set in motion, fueled by enthusiasm, hope, and the belief that you can accomplish something much bigger. If your health is lagging or becoming a distraction now is the time to deepen your focus, to gain access to more support, more information, and invisible guidance in the direction of the source of the problem. Look to past experiences that encouraged you to doubt yourself or to expect that restrictions would dominate your life. Backtracking to what was going on in November of 2018 and more recently at the end February of this year could give you some clues as to what more needs to be released. Physical problems seem wrapped up in some kind of head game that keeps you in a safe, familiar space. Now may be the perfect time to understand at a deeper level what you hold onto despite how unnecessary that has become. Explore some new places in your head and heart.

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
You’re main focus these days is letting go and bringing a close to an era of your life that is over. Uprooting old toxcitiy (fear), cleaning and clearing, and letting go is the primary nature of your work these days. But in the process you may be contacting deeper levels of awareness that allow you to create something that was previously impossible and out of reach. In some regard you may have set yourself free to focus on your real talents and what your mind – with the assistance of your subconscious mind – can create or revolutionize. Increasing your level of receptivity or power to receive seems critical. You may be experimenting with new ways to open up what’s previously been closed. You may be considering collaborations that can stimulate your thought process or free you up to focus more intently on what is the essential you. The Sun in Aries in your third house has set your mind on fire in ways that are connected to mysterious realms of knowledge. Now is the time to welcome information that may seem strange oor unfamiliar. Now is the time to be receptive to what you previously haven’t has time to be.
pisces otherworldly
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
A breakthrough within the realm of a relationships – or within the realm of a personal commitment – may have given you some new freedom to focus on what seems to be a promising idea. It’s may be more than just a good idea though. It may encompass your life’s work, an authentic direction, your natural role within the public realm – and your most important contribution to the world. You may be trying to materialize something revolutionary that involves identifying healing patterns and connections that are elusive. Putting the pieces together involves luck and a deeper connection with sources of guidance. Your greatest power lies within the realm of establishing healing relationships that may be timeless or rooted in the past. A clarification regarding collaborations, your social life, and your most cherished dreams, hopes and wishes may be forthcoming. You may have to adjust to new freedoms that allow you to pursue what you’ve always dreamed of pursuing. Black Moon Lillith is your friend these days. She disrupts and awakens a subconscious awareness that supports your efforts.

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