Today there are three placements in critical degrees – the final degree of their sign. Things are wrapping up and teetering on the edge of newness for Juno – the marriage/ commitment asteroid – for Chiron – the wounded healer – and for Uranus who insists on courageous progress through some kind of clean break.
Mercury is also very close to the “end of the line” in Aquarius. The power of clear and truthful communication and finally making a decision can set you free. There is an increasing sense of urgency around decision making.
Venus, newly in the sign of Capricorn, slips us into a confrontation with the nature of relationships and financial realities. What was once possible to dismiss no longer is.
Vesta in Pisces harmoniously aligns with Venus in Capricorn. Opportunities and new possibilities open up as we find ourselves motivated in a higher direction. The harsh judgement we inflict on ourselves for pursuing a direction we “can’t not pursue” softens. Vesta is the fire that burns within. Our spiritual survival depends on keeping that fire alive.
On Saturday, February 9th, Mars in Aries squares the Nodes. A square brings us face to face with a hard choice. A challlenge to choose between something safe and something adventurous comes into sharper focus. Feelings and the intuition that informs our life seems to be moving us in the direction of something adventurous. But sticking with old rules and restrictions feels safer.
Aquarian Black Moon Lillith is still intricately and disruptively involved. She’s routing for you to do something courageously different, something freeing, and something that actuallly is a very authentic expression of who you are and what you were born to contribute.
On Sunday February 10th, Mercury in Aquarius squares Juno in Taurus. There is conflict. This may be when we say some “shocking things” to rock the boat and throw the old agreements up in the air. We might lay it on the line in a way that is pretty uncomfortable for all involved. We might ask for what we really want and feel intensely the restrictions of an old contract that has made no room for what we desire. This may be an old, restrictive contract you have with yourself rather than others.
Later on Sunday things begin to shift as Juno enters the sign of Gemini and Mercury enters the sign of Pisces. This continues to be a contentious alignment, but it’s different. The consideration of having “two of” rather than a choice between “two things” may be considered.
And Mercury gets very creative in the sign of Pisces. But the details are unclear. The “discussion” will extend into March and April before things are resolved. In the meantime agreements have a confusing, “other-worldly” or “in-flux” feel to them.
Life gets more intense but also potentially a lot more interesting this week. Even if you’re financially restricted, creative Mercury in Pisces enables you to see the possibility of a very clever work-around.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Aries may be angry and annoyed, impatient, and feeling the need to break with old patterns within the realm of relationships. Fortunately you’re capable of creating some balanced strategies that make room for your most natural role within the realm of relationships. Aries wants a relationship and they want to be able to focus on relationships – but not in the usual sense. They want a partner who reflects back to them a refusal to be afraid to choose and to do what they most prefer – a life that doesn’t involve having to prove their deservingness first. They want a partner who relfects back the ability to be alive in the moment, unhesitating, and pursuant of joy. This week you may need to conquer the fear of not being successful in a highly competitive, cut throat world. You may need to free yourself to move into something cozier, more caring, homey, nurturing, comfortable, and safe. You may have nothing left to prove other than your ability to choose what you most prefer. An old contract with financial stability may need to be totally reworked. A concept of your self-worth may need to be elevated because that’s more accurate.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The Sun in your 10th house suggests that you may be recognized for something you never suspected you’d be recognized for – a form of service or a contribution of talent you may have underestimated. You are a force for progress, a friendly disrupter of decorum, someone who is able to cut through the bullshit within seconds. People are grateful for your courage, your non-conformity, and your ability to break through stagnant, uptight scenes – even when they fail to thank you. The important thing is that you don’t make the mistake of underestimating this important contribution. An underlying frustration may force your hand this week. You may need to decide between being afraid of the future and of fully embracing a powerful belief in yourself …and committing to thoughts about yourself that are kinder, more supportive, less judgemental, and more nourishing. You may need to notice and acknowledge your progress more often. Pay attention to your thoughts and encourage the kinder ones. Cut through your own BS.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
It may be time to state what you want. Or maybe it’s time to know what you want before you can state it and go for it. Most likely it has something to do with eliminating old patterns in love, freeing yourself to exuberantly express something genuinely authentic and unique, expertly navigating the world of dreams, hopes, and wishes, and being a force for progressive change. This is a good time to refine your definition of what you actually want and to develop effective strategies for providing yourself with what you desire. You may need to move away from financial fear or the fear involved in trusting another. Embracing the cycles of the natural world, physical sensation, timeless love, earthiness, and the luxury of immersing yourself in what you love more often looks like a promising direction for you this week.
CANCER (June 21-July)
Something habitual within the realm of relationships may be disrupted by frustration, anger, and the need to make a clean break. You may be impatient for a chance to succeed, to run your own life, and to find the courage to move past the past. You have until March 6th to make a clean break. For now it’s time to choose between the past and the future. The past looks fearful and dependent. The future looks independent, courageous, pioneering, kind, and caring. Choosing a direction may feel less optional and more critical now. There is a family tradition that says you’re most secure when you’re in a relationship – or most secure when you are financially supported. Breaking free of this inherited idea entails breaking free of a lineage of those who lived constricted lives because they believed in fear. It’s a strenuous thing to break free of an entire lineage. But you may be the one who finally breaks the spell. You may notice evidence of how this belief is seriously undermined eveeryday.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The Aquarian Sun in your solar 7th house encourages you to think outside the box, to consider the future, and your ability to deal with highly disruptive influences within the realm of relationships and overall. Disruption is a symptom of the need for a re-alignment. Black Moon Lillith is encouraging you to consider the extent of your beleif in cultural mandates, traditions, conformity, and “the way we’ve always done it.” Working harder than everyone else is beginning to lose some of it’s luster. Self-sacrifice is beginning to feel outdated. Your ideas about what it takes to be successful and your work methods may be exacting a toll you’d rather not pay. It’s better to choose change than to have it forced upon you. Listen to your body. Listen to your heart. Imagine your life life without pain. Something kinder, gentler, and more humane is waiting to be embraced. Pay attention to the signs, symptoms, and signals. They’re pointing you in a more authentic and sustainable direction.
VIRGO (August 21-Sep 21)
Something unbalanced – a financial partnership, your perception of your own power and leverage, your ability to manage resources, to accurately size up your worth and value in the world – needs to be re-balanced. Something more stable and unshakeable needs to be constructed. A power vacuum or power grab may need to be reined in. You may be angry. A financial partner may be annoyed. Something needs to be shored up or reinforced. You may need to organize, rearrange, and tap into your deep creative well of business know-how. At the same time you may need to let go of any fear of not being able to build wealth, create a strong supporting structure, or handle money efficiently. The issue is freeing yourself to move in the direction of your “calling.” Maybe you need to provide the support for a cause or an enlightened group. Something more caring, nourishing, sensitive, and responsive may be attracting your attention.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Relationship realities (endings) sink in while at the same time something visionary and inspiring finally has the space it needs to survive and thrive. Something is opening up that improves your health and fuels you with the urge to write a more authentic story about your life. Maybe it’s a story about the cost of learning at an early age how to be afraid of love, independence, freedom, and embracing an outsider status. Libra is challenged to let go of old relationship patterns and to embrace brillinat new strategies for moving forward. Mars in your 7th house of relationships stimulates anger and conflict – and the need to make a dicision about where you go from here. Hanging onto old fears that encourage a toned-down expression of yourself ensures a move into stagnant, familiar territory. Choosing something more confident, higher profile, soulfully nourishing, and intuitively informed looks promising.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Mars in your 6th house may be disrupting normal routines and opening the door to something new. Something that kept your intuitive or instinctive leanings in check may be gone – or greatly diminished. The end of a 15 year cycle of character-building is about complete. That presents a challenge in the form of stepping out into the world. A fearful mindset needs to be overwhelmed by something inspired and expansive. Travel (maybe foreign travel) is indicated. Reaching out to emerging opportunities is important. Unsettledness on the domestic front may be your excuse for keeping it small. But now is not the time for smallness. You are free to move out into the world as a creative force to be reckoned with. Timeless wisdom combined with tragic loss encompasses the nature of your contribution to the world. When you move past the fear an amazing, inspiring story emerges.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Sadge may be emerging from a fog or “betwixt and between” situation, into the realm of actively initiating something new and risky. Money, or the fear of scarcity could betray an idea or intuitive feel for introducing something powerfully transformative, artistic, and magically/mysteriously transformational. Some kind of creative conflict, instability, or break from love tempts you to go back to a soulfully stagnant, undernourished, or restrictive situation. Moving backward is defined as letting money or a poor sense of self-worth define what you’ll consider initiating. But you may be able to envision a brilliant collaborative strategy. Your vision for your life may be clearly defined in colors more brilliant than you’re used to. Playing it safe may be a betrayal of what’s possible. If there’s a choice between “going with your gut” or what feels “safe and familiar” know that your decision is especially consequential this week.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Capricorn is on the edge of constructing a new and different kind of agreement – or of setting free the nature of your creative life and relationships. It looks like you’re on the cusp of realizing that you have more options and opportunities than you previously thought and that it’s time to be more courageously committed to what feels right rather than safe. Mars in your fourth house of home and family spells some kind of conflict between approaching life with the same restrictive rules you’ve always had for yourself… or following your heart. Fueling your passion is an intuitive understanding of the importance of your relationships in guiding you in the right direction. Your partner is likely to encourage you in a risky direction that would feed your soul… or maybe in the direction of something timeless and endlessly inspiring. Fear is not your friend. He’ll cause you to betray your essential life purpose. He’ll keep you in a “safe, repetitive, stagnant situation. It’s time to choose what feels right and to reach out in a new more authentic direction. Pay attention to emerging opportunities.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
From now through Feb. 21st Aquarius may feel a surge of confidence and the urge to play a different kind of role within the realm of relationships. Something pioneering and courageous, (and disruptive) may feel right. But Saturn in the 12th house is tricky. Only something intuitively informed is safe to act upon. Something that feels soulfully satisfying and stabilizing may need to be expressed. But periods of doubt persist. There is nothing concrete to reassure you. You have to feel your way through. Voluntarily moving away from the fear of losing control creates something more balanced. Aquarius has a lot of imaginary fear. You may anticipate that doing what’s right for your soul will undermine your security when it actually does the opposite. Your mind is a source of conflict that demands a choice between staying with whats familiar and moving toward something more nourishing. Anger and frustration may push you to jump off a cliff (metaphorically of course) and to trust you’ll land on your feet.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
The issue for Pisces is to stop arranging for or tolerating blockages to love; to stop being afraid to love, to stop attracting those who are not available in love, able to love, or otherwise restricted and afraid. There is something that needs to be released from the past. Something self-protective and confining could be in the process of unraveling. Maybe a supportive group would be helpful. Pisces has endless creative ways to evade and avoid and to make it seem (to themselves and others) like they’re not evading and avoiding. Fear of loss is involved, but also fear of a loss of freedom. Now is the time to move in the direction of love. Something kinder, more creative, soulful, attentive, self-expressive, and caring can be embraced. Self worth may be the issue that moves you beyond old patterns. You can create some pretty amazing strategies for transforming the nature of your relationships this month.
New Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 6th – 12th
Today there are three placements in critical degrees – the final degree of their sign. Things are wrapping up and teetering on the edge of newness for Juno – the marriage/ commitment asteroid – for Chiron – the wounded healer – and for Uranus who insists on courageous progress through some kind of clean break.
Mercury is also very close to the “end of the line” in Aquarius. The power of clear and truthful communication and finally making a decision can set you free. There is an increasing sense of urgency around decision making.
Venus, newly in the sign of Capricorn, slips us into a confrontation with the nature of relationships and financial realities. What was once possible to dismiss no longer is.
Vesta in Pisces harmoniously aligns with Venus in Capricorn. Opportunities and new possibilities open up as we find ourselves motivated in a higher direction. The harsh judgement we inflict on ourselves for pursuing a direction we “can’t not pursue” softens. Vesta is the fire that burns within. Our spiritual survival depends on keeping that fire alive.
On Saturday, February 9th, Mars in Aries squares the Nodes. A square brings us face to face with a hard choice. A challlenge to choose between something safe and something adventurous comes into sharper focus. Feelings and the intuition that informs our life seems to be moving us in the direction of something adventurous. But sticking with old rules and restrictions feels safer.
Aquarian Black Moon Lillith is still intricately and disruptively involved. She’s routing for you to do something courageously different, something freeing, and something that actuallly is a very authentic expression of who you are and what you were born to contribute.
On Sunday February 10th, Mercury in Aquarius squares Juno in Taurus. There is conflict. This may be when we say some “shocking things” to rock the boat and throw the old agreements up in the air. We might lay it on the line in a way that is pretty uncomfortable for all involved. We might ask for what we really want and feel intensely the restrictions of an old contract that has made no room for what we desire. This may be an old, restrictive contract you have with yourself rather than others.
Later on Sunday things begin to shift as Juno enters the sign of Gemini and Mercury enters the sign of Pisces. This continues to be a contentious alignment, but it’s different. The consideration of having “two of” rather than a choice between “two things” may be considered.
And Mercury gets very creative in the sign of Pisces. But the details are unclear. The “discussion” will extend into March and April before things are resolved. In the meantime agreements have a confusing, “other-worldly” or “in-flux” feel to them.
Life gets more intense but also potentially a lot more interesting this week. Even if you’re financially restricted, creative Mercury in Pisces enables you to see the possibility of a very clever work-around.
Thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Aries may be angry and annoyed, impatient, and feeling the need to break with old patterns within the realm of relationships. Fortunately you’re capable of creating some balanced strategies that make room for your most natural role within the realm of relationships. Aries wants a relationship and they want to be able to focus on relationships – but not in the usual sense. They want a partner who reflects back to them a refusal to be afraid to choose and to do what they most prefer – a life that doesn’t involve having to prove their deservingness first. They want a partner who relfects back the ability to be alive in the moment, unhesitating, and pursuant of joy. This week you may need to conquer the fear of not being successful in a highly competitive, cut throat world. You may need to free yourself to move into something cozier, more caring, homey, nurturing, comfortable, and safe. You may have nothing left to prove other than your ability to choose what you most prefer. An old contract with financial stability may need to be totally reworked. A concept of your self-worth may need to be elevated because that’s more accurate.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
The Sun in your 10th house suggests that you may be recognized for something you never suspected you’d be recognized for – a form of service or a contribution of talent you may have underestimated. You are a force for progress, a friendly disrupter of decorum, someone who is able to cut through the bullshit within seconds. People are grateful for your courage, your non-conformity, and your ability to break through stagnant, uptight scenes – even when they fail to thank you. The important thing is that you don’t make the mistake of underestimating this important contribution. An underlying frustration may force your hand this week. You may need to decide between being afraid of the future and of fully embracing a powerful belief in yourself …and committing to thoughts about yourself that are kinder, more supportive, less judgemental, and more nourishing. You may need to notice and acknowledge your progress more often. Pay attention to your thoughts and encourage the kinder ones. Cut through your own BS.
It may be time to state what you want. Or maybe it’s time to know what you want before you can state it and go for it. Most likely it has something to do with eliminating old patterns in love, freeing yourself to exuberantly express something genuinely authentic and unique, expertly navigating the world of dreams, hopes, and wishes, and being a force for progressive change. This is a good time to refine your definition of what you actually want and to develop effective strategies for providing yourself with what you desire. You may need to move away from financial fear or the fear involved in trusting another. Embracing the cycles of the natural world, physical sensation, timeless love, earthiness, and the luxury of immersing yourself in what you love more often looks like a promising direction for you this week.
Something habitual within the realm of relationships may be disrupted by frustration, anger, and the need to make a clean break. You may be impatient for a chance to succeed, to run your own life, and to find the courage to move past the past. You have until March 6th to make a clean break. For now it’s time to choose between the past and the future. The past looks fearful and dependent. The future looks independent, courageous, pioneering, kind, and caring. Choosing a direction may feel less optional and more critical now. There is a family tradition that says you’re most secure when you’re in a relationship – or most secure when you are financially supported. Breaking free of this inherited idea entails breaking free of a lineage of those who lived constricted lives because they believed in fear. It’s a strenuous thing to break free of an entire lineage. But you may be the one who finally breaks the spell. You may notice evidence of how this belief is seriously undermined eveeryday.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
The Aquarian Sun in your solar 7th house encourages you to think outside the box, to consider the future, and your ability to deal with highly disruptive influences within the realm of relationships and overall. Disruption is a symptom of the need for a re-alignment. Black Moon Lillith is encouraging you to consider the extent of your beleif in cultural mandates, traditions, conformity, and “the way we’ve always done it.” Working harder than everyone else is beginning to lose some of it’s luster. Self-sacrifice is beginning to feel outdated. Your ideas about what it takes to be successful and your work methods may be exacting a toll you’d rather not pay. It’s better to choose change than to have it forced upon you. Listen to your body. Listen to your heart. Imagine your life life without pain. Something kinder, gentler, and more humane is waiting to be embraced. Pay attention to the signs, symptoms, and signals. They’re pointing you in a more authentic and sustainable direction.
Something unbalanced – a financial partnership, your perception of your own power and leverage, your ability to manage resources, to accurately size up your worth and value in the world – needs to be re-balanced. Something more stable and unshakeable needs to be constructed. A power vacuum or power grab may need to be reined in. You may be angry. A financial partner may be annoyed. Something needs to be shored up or reinforced. You may need to organize, rearrange, and tap into your deep creative well of business know-how. At the same time you may need to let go of any fear of not being able to build wealth, create a strong supporting structure, or handle money efficiently. The issue is freeing yourself to move in the direction of your “calling.” Maybe you need to provide the support for a cause or an enlightened group. Something more caring, nourishing, sensitive, and responsive may be attracting your attention.
LIBRA (September 21 – October 21)
Relationship realities (endings) sink in while at the same time something visionary and inspiring finally has the space it needs to survive and thrive. Something is opening up that improves your health and fuels you with the urge to write a more authentic story about your life. Maybe it’s a story about the cost of learning at an early age how to be afraid of love, independence, freedom, and embracing an outsider status. Libra is challenged to let go of old relationship patterns and to embrace brillinat new strategies for moving forward. Mars in your 7th house of relationships stimulates anger and conflict – and the need to make a dicision about where you go from here. Hanging onto old fears that encourage a toned-down expression of yourself ensures a move into stagnant, familiar territory. Choosing something more confident, higher profile, soulfully nourishing, and intuitively informed looks promising.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
Mars in your 6th house may be disrupting normal routines and opening the door to something new. Something that kept your intuitive or instinctive leanings in check may be gone – or greatly diminished. The end of a 15 year cycle of character-building is about complete. That presents a challenge in the form of stepping out into the world. A fearful mindset needs to be overwhelmed by something inspired and expansive. Travel (maybe foreign travel) is indicated. Reaching out to emerging opportunities is important. Unsettledness on the domestic front may be your excuse for keeping it small. But now is not the time for smallness. You are free to move out into the world as a creative force to be reckoned with. Timeless wisdom combined with tragic loss encompasses the nature of your contribution to the world. When you move past the fear an amazing, inspiring story emerges.
Sadge may be emerging from a fog or “betwixt and between” situation, into the realm of actively initiating something new and risky. Money, or the fear of scarcity could betray an idea or intuitive feel for introducing something powerfully transformative, artistic, and magically/mysteriously transformational. Some kind of creative conflict, instability, or break from love tempts you to go back to a soulfully stagnant, undernourished, or restrictive situation. Moving backward is defined as letting money or a poor sense of self-worth define what you’ll consider initiating. But you may be able to envision a brilliant collaborative strategy. Your vision for your life may be clearly defined in colors more brilliant than you’re used to. Playing it safe may be a betrayal of what’s possible. If there’s a choice between “going with your gut” or what feels “safe and familiar” know that your decision is especially consequential this week.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Capricorn is on the edge of constructing a new and different kind of agreement – or of setting free the nature of your creative life and relationships. It looks like you’re on the cusp of realizing that you have more options and opportunities than you previously thought and that it’s time to be more courageously committed to what feels right rather than safe. Mars in your fourth house of home and family spells some kind of conflict between approaching life with the same restrictive rules you’ve always had for yourself… or following your heart. Fueling your passion is an intuitive understanding of the importance of your relationships in guiding you in the right direction. Your partner is likely to encourage you in a risky direction that would feed your soul… or maybe in the direction of something timeless and endlessly inspiring. Fear is not your friend. He’ll cause you to betray your essential life purpose. He’ll keep you in a “safe, repetitive, stagnant situation. It’s time to choose what feels right and to reach out in a new more authentic direction. Pay attention to emerging opportunities.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
From now through Feb. 21st Aquarius may feel a surge of confidence and the urge to play a different kind of role within the realm of relationships. Something pioneering and courageous, (and disruptive) may feel right. But Saturn in the 12th house is tricky. Only something intuitively informed is safe to act upon. Something that feels soulfully satisfying and stabilizing may need to be expressed. But periods of doubt persist. There is nothing concrete to reassure you. You have to feel your way through. Voluntarily moving away from the fear of losing control creates something more balanced. Aquarius has a lot of imaginary fear. You may anticipate that doing what’s right for your soul will undermine your security when it actually does the opposite. Your mind is a source of conflict that demands a choice between staying with whats familiar and moving toward something more nourishing. Anger and frustration may push you to jump off a cliff (metaphorically of course) and to trust you’ll land on your feet.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
The issue for Pisces is to stop arranging for or tolerating blockages to love; to stop being afraid to love, to stop attracting those who are not available in love, able to love, or otherwise restricted and afraid. There is something that needs to be released from the past. Something self-protective and confining could be in the process of unraveling. Maybe a supportive group would be helpful. Pisces has endless creative ways to evade and avoid and to make it seem (to themselves and others) like they’re not evading and avoiding. Fear of loss is involved, but also fear of a loss of freedom. Now is the time to move in the direction of love. Something kinder, more creative, soulful, attentive, self-expressive, and caring can be embraced. Self worth may be the issue that moves you beyond old patterns. You can create some pretty amazing strategies for transforming the nature of your relationships this month.
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