(Bull Elephant Artist?)
This week the main events include Mar’s and Pluto’s change into direction. Both turn retrograde – Mars on Sunday and Pluto on Monday. They join Saturn and Jupiter, already progressing through retrograde cycles. Soon Mercury will join the action (April 28th) when we’ll experience the effects of five planets moving in reverse. Planets don’t actually move in reverse but their elliptical orbits make it seem so. Energies feel “stalled” in terms of creating outer events and tangible forward progress. Retrogrades put the world under the influence of an energy more conducive to moving inward than forward.
From many different influences we are encouraged to go back and finish what we started, to connect what we’re doing with more meaning and more soul. It’s getting harder, for many reasons, to compartmentalize – to split yourself in half in order to engage in something that isn’t fulfilling and fails to reflect your inner life. Now is a time when there is a lull as we catch up to our continually evolving selves. Perspectives change. Beliefs and current methods may change. The obliteration of old Karma and negative influences may sweep through your life destroying what’s no longer useful, leaving rich soil for new growth.
It’s instructive to look at the two outer planets that are not in retrograde motion – Uranus and Neptune. Uranus wants a breakthrough and something more authentically respectful of your personality. Neptune wants a soul-focus, something inspired, artistic, magical, and transcendent. These two may stimulate outer progress in the form of abrupt endings and a new approach to life guided by inner longings, forgiveness, and integrated wholeness.
Mars has not retrograded in the sign of Sagittarius since late Spring/Summer of 2001. Fifteen years ago we were faced with things like:
A deep and thorough review of beliefs, perspectives, sex, and desire.
A personal religious crisis or challenge of some kind. (Globally this was the time when the Catholic Church began to consider sex abuse allegations concerning about 3,000 priests dating back fifty years)
The need to learn and adapt rapidly. Foreign language challenges.
Complications resulting from poor planning, impatience, impulsive action, or betrayal of higher principles.
Interrupted higher education or action to finish up needed requirements.
Engaging in spiritual practices that deepened your experience through connecting physical activity with transcendence – Yoga, dance, contemplative walks, etc.
Experiences that felt negative at the time but eventually led to actions that felt more aligned.
A foreign experience prematurely interrupted requiring backtracking and more independence.
Factual information began to take precedence over wishful thinking and pie-in-the-sky beliefs.
Relationship problems ignited a deep inner review and healing path.
The last Mars retrograde (2001) probably preceded a period of personal achievement. Most likely this one will as well.
This time health, work environments, efficiency, habits, methods, skills, forgiveness and “letting go” may come into play. Delving deeper may highlight the need for a more effective strategy for personal self-improvement or skill development – and the need for your methods to connect deeply with “soul levels” of existence.
At the end of this week the creative and dynamic Sun moves into the more tranquil sign of Taurus. Venus heads for a trine with Saturn facilitating stability within the realm of relationships. A rest or something enjoyable may significantly contribute to improved effectiveness. But a square with Pluto may pit personal transformation against established relationships.
OK. I got carried away with this unusually long intro. Mercury is igniting my Jupiter in Taurus in the 3rd house. Something deeply satisfying about being thorough and wordy today Thanks for indulging me.
And, as always, thanks for reading,
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano, CA.
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
This week information is literally fed to you through the nourishing asteroid goddess Ceres. She is swimming through the powerful space between Pisces and Aries, bringing you important information about the nature of your hidden self. It’s information you can use to free yourself from confusion and uncertainty – and from the powerless feeling of not knowing exactly who you are and what you need. Being more assuredly assertive and confident may be one manifestation, particularly within the realm of relationships. Your role may change. Expect that partners and others may not be thrilled. Pluto clashes with Venus by the end of the week, brining up difficult, probably long-standing, issues within the realm of relationships. As Mars retrogrades he promises a powerful transformative focus on your life direction as well as what needs to be released in order to embrace a future full of new possibility and meaning. As the Sun moves into Taurus (end of the week) your tendency is to ground and solidify your new-found freedom. There is no going back.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
It’s almost your birthday and time for a review of where you’ve been and where you’re headed. As the Sun moves over that sensitive and powerful space between your 12th and 1st house, between mystery and full awareness, between the subconscious and subconscious mind, something important is revealed to you – something you’ve always intuitively known, but couldn’t quite define. Now it is possible for you to grasp the “big plan” for your life. Now it is possible to know what best suits you and what doesn’t fit. It’s as though you’ve been given a high-powered telescope that both clarifies and expands your visual range. Available now is the ability to make sense of your experiences, to see how they connect around a specific theme – a theme that reflects the mystery of who you are and what you’re becoming. Within the scheme of your life, experiences you once thought designed to punish you, take on sacred meaning as you understand the common thread. This week you recognize what associations you need to pursue and which ones no longer make sense. Partners may be unusually well tuned-in to your process.
This is a time when Gemini may feel insignificant in terms of making anything happen. What swirls around you is interesting and even captivating, but you may feel along for the ride as opposed to being an active, fully engaged participant. Things seem to “hit” you indirectly in ways you can’t fully identify. Someone has temporarily turned off the lights leaving you alone to navigate through some newly opened space. It may feel strange and distant and unlike the you you know. Overwhelmed, disassociated, and maybe hollow may describe your current state. The good news is that so many planets are now about to move into retrograde motion. Your experience of yourself deepens to the point where you can actually grasp the magnitude and significance of what’s happening around and within you. You initiated it all. Your soul wants you to relax as you move into “observation mode.” Here is where you begin to notice and integrate the mysteries that will be revealed to you over the next week and months.
Ceres in your 9th house has been feeding you information – possibly through dreams – about your future, your future possibilities, and how to integrate your soul into future career plans. Ceres moves this week into your 10th house of career and your life direction. Now it’s time to act in some dynamic and assertive way to find (or to own) the social position or professional life direction that is right for you. This is what nourishes you. Indecisiveness is not your friend this week. Nether is depending on another to make it happen for you. In fact others may challenge you to be more realistic about your choices. But your task is to know what you love and to go after it despite another’s input. Before the Sun moves into Taurus (April 19th) you have the chance to make great progress. After that the progress you made is solidified, manifested, or stabilized. Mars moves retrograde in your 6th house taking you deeper into an understanding of what supports your health, your work environments, and the personal methods most effective for you.
LEO (July 21-Aug 21)
If you like the limelight – what Leo doesn’t – you may be in hog heaven by the end of the week. The achievement and fame sector of your chart is about to be ignited. Whatever future planning you’ve done begins to solidify and to pay dividends. You are the solid, constant, persistent leader others seems to want and need. Still there are mysterious twists and turns to keep you interested. You may question your methods as you’re taken deep into your “inner space” recognizing some tired, emotional framework that needs to evolve. You may backtrack on what it is that makes you happy – what constitutes a fulfilling life, what you love, and how financial resources come into play. A deeper life experience is headed your way despite some indications that you’d prefer to keep it superficial and simple. Clearly your limitations, at this point, are to be found within the depths of your being. Now you notice that others – and “circumstances out of your control” – cannot be blamed for stopping you. The world continues to open doors for you. It’s time for you to dive deep to gain access to the inner doors only you can open. Planetary energies facilitate it.
Virgo continues to tread through a phase of life that somewhat resembles a mine-field. Caution is required and it may be wearing you down. Highlighted this week are the things you have to say about relationships and within relationships. At the memento thought and words are fueled by an unusual amount of passion. Mercury (communication) -currently resides in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a very patient sign – up to a point. Taurus is slow to anger but when they’ve had enough, watch out. The fury they can unleash is potentially devastating. You tend to be very good at not revealing what can make you vulnerable. But this week that tendency is challenged. Angry outbursts are only one possibility. You may be passionate about revealing the extent of your feelings for another and anxious to stabilize your future through some form of commitment. Ordinarily I advise honesty, but this week I advise caution. Ceres – the goddess of nourishment – moves from your 7th house of relationships into your 8th house of power and control. You may be tempted to unleash it all and to let the chips fall where they may. My advice is not to do it this week.
This week Venus, your chart ruler, now moving through the feisty sign of Aries, experiences an intensifying tendency to want to “butt heads” with Pluto, the god of the underworld. This could be a dicey situation that you’re ready for – or a dicey situation that renders you ineffective – once again. Jupiter in Virgo has you backtracking and rethinking (since early January) which methods have been effective for you and which have not. As Saturn challenges Jupiter you may come to the conclusion that resistance is not a particularly effective method for you. You may have to adjust your strategies to include the notion of acceptance for the sake of personal happiness. It may be time to relax your approach to some a goal you’ve fought for years to attain with the same somewhat ineffective strategies. Your current beliefs about your future and the future of your relationships may unravel over the next couple months as you move toward more efficient methods that open the door to love – the key ingredient for Libra.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
As we progress in the direction of a full Moon in Scorpio, expect to be under its influence this week. Culminating will be something that directly affects you approach to life and relationships. Pluto and Mars (Scorpio’s traditional and modern rulers) both move into retrograde motion, changing your focus. Now you move deeper into yourself to access sources of stability and wisdom. Mars moves you in reverse to re-consider your financial stability how that impacts your style and approach to life, and beliefs about your role in relationships. Pluto has you reconsidering an idea you’ve held onto “for dear life” for a very long time. Deep insights begin to flow from the recesses of your mind as you take back some of the power and confidence you lost. You may finally be able to change your mind about something that impacts your future and your future role within the realm of relationships. This week the Sun moves into Taurus shining a spotlight on your partner and your relationships. You may be able to see more clearly what you haven’t previously noticed. A deeper understanding of yourself allows for a more soulful role within relationships.
Mars moves into retrograde motion this week transiting back into the most sensitive and mysterious realm of your life. Apparently you’ve missed some important hidden information or a chance to deepen your understanding. Now you’re being given a second chance. Your unique approach to life is rooted in something ancient and sacred. It’s time for you to contact what that is. Delving into the lives of your ancestors may allow you to make deeper connections or to connect the dots in ways that reveal your life’s basic theme. Your hidden 12th house is a particularly rich and treacherous place for you to explore. But now’s your chance to shine a light on the mysterious shadows you once suspected were dangerous and threatening – possibly through the materialization of records, results, solid information, X-rays, realistic explanations, and effective antidotes. Living in fear of the unknown becomes a thing of the past as you discover, through courage, much to celebrate about your past and your future.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Capricorn can tend to be too preoccupied with present reality to have any time left for nurturing dreams. Over time you forget what they are – or what they were. But Ceres, the asteroid goddess of nourishment, is now moving across one of the most sensitive parts of your chart – the part that connects you with your past – specifically the dreams you once held for yourself and your life. It is wise for you to take time to reconnect with them and to take some action to revitalize them over the next several weeks. They can stabilize you and your life. As you focus on creating lots of energy around your dreams they calm you down and reconnect you with the neglected part of yourself They can nourish your foundations and provide more interesting and honest answers to the question of why you work so hard to achieve what you achieve. In short dreams add a new, invigorating, enriching dimension that fuels a more soulful and inspiring life. Those could revolve around home, family, or some new and exciting element of adventure.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
As Mars and Pluto move into retrograde motion, Aquarius may backtrack and reconsider what it is that makes them effective and in-control of their life. Chances are there is something that is not working for you. Beliefs about hard work and self-discipline may not be yielding the results you want, or backfiring in some unanticipated way. It may be wise this week to consider the notion of reconnecting with what it is you love and most prefer – some indulgence you previously disallowed because it seemed non-productive, counter-productive, or time-wasting. Some entrenched idea may need to be changed particularly as it relates to your beliefs about the the kind of relationship you “must” have with yourself. Denial of pleasure – particularly sensual pleasure – keeps you ungrounded and free-floating, maybe financially. Now is the time to actively nourish ideas that unravel old beliefs about work, desire, and pleasure. Sometimes relaxation and full engagement of the senses for the sole purpose of pleasure allows you to retake control.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week it may be time to reconsider an “all-or-nothing,” impatient approach approach to life. As the Sun moves into Taurus, persistence over time yields the best results. Pisces are slow to change their ideas but this week you may be willing to consider a change. Old beliefs about progress and achievement may undergo some reconsideration. It is not necessary – and often not desirable – to be a sudden, remarkable success or “one-hit wonder.” Fine craftsmanship requires a slow steady approach, with attention to process and attention to detail. Desired results accumulate over time as you sustain your focus, allow yourself time to evolve, and infuse your efforts with love. This week it’s important to celebrate small achievements on your way to the big one. It’s important to allow yourself to feel inspired and motivated by small changes and gradual steps. Some things cannot be hurried and some steps cannot be skipped. Savor your process and whatever it is you’re beginning to cultivate.
1 Comment
Very nice intro. I like wordy!
Jupiter in Gemini.