(Mosaic Artist – Tricia Somers)
There is a Full Moon in Virgo on Monday, February 22, 2016 at 10:20 AM PST & 1:20 PM EST.
I have constructed the chart, studied it, and after several hours must humbly admit that I cant’t make head nor tails of it. I have several impressions, but I can’t find the storyline. There are many pieces but the overall pattern is not clear to me. So I’ll give you my impressions and hopefully they’ll be helpful.
It seems that there is a theme of accepting responsibility for the part of you that feels powerless. Blaming a relationship or a partner for blocking your progress toward a more fulfilling life is not going to fly. Essentially it’s an incorrect diagnosis that keeps you suspended or moving in circles.
There is the need to take a deeper look into yourself (Mars in Scorpio) to identify which pieces of you you’re rejecting and refusing to integrate. Healing is difficult and requires a focused effort.
Eris opposes Black Moon Lillith suggesting intense anger, frustration and the desire to lash out at the restrictions you continue to encounter.
Identifying the characteristics of your enemies (or those you don’t like) can give you some clues as to the source of your powerlessness. You will tend to vilify those who mirror the pieces of your personality you’re attempting to exclude.
Wholeness = the consolidation of personal power needed for change.
Changing the world amounts to accepting responsibility for continually expanding conscious awareness and integration of your whole self.
Harsh self-judgement prevents integration. Harsh self-judgement is a notoriously ineffective method. Most likely you’ve already proven that to yourself – many times.
Welcoming with love and empathy your least favorite tendencies and traits allows them to access to the “club” you previously excluded them from.
Perfectionism and the avoidance of mistakes blocks the more pressing need for space and freedom to experiment.
What is required now is a willingness to put yourself in a situation that requires you to struggle, on your own, sink or swim. This is a full Moon that highlights your need for establishing more independence through trial and error efforts – and practice.
We are now engaged in a search for methods that are especially effective for us. We need time and space to determine what those are. As we go along, we need to rectify our mistakes. No one can do this for us. Support would be nice, but over-dependence keeps us paralyzed. Basically this is a do-it-yourself “moment in time” that offers amazing opportunities to achieve higher levels of competence, meaningful success, and a fulfilling, self-made, soul infused, life of your own.
Donald Trump is involved in some intricate way with this Virgo full Moon. I can only guess that he is exhibit A for the perils of leading an unexamined life. It appears he rejects his roots and family ancestry. (His Black Moon Lillith resides at 4 degrees of Sagittarius in his 4th house, conjuncting this Sun/full Moon midpoint)
He lied about his father’s place of birth saying for years that he was born in Sweden. Actually he was born in Germany. He explained this later as an attempt to preempt any conflict that might ensue with his mostly Jewish tenants. Ultimately it was an attempt facilitate the flow of money that might otherwise have been hindered by prejudice and racism. It’s just too ironic.
Thanks for reading.
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrology
31631 Los Rios St
San Juan Capistrano,
California 926775
Hi Holly,
I love your honesty here: a difficult chart to summarize.
Thank you.
Now, about Trump.
Please tell me he is not going to the White House!
😉 Margaret
Hi Margaret,
It does feel good to be able to say “I just don’t get this.” It’s not that hard to admit with the readers I have, though. They’re very sharp, insightful, and understanding. Not sure how I attracted this crew but I’m grateful everyday. As for Donald Trump… I’ve studied his chart. (There’s nothing unclear about that chart btw 🙂 The general consensus among astrologers at the moment is that Hillary has the best aspects on Inauguration Day 2017. But I’ve read some “outliers” that are pretty intriguing. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks so much for your comments Margaret — Holly