(Mosaic Artist – Thaden)
New Moon at 19 Degrees of Capricorn 13′ January 9, 2016 – 5:30 PM PST & 8:30 PM EST
This new Capricorn Moon – its Sabian symbol – “A Hidden Choir Singing” – paves the way for healing and a restoration of harmony and balance. Old personal story lines and beliefs, that historically supported destructive distortions and disconnection, may be falling apart. Long tucked away memories may emerge with no explanation. Lies and glaring inconsistencies may surface. And it may be getting harder to keep your old story straight to protect your particular brand of stoicism.
Overtones of tragedy and loss may be opening the doors to change. Depleting priorities that centered around worldly success, a well-organized, well-respected social position, authority, and control, may be dissolving – especially if there isn’t much love, meaning, or connection associated. Specific words, images, feelings, and memories may now return to move you toward a purer version of yourself.
There is indication of a widening distance between you and another. Separations, loss of meaning and purpose, or the loss of enthusiasm for a project that once felt right, may manifest. Saturn provides an uncomfortable challenge, most likely in the form of a relationship shift, that offers an opportunity for growth and something much better.
Kathy Rose wrote an article in the most recent issue of Mountain Astrologer – “Astrological Brushstrokes of Influence.” It reminded me of the importance of an unaspected planet – a planet within a chart that stands alone, making no major connections to any other planet. Under the influence of this new Moon, Mercury, ruling communication and logical thought, now functions as the lonely, unaspected genius. He’s acting up, acting out, and stimulating what may seem untimely or socially disruptive. Your mind may travel to some unexpected places as Mercury now feels free to say what he thinks – to blurt out information that invalidates or undermines something previously well-established.
Additionally Mercury turns retrograde today, shifting you into a more intense inner focus through frequent delays, a slower pace, reconsideration, and a retrospective reference point. He influences the effects of this new Capricorn Moon by opening your mind to something you forgot was important – something that could provide new meaning, greater sense of purpose, and the integration of some profound wisdom lying within. After January 25th it will be time for a decision based on more highly evolved considerations.
Interestingly, Mercury is located at the Saturn/Chiron midpoint, facilitating our ability to target exactly what needs to be said, or to remember something specific said in the past that could stimulate healing and a return to balance.
Mars in Scorpio delights in exposing the truth. He’s like a skilled surgeon who sees no need for anesthetic. He’s not much concerned with emotional or physical comfort. In his world, if initiating a personal course correction requires new devastation, or a return to a type of pain that was never fully acknowledged, so be it.
What is evolving, though, might best be anticipated as something brighter and more beautiful. As you move on, a potentially gratifying, powerful, and “purely you” way of being emerges. Loss and release is richly rewarded with a more inspirational, inner-directed life. I predict as you look back, you will be left with the feeling that whoever was directing this “current show” (or fiasco), did, in fact, know what they were doing.
Because Jupiter in Virgo and the North Node (your true life direction) are united as one, you may now, or very soon know which of your skills and talents must be targeted for further development. That’s significant. This Jupiter/North Node combination is ideally placed in full harmony with the new Capricorn Moon. It is easier now to harness self-discipline. The seed you’re planting is meant to blossoms into a push for greater competence and mastery, so that you can more easily slip into your destined role. It’s time to learn, to practice, to rehearse, and to refine whatever piece of you leans in the direction of excellence.
These days Euterpe, the Muse of Music, occupies an especially prominent place in the sky (the Aries point of Cancer) She protects musicians and infuses them with the inspiration they need to create heart-awakening masterpieces. Under her influence, this new Moon revives, through music, old memories that heal. Euterpe may be able to release you from mental patterns that perpetuate a tolerance for uninspiring work and an uninspiring life. Her Sabian Symbol – “Bathing Beauties” – alludes to personal excellence that is innate or genetic.
My earliest memories of my Dad are the two of us singing together – he and I, riding in the car, sharing a simple pleasure that inspired and made us both happy. At age two I was finding my voice and following his lead on the lyrics. I knew a few lines of a few songs and sang those extra loud. I remember the first time I could sing a whole song. It was a cause for a celebration involving bottle orange pop from the gas station.
My Dad had a beautiful voice, inherited I’m sure from an Austrian grandfather he never met. According to my grandmother, my great-grandfather was known throughout Europe as “the man with the golden throat.”
My Dad sang all the time – songs about leaving his heart in San Francisco, strangers in paradise, the good life, trying to remember (my grandmother’s favorite), magic moments, blackbirds, and lemon trees.
My last memory of my Dad was of he and I trying to sing a song together. He couldn’t remember the lyrics he once knew. I never knew the lyrics to some of the songs in his wide-ranging repertoire – at least not well enough to pick up the slack. I was still dependent on him to lead. I remember apologizing for not being able to do my part. He good-naturedly explained that I should do what he does when he can’t remember lyrics. He whistles or hums the tune. And so we did.
My Dad, like everyone, lost a lot in the process of growing old. But fortunately for both of us, he made the adjustments that allowed him to hold onto the one simple thing that made him happy. It’s a memory that inspires me and seems to capture the message of this new Moon.
Capricorn New Moon
(Mosaic Artist – Thaden)
New Moon at 19 Degrees of Capricorn 13′ January 9, 2016 – 5:30 PM PST & 8:30 PM EST
This new Capricorn Moon – its Sabian symbol – “A Hidden Choir Singing” – paves the way for healing and a restoration of harmony and balance. Old personal story lines and beliefs, that historically supported destructive distortions and disconnection, may be falling apart. Long tucked away memories may emerge with no explanation. Lies and glaring inconsistencies may surface. And it may be getting harder to keep your old story straight to protect your particular brand of stoicism.
Overtones of tragedy and loss may be opening the doors to change. Depleting priorities that centered around worldly success, a well-organized, well-respected social position, authority, and control, may be dissolving – especially if there isn’t much love, meaning, or connection associated. Specific words, images, feelings, and memories may now return to move you toward a purer version of yourself.
There is indication of a widening distance between you and another. Separations, loss of meaning and purpose, or the loss of enthusiasm for a project that once felt right, may manifest. Saturn provides an uncomfortable challenge, most likely in the form of a relationship shift, that offers an opportunity for growth and something much better.
Kathy Rose wrote an article in the most recent issue of Mountain Astrologer – “Astrological Brushstrokes of Influence.” It reminded me of the importance of an unaspected planet – a planet within a chart that stands alone, making no major connections to any other planet. Under the influence of this new Moon, Mercury, ruling communication and logical thought, now functions as the lonely, unaspected genius. He’s acting up, acting out, and stimulating what may seem untimely or socially disruptive. Your mind may travel to some unexpected places as Mercury now feels free to say what he thinks – to blurt out information that invalidates or undermines something previously well-established.
Additionally Mercury turns retrograde today, shifting you into a more intense inner focus through frequent delays, a slower pace, reconsideration, and a retrospective reference point. He influences the effects of this new Capricorn Moon by opening your mind to something you forgot was important – something that could provide new meaning, greater sense of purpose, and the integration of some profound wisdom lying within. After January 25th it will be time for a decision based on more highly evolved considerations.
Interestingly, Mercury is located at the Saturn/Chiron midpoint, facilitating our ability to target exactly what needs to be said, or to remember something specific said in the past that could stimulate healing and a return to balance.
Mars in Scorpio delights in exposing the truth. He’s like a skilled surgeon who sees no need for anesthetic. He’s not much concerned with emotional or physical comfort. In his world, if initiating a personal course correction requires new devastation, or a return to a type of pain that was never fully acknowledged, so be it.
What is evolving, though, might best be anticipated as something brighter and more beautiful. As you move on, a potentially gratifying, powerful, and “purely you” way of being emerges. Loss and release is richly rewarded with a more inspirational, inner-directed life. I predict as you look back, you will be left with the feeling that whoever was directing this “current show” (or fiasco), did, in fact, know what they were doing.
Because Jupiter in Virgo and the North Node (your true life direction) are united as one, you may now, or very soon know which of your skills and talents must be targeted for further development. That’s significant. This Jupiter/North Node combination is ideally placed in full harmony with the new Capricorn Moon. It is easier now to harness self-discipline. The seed you’re planting is meant to blossoms into a push for greater competence and mastery, so that you can more easily slip into your destined role. It’s time to learn, to practice, to rehearse, and to refine whatever piece of you leans in the direction of excellence.
These days Euterpe, the Muse of Music, occupies an especially prominent place in the sky (the Aries point of Cancer) She protects musicians and infuses them with the inspiration they need to create heart-awakening masterpieces. Under her influence, this new Moon revives, through music, old memories that heal. Euterpe may be able to release you from mental patterns that perpetuate a tolerance for uninspiring work and an uninspiring life. Her Sabian Symbol – “Bathing Beauties” – alludes to personal excellence that is innate or genetic.
My earliest memories of my Dad are the two of us singing together – he and I, riding in the car, sharing a simple pleasure that inspired and made us both happy. At age two I was finding my voice and following his lead on the lyrics. I knew a few lines of a few songs and sang those extra loud. I remember the first time I could sing a whole song. It was a cause for a celebration involving bottle orange pop from the gas station.
My Dad had a beautiful voice, inherited I’m sure from an Austrian grandfather he never met. According to my grandmother, my great-grandfather was known throughout Europe as “the man with the golden throat.”
My Dad sang all the time – songs about leaving his heart in San Francisco, strangers in paradise, the good life, trying to remember (my grandmother’s favorite), magic moments, blackbirds, and lemon trees.
My last memory of my Dad was of he and I trying to sing a song together. He couldn’t remember the lyrics he once knew. I never knew the lyrics to some of the songs in his wide-ranging repertoire – at least not well enough to pick up the slack. I was still dependent on him to lead. I remember apologizing for not being able to do my part. He good-naturedly explained that I should do what he does when he can’t remember lyrics. He whistles or hums the tune. And so we did.
My Dad, like everyone, lost a lot in the process of growing old. But fortunately for both of us, he made the adjustments that allowed him to hold onto the one simple thing that made him happy. It’s a memory that inspires me and seems to capture the message of this new Moon.
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