Total Full Moon Eclipse at 4 Degrees of Aries Sunday, September 27th, 2015 at 7:50 PM PDT and 10:50 PM EDT (Scroll Down for Full Moon Eclipse Chart)
The Equinox, occurring four days before this Full Moon Lunar eclipse, suggests the need to pivot in a new direction. This eclipse feels like the emotional reset that opens the door emotionally to something that makes the pivot possible. Making its appearance as a Super Blood Moon, this Full Moon eclipse will be stunning to observe. Its cosmic effects seem designed to stun.
Like every full Moon, this one is a natural culmination of emotions and events within a 28 day cycle. It’s the fullest point that can be achieved before energy begins to wane, before the leaves begin to wither and die, and the decaying remnants of the old cycle are left to enrich the “soil” in preparation for a new beginning. Lunar cycles repeat every 28 days. When a total eclipse is involved the culmination results in a significant emotional reset, the consequences of which may not be fully apparent for nine months. Mark your calendar for the last week of June, 2016, to fully understand, in retrospect, its impact.
As for what that impact might be, here is my assessment:
The Aries Super Moon is a reflection of Libra’s light, creating a complex mixture of opposites involving the primal urge to survive and to take care of “me first”, along with a graciously receptive approach to the needs and offerings of others and the earth. This eclipse brings a profound ending to whatever stands in the way of connection and a graciously cooperative way of life. Principles of justice and fairness light the way.
The purpose of this eclipse is defined by the North Node in Libra conjunct the dwarf planet Makemake. To better understand our current situation on both personal and transpersonal levels, there is the need to backtrack through history to identify the “original vision.” The Node’s Sabian Symbol “The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh” speaks to the past projected into the future, an enthusiastic commitment to bringing your highest potential to fulfillment, and the need to let go of regressive thinking. It implies the need to transcend a resistance to change or progress so that the original vision can manifest.
Arguably the original transpersonal vision was the “Garden of Eden” where abundance, peace, and contentment reigned for all. Historically we were in the process of manifesting that “eden-esque” vision until Eve – a fully integrated, instinctually driven woman – messed everything up. That storyline justified the suppression of feminine energy from ancient times until now. The Catholic church has always been its most influential cheerleader creating an imbalance that can no longer be sustained.
Which brings me to the Pope and his vision for the world. I find it, as well as his humble demeanor, compelling, heart warming, and stunning from the perspective of how rare it is to witness a leader preaching compassion while appearing to so forcefully embody his beliefs through action.
Contradictory though, were the usual images of Catholic tradition and ritual dominated, as always, by a sea of masculine symbols. Having survived twelve years of Catholic school those images are burned in my brain and continue to be reinforced, most recently by the gentle Pope Francis. When asked about the possibility of women becoming leaders in the church he stated “The church has spoken and says no,” adding, “That door is closed.” Treating others the way you wish to be treated appears to exclude women.
But Uranus trines Venus in the eclipse chart. The universe is removing the barriers that previously prevented a full scale rebellion in the direction of supporting women and their creative leadership capacity. The doors are actually wide opened.
To bring the influence of masculine dominance down into the personal realm where it festers in the form of harsh treatment toward yourself, there is the need to review your past and to identify situations where you impressed your will on a situation that would have responded better to a cooperative effort and an infusion of kindness.
Personally, when I look back, I see the consequences of my refusal to cooperate with my body when it was being too stressed by my nursing career. I was determined to hold onto that career for security reasons. With force and determination I was able to assert my will over my body’s objections. I never really considered the need for a more compassionate approach to my physical self or a more cooperative effort. A snapshot of my psyche at the time would have symbolized the same images of masculine domination that have historically been so deeply embedded – and recently reinforced.
September 27th, 1996 marked the last time there was a full Moon Eclipse eclipse at 4 degrees of Aries. On that Day the Julie N. tanker ship crashed into the Million Dollar Bridge in Portland, Maine spilling 180,000 gallons of toxic oil into the Atlantic ocean. Inadequate clean-up capacity and lack of concern for the environment left an estimated 38,000 gallons of toxic petroleum never recovered in the water. Traces of oil can still be found in the region dating back to the disaster. Damage to coastal wildlife and sea life was catastrophic.
Nine months later, on September 26th “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was published. It was a forceful assertion of J.K. Rollings impulse to communicate her beliefs to the world. It was a powerful statement against dis-enchantment and institutions that diminish the importance of compassion. It was an inspiring testament to the courage involved in a Hero’s journey.
But then she insisted that publishers around the world print her books on eco-friendly paper to help preserve the forests. Her last book in the series was considered within the industry to be the most environmentally friendly in publishing history. She blocked the Finnish publication of her latest Harry Potter novel on paper from Finland because it lacked the ecologically friendly certification she favors. It was a beautiful fusion of Aries/Libra energy.
Rowlings absorbed the promise of that 1996 Aries Full Moon Eclipse to manifest a powerful statement of what she believed and who she was. The 1996 eclipse chart severely challenged Rowling to expose her true beliefs through a creative work of art. Pluto at 0 degrees Sagittarius in that eclipse chart challenged her Mercury at 29 degrees of Leo. Fortunately for her Saturn and the full Moon eclipse were exactly aligned in a conjunction so she (and everyone at that time) was given an extra powerful dose of self discipline along with an emotional reset. It might be worth remembering what was happening for you in September of 1996 and nine months later.
What is implied by this total Full Moon eclipse seems to be a more discriminating approach to what we allow ourselves to believe, an understanding of our personal history, our habits, and the role guilt has played in our past decisions. The eclipse brings an end to our need to completely dominate our inner and outer environments, ushering in a new approach characterized by kindness, care, and cooperative efforts. It requires attention to detail and a new confidence in the feminine voice and its power to influence the world back into balance.
Aries Full Moon Eclipse
(Ora AVNI- Mosaic Artist)
Total Full Moon Eclipse at 4 Degrees of Aries Sunday, September 27th, 2015 at 7:50 PM PDT and 10:50 PM EDT (Scroll Down for Full Moon Eclipse Chart)
The Equinox, occurring four days before this Full Moon Lunar eclipse, suggests the need to pivot in a new direction. This eclipse feels like the emotional reset that opens the door emotionally to something that makes the pivot possible. Making its appearance as a Super Blood Moon, this Full Moon eclipse will be stunning to observe. Its cosmic effects seem designed to stun.
Like every full Moon, this one is a natural culmination of emotions and events within a 28 day cycle. It’s the fullest point that can be achieved before energy begins to wane, before the leaves begin to wither and die, and the decaying remnants of the old cycle are left to enrich the “soil” in preparation for a new beginning. Lunar cycles repeat every 28 days. When a total eclipse is involved the culmination results in a significant emotional reset, the consequences of which may not be fully apparent for nine months. Mark your calendar for the last week of June, 2016, to fully understand, in retrospect, its impact.
As for what that impact might be, here is my assessment:
The Aries Super Moon is a reflection of Libra’s light, creating a complex mixture of opposites involving the primal urge to survive and to take care of “me first”, along with a graciously receptive approach to the needs and offerings of others and the earth. This eclipse brings a profound ending to whatever stands in the way of connection and a graciously cooperative way of life. Principles of justice and fairness light the way.
The purpose of this eclipse is defined by the North Node in Libra conjunct the dwarf planet Makemake. To better understand our current situation on both personal and transpersonal levels, there is the need to backtrack through history to identify the “original vision.” The Node’s Sabian Symbol “The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh” speaks to the past projected into the future, an enthusiastic commitment to bringing your highest potential to fulfillment, and the need to let go of regressive thinking. It implies the need to transcend a resistance to change or progress so that the original vision can manifest.
Arguably the original transpersonal vision was the “Garden of Eden” where abundance, peace, and contentment reigned for all. Historically we were in the process of manifesting that “eden-esque” vision until Eve – a fully integrated, instinctually driven woman – messed everything up. That storyline justified the suppression of feminine energy from ancient times until now. The Catholic church has always been its most influential cheerleader creating an imbalance that can no longer be sustained.
Which brings me to the Pope and his vision for the world. I find it, as well as his humble demeanor, compelling, heart warming, and stunning from the perspective of how rare it is to witness a leader preaching compassion while appearing to so forcefully embody his beliefs through action.
Contradictory though, were the usual images of Catholic tradition and ritual dominated, as always, by a sea of masculine symbols. Having survived twelve years of Catholic school those images are burned in my brain and continue to be reinforced, most recently by the gentle Pope Francis. When asked about the possibility of women becoming leaders in the church he stated “The church has spoken and says no,” adding, “That door is closed.” Treating others the way you wish to be treated appears to exclude women.
But Uranus trines Venus in the eclipse chart. The universe is removing the barriers that previously prevented a full scale rebellion in the direction of supporting women and their creative leadership capacity. The doors are actually wide opened.
To bring the influence of masculine dominance down into the personal realm where it festers in the form of harsh treatment toward yourself, there is the need to review your past and to identify situations where you impressed your will on a situation that would have responded better to a cooperative effort and an infusion of kindness.
Personally, when I look back, I see the consequences of my refusal to cooperate with my body when it was being too stressed by my nursing career. I was determined to hold onto that career for security reasons. With force and determination I was able to assert my will over my body’s objections. I never really considered the need for a more compassionate approach to my physical self or a more cooperative effort. A snapshot of my psyche at the time would have symbolized the same images of masculine domination that have historically been so deeply embedded – and recently reinforced.
September 27th, 1996 marked the last time there was a full Moon Eclipse eclipse at 4 degrees of Aries. On that Day the Julie N. tanker ship crashed into the Million Dollar Bridge in Portland, Maine spilling 180,000 gallons of toxic oil into the Atlantic ocean. Inadequate clean-up capacity and lack of concern for the environment left an estimated 38,000 gallons of toxic petroleum never recovered in the water. Traces of oil can still be found in the region dating back to the disaster. Damage to coastal wildlife and sea life was catastrophic.
Nine months later, on September 26th “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was published. It was a forceful assertion of J.K. Rollings impulse to communicate her beliefs to the world. It was a powerful statement against dis-enchantment and institutions that diminish the importance of compassion. It was an inspiring testament to the courage involved in a Hero’s journey.
But then she insisted that publishers around the world print her books on eco-friendly paper to help preserve the forests. Her last book in the series was considered within the industry to be the most environmentally friendly in publishing history. She blocked the Finnish publication of her latest Harry Potter novel on paper from Finland because it lacked the ecologically friendly certification she favors. It was a beautiful fusion of Aries/Libra energy.
Rowlings absorbed the promise of that 1996 Aries Full Moon Eclipse to manifest a powerful statement of what she believed and who she was. The 1996 eclipse chart severely challenged Rowling to expose her true beliefs through a creative work of art. Pluto at 0 degrees Sagittarius in that eclipse chart challenged her Mercury at 29 degrees of Leo. Fortunately for her Saturn and the full Moon eclipse were exactly aligned in a conjunction so she (and everyone at that time) was given an extra powerful dose of self discipline along with an emotional reset. It might be worth remembering what was happening for you in September of 1996 and nine months later.
What is implied by this total Full Moon eclipse seems to be a more discriminating approach to what we allow ourselves to believe, an understanding of our personal history, our habits, and the role guilt has played in our past decisions. The eclipse brings an end to our need to completely dominate our inner and outer environments, ushering in a new approach characterized by kindness, care, and cooperative efforts. It requires attention to detail and a new confidence in the feminine voice and its power to influence the world back into balance.

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