Late today the Sun enters the sign of Leo. Tomorrow Mercury transits into Leo as well energizing creative thought and entertaining communication. A more celebratory, loving, fiery tone ignites the world in dramatic ways. Attention-seeking behavior and more socializing may be on the agenda. Love affairs, friendliness, and an openness to receiving more love is highlighted. Communication may center around children, love, and issues involving self-determination. For the next two weeks shocking truths unleash new possibilities freeing us to pursue personal objectives that have long been placed “on hold.”
Uranus retrogrades on Saturday, taking us deeper, for the next five months, into the realm of personal, freedom-loving, humanitarian leanings. Between now and Christmas day, 2015, we’ll be waging an inner rebellion against personal limitation, pushing against boundaries that kept our world confined, and protesting rules and regulations that have shaped our lives previously. The issue is freeing ourselves to make the contribution we need to make and to actualize the kind of relationships we most desire. The universe is preparing us internally to make some real headway as the New Year approaches.
On Friday, Venus, newly in the sign of Virgo, begins a six week retrograde phase. There is indication that we have missed something related to what we love, how we love, our capacity to receive love, and our ability to ground and stabilize all relationships in an abundance of self-love. It’s time for a more self centered focus particularly if your life is defined by a preoccupation with the welfare of others at the expense of your own.
This week we get a taste of Venus in Virgo before she returns to Leo for a few more weeks. Self-improvement projects resonate now. Retracing our steps in relationships, noticing the importance of details, turning our partners (or ourselves) into projects, and wanting to improve relationships in some very specific and critical way are all reflections of a new more highly discriminating energy. Beautification and harmonization of every kind involves careful attention to detail.
Health issues improve as we free ourselves from worry, guilt, heavy work loads, and overwhelming responsibilities. Health routines infused with joy and sensual “Venusian” satisfaction will be most effective. Deeper, more rejuvenating types of relaxation become an essential part of any carefully designed health routine.
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Mars, your ruling planet, now transits through the sign of Cancer. It’s a difficult dance you’re doing trying to channel ambitious urges through a filter that requires a delicate approach. There is some recognition of your capacity to annihilate an enemy. Now you seem to sense that what needs to be “conquered” or controlled holds within it something valuable that must not be destroyed with a forceful approach. There is something beautiful and delicate that needs to be cultivated and nurtured. Most likely that will be expressed within the home or possibly related to career. Your approach to past relationship dynamics, a willingness to change, and the adoption of some incredibly creative approaches to enjoying life can be actualized. There is the indication that a new foundation is being carefully constructed and that solidifying it requires choosing only those connections that spark joy.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Highlighted this month is the nature of the foundation you have built for yourself over the past year, but also throughout your life. Your foundation is essentially a compilation of your past, your life story, all the good, bad, and in-between things that have happened to provide a solid, realistic base for launching your life. There is the suggestion that your foundation has a few holes in it, parts of the story you’ve left out, ignored, left unintegrated, or buried. Fear, guilt, shame, pain – all the obvious suspects might be to blame. The spotlight is now aimed directly over those dark holes representing critical missing pieces. The condition of your foundation is in need of structural repair. As Uranus moves into retrograde motion you recover the missing pieces and place them where they belong. There is an abundance of vibrant energy available to assist you in creating something strong and incredibly beautiful.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Your mind is being lit up with an abundance of creative energy. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter all infuse their brilliance this week firing up your curiosity, desire to learn, and to move in a million different directions. It’s vitalizing as long as you keep in mind the big picture and entertain only the broadest of perspectives, especially those insisting that there is room for you to do it all your own way. There is room to protest the status quo, to integrate some new element into the formula, and to make it up as you go along. There is room for more expansion and a future that reflects the most brilliant aspects of who you are, even if the audience doesn’t always welcome you with open arms. If it doesn’t, you can take that as a sign that you’re probably on the right track. Experiment and inject something truly unusual. It’s the most humanitarian and inspiring thing you can do for the masses.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This week Mars ignites your first house, encouraging you to act in courageous ways to challenge your current life direction. As Uranus turns retrogrades you are taken deeper into yourself to protest the limitations that keep you moving in a direction that may not reflect your deepest desires. It is important if you can’t, at the moment, make big changes, that you make a few small ones that will eventually result in something big. Anger and the urge to fight may be strong. Financial considerations may dominate. Now is the time to shore up your sense of self-worth, to take pride in your willingness to do what you can do to change things, and possibly to begin to develop an important talent that has been neglected in the past. Your creative mind is now capable of recognizing the perfect business partner for you. Actually he or she may look a lot like “the rebel emerging within” born to break the mold and to lead in some very dramatic way.
LEO (July 21-August 21)
As Mercury and the Sun leave your 12th house, wandering around in the wilderness, or wishing you were “someplace else” is basically over. There is a new confidence that you can begin to materialize what could previously only exist within your imagination. Emotions remain a tangled mass of contradiction, but that will not matter as much as faith in yourself and a new perspective continues to develop. A new 12 month cycle begins and communication is key – for the entire year. What you communicate is critical. The extent to which you embrace your role as an inspirational influence determines your success this year. As always, how you begin anything sets the tone for how things unfold. From that standpoint, this week will be critical and determinative. Be extra aware of the role you play and what you say. If anything feels “off” or outdated adjust quickly in the direction of something more positive and inspiring.
VIRGO (August 21-September 21)
Virgo’s are at a pivotal turning point involving massive healing and a tighter focus on cherished dreams. Courage is critical. Your willingness to take some new kind of action in the direction of actualizing your dream is critical as well. This is a strenuous and hopeful time when Venus, now in the sign of Virgo, is supporting you in subtle but powerful ways. She’s pulling some strings that allow you to act in harmony with available energy. You may feel her presence most powerfully when you use your deeply ingrained work ethic to discipline yourself into a meditative state, when you hold back on some over-exertion tendencies, when you say no to taking on additional distracting responsibilities, and when you deliberately channel thoughts away from guilt toward practical inner guidance to determine your “next best step.” Most likely this will involve a clearer vision of your dream and specifically what’s needed to actualize it. It’s time for a more truthful response to the question “who am I” and “what do I want.”
LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
It is often difficult for Libra to feel useful without a life in various stages of chaos and confusion. Your most natural role as a balancer, beautifier, harmonizer, and peacemaker, requires a reason for being. Often that translates into a personal life filled with relationship conflict, ugliness, “under” or “over” reactions, something fundamentally unfair, or being surrounded by others who are incompetent in making peace with their lives. You now have the sensitivity and insight to recognize how you often have a hand in creating your own chaos especially when you’re not feeling useful. It seems now that there is a chance to bring it all to the next level. Channeling your talents into something less personal, like an ongoing humanitarian project, could finally allow the dust to settle in you personal life. Venus is a powerful presence now guiding you toward a more evolved way of living.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
For Scorpio, the entry of the Sun and Mercury into the sign of Leo may feel disturbing. The Leo Sun’s natural brilliance, now shining in its purest form, may cast some unwelcome light on sensitive, routinely well-hidden and protected “Scorpio spaces.” Mercury’s thoughts and ideas, expressed in more unfiltered ways, may hit a Scorpio nerve, exposing personal secrets, motivations, and the very source of your power. Being “thrown off your game” challenges you to recover with dignity. What are your fundamental choices? They may have to do with where you focus your attention. If you are mostly concerned with taking control of yourself and your darker impulses, if you channel your effort inward, you grasp the opportunity to change course, to be more honest, and to undergo some critical, much needed healing. If you focus your attention on controlling another, being intrusive, letting pride and mistrust be your primary motivator, you miss it.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
This week the sector of life defined by your beliefs about future possibilities, directions for expansion, growth, optimism, and visionary capacity is lit up like a Christmas tree. There is truth and unfiltered brilliance emanating from this part of your life. Now is the time to evaluate how supportive your daily routines are of your dreams for the future. Built into your daily activities must be the material necessary for moving you into the future you most desire – slowly maybe, but reliably and consistently. Mercury in Leo will tell you the truth, like a child too innocent to know there are other options. It may be time to more carefully define where you want to go in order to determine if your day-day existence requires a few tweaks or more massive transformation. As Uranus turns retrograde you will descend to a deeper level of truth about the nature of love and self love. As you make decisions going forward the most important question you can ask yourself is “does this choice spark joy for me.” If not take a pass.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
This week Capricorn is faced with some dissonance regarding their characteristic sense of reserve, hard work, and letting results speak for themselves. There is growing realization that more is needed to gain the full cooperation of another. Some deep personal revelation must be offered for others to be able to connect and contribute. Your most natural or comfortable approach may be devoid of magic or the promise of intangible rewards that could drive others to act or to become more fully engaged with you – to connect in ways that excites them more. An expansion of your repertoire is required even though that may feel odd and unnatural. Venus has moved into your 9th house of personal beliefs. It is now possible to enhance relationships and cooperation through sharing a personal belief that reveals who you are at a deeper level. It engenders trust and gives others a reason to connect.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Aquarians have an interesting dilemma that involves detachment and sensitivity. Your innate talents and resources are defined by the heights of compassion, healing, boundariless connections with others, with mysterious sources of truth, the collective mind, inspiration, and all that is. Maintaining your distance and objectivity while holding within the vulnerability that allows you connect on the deepest possible levels requires a strategy. For you this may involve dismissing or ignoring your talents and your most important contributions in favor of a more detached approach. It’s time to reconsider the contents of the treasure chest you’ve been given. How can you integrate more of your gifts into your basic approach to life. Vulnerability is solidifying for you in some important way. Surround yourself with sensitive types, experiment with more openness, and pay attention as you recognize parts of yourself that can be used in new ways.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
Venus is infusing a more discriminating approach to relationships in general. Her motive is beautification, sheer pleasure, harmonization, and balance. In the sign of Virgo she gives the gift of a “critical eye” for anything that interferes with her aims. It is a gift that is being presented to you in the form of a clear recognition of how others specifically interfere with, or support, your aims. What remains incomplete, however, is a fair valuation of yourself and an accurate determination of how deserving you are of being surrounded only by those who support you. There are two parts to getting the relationship sector of your life in order and Venus is taking care of both of them. With a little effort and the willingness to consider the real magnitude of your worth and value, by mid-October you will be well on your way to approaching relationships in a much more discriminating and self-serving way. This bodes extremely well for creating the kind of life you most desire.
Horoscopes for the Week of July 22nd – 28th
Late today the Sun enters the sign of Leo. Tomorrow Mercury transits into Leo as well energizing creative thought and entertaining communication. A more celebratory, loving, fiery tone ignites the world in dramatic ways. Attention-seeking behavior and more socializing may be on the agenda. Love affairs, friendliness, and an openness to receiving more love is highlighted. Communication may center around children, love, and issues involving self-determination. For the next two weeks shocking truths unleash new possibilities freeing us to pursue personal objectives that have long been placed “on hold.”
Uranus retrogrades on Saturday, taking us deeper, for the next five months, into the realm of personal, freedom-loving, humanitarian leanings. Between now and Christmas day, 2015, we’ll be waging an inner rebellion against personal limitation, pushing against boundaries that kept our world confined, and protesting rules and regulations that have shaped our lives previously. The issue is freeing ourselves to make the contribution we need to make and to actualize the kind of relationships we most desire. The universe is preparing us internally to make some real headway as the New Year approaches.
On Friday, Venus, newly in the sign of Virgo, begins a six week retrograde phase. There is indication that we have missed something related to what we love, how we love, our capacity to receive love, and our ability to ground and stabilize all relationships in an abundance of self-love. It’s time for a more self centered focus particularly if your life is defined by a preoccupation with the welfare of others at the expense of your own.
This week we get a taste of Venus in Virgo before she returns to Leo for a few more weeks. Self-improvement projects resonate now. Retracing our steps in relationships, noticing the importance of details, turning our partners (or ourselves) into projects, and wanting to improve relationships in some very specific and critical way are all reflections of a new more highly discriminating energy. Beautification and harmonization of every kind involves careful attention to detail.
Health issues improve as we free ourselves from worry, guilt, heavy work loads, and overwhelming responsibilities. Health routines infused with joy and sensual “Venusian” satisfaction will be most effective. Deeper, more rejuvenating types of relaxation become an essential part of any carefully designed health routine.
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Mars, your ruling planet, now transits through the sign of Cancer. It’s a difficult dance you’re doing trying to channel ambitious urges through a filter that requires a delicate approach. There is some recognition of your capacity to annihilate an enemy. Now you seem to sense that what needs to be “conquered” or controlled holds within it something valuable that must not be destroyed with a forceful approach. There is something beautiful and delicate that needs to be cultivated and nurtured. Most likely that will be expressed within the home or possibly related to career. Your approach to past relationship dynamics, a willingness to change, and the adoption of some incredibly creative approaches to enjoying life can be actualized. There is the indication that a new foundation is being carefully constructed and that solidifying it requires choosing only those connections that spark joy.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Highlighted this month is the nature of the foundation you have built for yourself over the past year, but also throughout your life. Your foundation is essentially a compilation of your past, your life story, all the good, bad, and in-between things that have happened to provide a solid, realistic base for launching your life. There is the suggestion that your foundation has a few holes in it, parts of the story you’ve left out, ignored, left unintegrated, or buried. Fear, guilt, shame, pain – all the obvious suspects might be to blame. The spotlight is now aimed directly over those dark holes representing critical missing pieces. The condition of your foundation is in need of structural repair. As Uranus moves into retrograde motion you recover the missing pieces and place them where they belong. There is an abundance of vibrant energy available to assist you in creating something strong and incredibly beautiful.
Your mind is being lit up with an abundance of creative energy. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter all infuse their brilliance this week firing up your curiosity, desire to learn, and to move in a million different directions. It’s vitalizing as long as you keep in mind the big picture and entertain only the broadest of perspectives, especially those insisting that there is room for you to do it all your own way. There is room to protest the status quo, to integrate some new element into the formula, and to make it up as you go along. There is room for more expansion and a future that reflects the most brilliant aspects of who you are, even if the audience doesn’t always welcome you with open arms. If it doesn’t, you can take that as a sign that you’re probably on the right track. Experiment and inject something truly unusual. It’s the most humanitarian and inspiring thing you can do for the masses.
This week Mars ignites your first house, encouraging you to act in courageous ways to challenge your current life direction. As Uranus turns retrogrades you are taken deeper into yourself to protest the limitations that keep you moving in a direction that may not reflect your deepest desires. It is important if you can’t, at the moment, make big changes, that you make a few small ones that will eventually result in something big. Anger and the urge to fight may be strong. Financial considerations may dominate. Now is the time to shore up your sense of self-worth, to take pride in your willingness to do what you can do to change things, and possibly to begin to develop an important talent that has been neglected in the past. Your creative mind is now capable of recognizing the perfect business partner for you. Actually he or she may look a lot like “the rebel emerging within” born to break the mold and to lead in some very dramatic way.
As Mercury and the Sun leave your 12th house, wandering around in the wilderness, or wishing you were “someplace else” is basically over. There is a new confidence that you can begin to materialize what could previously only exist within your imagination. Emotions remain a tangled mass of contradiction, but that will not matter as much as faith in yourself and a new perspective continues to develop. A new 12 month cycle begins and communication is key – for the entire year. What you communicate is critical. The extent to which you embrace your role as an inspirational influence determines your success this year. As always, how you begin anything sets the tone for how things unfold. From that standpoint, this week will be critical and determinative. Be extra aware of the role you play and what you say. If anything feels “off” or outdated adjust quickly in the direction of something more positive and inspiring.

Virgo’s are at a pivotal turning point involving massive healing and a tighter focus on cherished dreams. Courage is critical. Your willingness to take some new kind of action in the direction of actualizing your dream is critical as well. This is a strenuous and hopeful time when Venus, now in the sign of Virgo, is supporting you in subtle but powerful ways. She’s pulling some strings that allow you to act in harmony with available energy. You may feel her presence most powerfully when you use your deeply ingrained work ethic to discipline yourself into a meditative state, when you hold back on some over-exertion tendencies, when you say no to taking on additional distracting responsibilities, and when you deliberately channel thoughts away from guilt toward practical inner guidance to determine your “next best step.” Most likely this will involve a clearer vision of your dream and specifically what’s needed to actualize it. It’s time for a more truthful response to the question “who am I” and “what do I want.”
It is often difficult for Libra to feel useful without a life in various stages of chaos and confusion. Your most natural role as a balancer, beautifier, harmonizer, and peacemaker, requires a reason for being. Often that translates into a personal life filled with relationship conflict, ugliness, “under” or “over” reactions, something fundamentally unfair, or being surrounded by others who are incompetent in making peace with their lives. You now have the sensitivity and insight to recognize how you often have a hand in creating your own chaos especially when you’re not feeling useful. It seems now that there is a chance to bring it all to the next level. Channeling your talents into something less personal, like an ongoing humanitarian project, could finally allow the dust to settle in you personal life. Venus is a powerful presence now guiding you toward a more evolved way of living.
For Scorpio, the entry of the Sun and Mercury into the sign of Leo may feel disturbing. The Leo Sun’s natural brilliance, now shining in its purest form, may cast some unwelcome light on sensitive, routinely well-hidden and protected “Scorpio spaces.” Mercury’s thoughts and ideas, expressed in more unfiltered ways, may hit a Scorpio nerve, exposing personal secrets, motivations, and the very source of your power. Being “thrown off your game” challenges you to recover with dignity. What are your fundamental choices? They may have to do with where you focus your attention. If you are mostly concerned with taking control of yourself and your darker impulses, if you channel your effort inward, you grasp the opportunity to change course, to be more honest, and to undergo some critical, much needed healing. If you focus your attention on controlling another, being intrusive, letting pride and mistrust be your primary motivator, you miss it.
This week the sector of life defined by your beliefs about future possibilities, directions for expansion, growth, optimism, and visionary capacity is lit up like a Christmas tree. There is truth and unfiltered brilliance emanating from this part of your life. Now is the time to evaluate how supportive your daily routines are of your dreams for the future. Built into your daily activities must be the material necessary for moving you into the future you most desire – slowly maybe, but reliably and consistently. Mercury in Leo will tell you the truth, like a child too innocent to know there are other options. It may be time to more carefully define where you want to go in order to determine if your day-day existence requires a few tweaks or more massive transformation. As Uranus turns retrograde you will descend to a deeper level of truth about the nature of love and self love. As you make decisions going forward the most important question you can ask yourself is “does this choice spark joy for me.” If not take a pass.
This week Capricorn is faced with some dissonance regarding their characteristic sense of reserve, hard work, and letting results speak for themselves. There is growing realization that more is needed to gain the full cooperation of another. Some deep personal revelation must be offered for others to be able to connect and contribute. Your most natural or comfortable approach may be devoid of magic or the promise of intangible rewards that could drive others to act or to become more fully engaged with you – to connect in ways that excites them more. An expansion of your repertoire is required even though that may feel odd and unnatural. Venus has moved into your 9th house of personal beliefs. It is now possible to enhance relationships and cooperation through sharing a personal belief that reveals who you are at a deeper level. It engenders trust and gives others a reason to connect.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Aquarians have an interesting dilemma that involves detachment and sensitivity. Your innate talents and resources are defined by the heights of compassion, healing, boundariless connections with others, with mysterious sources of truth, the collective mind, inspiration, and all that is. Maintaining your distance and objectivity while holding within the vulnerability that allows you connect on the deepest possible levels requires a strategy. For you this may involve dismissing or ignoring your talents and your most important contributions in favor of a more detached approach. It’s time to reconsider the contents of the treasure chest you’ve been given. How can you integrate more of your gifts into your basic approach to life. Vulnerability is solidifying for you in some important way. Surround yourself with sensitive types, experiment with more openness, and pay attention as you recognize parts of yourself that can be used in new ways.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)

Venus is infusing a more discriminating approach to relationships in general. Her motive is beautification, sheer pleasure, harmonization, and balance. In the sign of Virgo she gives the gift of a “critical eye” for anything that interferes with her aims. It is a gift that is being presented to you in the form of a clear recognition of how others specifically interfere with, or support, your aims. What remains incomplete, however, is a fair valuation of yourself and an accurate determination of how deserving you are of being surrounded only by those who support you. There are two parts to getting the relationship sector of your life in order and Venus is taking care of both of them. With a little effort and the willingness to consider the real magnitude of your worth and value, by mid-October you will be well on your way to approaching relationships in a much more discriminating and self-serving way. This bodes extremely well for creating the kind of life you most desire.
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