This evening at 6:24 PM PDT & 9:24 PM EDT there is a new Moon in the sign of Cancer. It is a challenging new Moon requiring major shifts in focus and a “new home.” Read the full interpretation here. Over the next two weeks unfolding in some area of life will be the outlines of a new loyalty or allegiance that places us on higher ground.
On Saturday Venus changes signs – from Leo to Virgo. She is moving, just for a short two week stint, into the sign of Virgo. Then, on Aug 1st, back into Leo for another 10-11 weeks. This is unusual and I will post an article explaining its significance sometime soon.
Next Tuesday the Sun changes from the watery, sensitive, nurturing sign of Cancer into the self-celebratory, fiery sign of Leo. Social occasions designed to maximize enjoyment, children, love affairs, and creative immersion are all given energetic support from the universe. It’s a time when acting as though the world “revolves around you” can work very well.
Have a great week and, as always, thanks for reading.
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
As Venus enters your 6th house your work and responsibilities may become more enjoyable in some way. For all the difficult mental work that you do, for your methodical, logical, effective problem solving mind, for being the perfect employee or the exquisitely reliable one, you’re being rewarded. But it’s time to give it a rest. You’ve proven yourself to yourself. Take an extra long lunch break and daydream about what comes next. You will be shown over the next month what it is that gives you the most joy, that allows you to feel exuberant, creative, uninhibited, and “in love.” A new foundation is being constructed beneath you that enhances your potential and may change your life direction. In the meantime it’s time to play for awhile and to reconnect with your child-like self. That will give you a good idea of how to integrate more of your natural talent, good humor, and creative ability into your work going forward.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Your work at the moment is learning what it is that you truly love to do or the kind of life, going forward, that you would like to create. The good news is that Venus is about to make this task very easy if you pay close attention to details you might normally miss. What seems unimportant but repeatedly flashes before you, possibly in some annoying way, may be the gift that Venus is trying to give you. There is an important message wrapped in a way you might tend to ignore. Guilt, worry, and perfectionistic tendencies will interfere with your receptivity. So will the tendency to turn it all into something much harder than it needs to be. There is the possibility that you have shifted onto some higher ground and that the old rules no longer apply. Your mind needs a new home and plenty of room to play with ideas, possibilities, and a perspective that’s rapidly expanding.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Venus is moving into your 4th house revealing, through attention to detail, who you are at an essential level. The 4th house alway defines the bottom line of who you are and what’s most important. Venus is delivering her gifts to you within this realm. You can be petty or an unobstructed channel of the purest forms of energy imaginable. You can worry about everything or effectively problem solve in the most efficient possible ways. You can be the critic who turns against himself or the one able to look at a big complicated picture, recognize and eliminate the tiniest dissonant piece, and turn it into a work of exquisite beauty. In the interest of being as receptive as possible to Venus this week it is necessary to weed out the petty distractions that move you way from your rock solid essential self. If you do that Venus will move you deeper into who you are at the most essential level.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Unfolding this week is a new approach to life, a new style that may actually require a makeover of some type. Cooperative arrangements have set you free in some way to make significant advances. It’s as though you’ve reached some higher ground and are able to operate on a level that may be unprecedented for you. It’s a liberation of some kind – an opportunity you must be prepared to seize. Your routine, conversations with siblings, relationships from the past, and family may provide you with the means to transcend old blockages that previously hemmed you in. This week is a giant step forward on some level. Nine months from now you will understand where it all leads. It looks like an assumption of leadership, a promotion, more authority, or more independence and control over your life direction.
LEO (July 21-August 21)
Leo is in a position at this time to lose something – deliberately. Some area of complicated struggle can be unchosen. You can simply walk away from a game of “tug of war” because it’s run its course, become uninteresting, or sapped enough of your energy. The ability to end something represents the beginning of something bigger and more cosmically significant. Going with the flow is an easier, more effective way to live your life. As Venus transits into your 2nd house of “protecting your assets” (in the broadest possible sense) money may begin to flow in your direction as a result of some self-assertion or “seizing of opportunity” that took place at the beginning of June. Next Tuesday represents the beginning of a new astrological year for you. Your exuberant energy returns and you reset your routine to include more fun and games. Actually you’re back in the game and back to your most natural joyful self.
VIRGO (August 21-September 21)
Venus moves into your sign on Saturday and to the extent that you can adopt her ways, all the better. Venus lets nothing interfere with her deep enjoyment of life, especially not the habit of projecting perfection, proper manners, overly responsible attitudes, more work and less fun. Now is the time to let your hair down in whatever ways feel right to you. Actually none of it may feel right but it’s a good idea to take advantage of this time to be a more uninhibited, sensual version of yourself. If you have trouble coming up with ideas for how to pull this off a few well chosen, therapeutic, friendly “healing types” may be more than happy to help you out. Or you might just refer back to where your wilder “imaginings” have taken you over the past month and figure out how to “put those in play.” You are at your peak of physically attractiveness over the next several weeks. That’s an opportunity you can make work for you.
LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
Venus moves into your 12th and last solar house this week signifying that it’s time to cash in on what you’ve worked hard for for the past year. Making yourself highly receptive by taking a break, relaxing more, and maybe being alone in the pleasant company of yourself allows the universe to deliver. If you’re worried about the future, ruminating over the past, or otherwise preoccupied, you won’t be “at home” when the cosmic UPS guy shows up to deliver your gifts. Those may be coming in the form of a reward for past work, patience with what appeared to be a failure, and the willingness to take a “hands off” approach to something you would have rather orchestrated. Now it’s time to clear your mind, to coast, and to thoroughly enjoy what the universe hands you.
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This week your life direction is energized. Goals may feel within reach and you may feel as though your life direction is “on track.” There is some communication from friends, lovers, or children that sucks you into vicariously experiencing another’s life and learning from it. Information about how enjoyable and rich others lives can be feeds your soul in ways that inspire joy and faith in the future. In fact the new Moon has provided some new reason for optimism, potential future expansion, and some new freedom. You may want more information than another is willing to provide, but, you may gain, through some welcomed news, evidence of how life unfolds best organically, in its own time, in its own way, even when you don’t try to manage the outcome. The universe supports what fits into the bigger, more mysterious plan. You can afford to sit back, learn and simply enjoy the show.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Sagittarius may experience this new Moon in fairly profound ways. The deeper questions about life and death, loyalty, and the value of a more “selfish” motivation to keep relationships balanced and healthy may be surfacing. As the Sun moves into Leo and your 9th house you may feel a new type of freedom to advance your own interests and to revolve your life around yourself. You may embrace a more unapologetic approach to inconveniencing others in order to get what you want. This is complicated, however, if you don’t actually know what you want. It’s time to figure it out if that’s the case. Unfolding over the next two weeks may be an outline of the specific life direction you would love most. Opportunities you have worked for may now be presented to you. And any work you do to more clearly define what it is you want delivers way more than expected in terms of information you need.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Reflected in your relationships is the need for some new approach to life. Going over the same territory, responding in the same ways you always have, insisting on strict control over circumstances, and working exceptionally hard as you always have may be causing you to miss something important about what you need for the future. Venus in Virgo moves into your 9th house, freeing you from the need to work and overwork, and handing you information you need about going with the flow, the value of rest, of letting others do their part, and developing a more careful approach to picking up on subtle cues that could save you lots of time and energy. There is more to you than meets the eye. Others see it but you may not – yet. But as the Sun energizes your 8th house of transformation you may be on the verge of integrating the lost parts of you that have more to do with receptivity, sensitivity, and a willingness to admit that what you’ve already mastered isn’t enough to get you to where you need to be.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
If you’ve been thinking lately about the positive effects of what you used to think of as some monstrous failure, some incredible stroke of bad luck, or disastrous turn of events, you’re on the right track. What has been damaged is moving rapidly in the direction of healing and even beyond that. It’s as though, because of some major damage or wound to your soul, your potential has increased dramatically. As Venus moves into your 8th house on Saturday the universe is delivering rewards for your full engagement in the transformation process – for letting go, for doing what you were afraid to do, for working harder than most, and for trusting that you would survive when it seemed that you might not. For all of that, Venus is showering you with gifts and unprecedented power. You could have been beaten but you chose differently. For all your courage and wise choices you deserve to bask in this Venusian glow.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships rewarding you for the hard work you’ve done to make it all work. You can afford to take a break now, to be more receptive to the good things that may be coming your way in the form of a gift from another or simply from the feeling of being more balanced and fully integrated. Others may be more than generous with you, showering you with the kind of gifts you love most. The coast seems clear now for you to come into your own in some way. Your life direction, in terms of career possibly, could be clarified in some mysterious or unlikely way. Your work and your talents may be highlighted as the Sun moves into your 6th house. An epiphany regarding your life direction may come “out of the blue.” You may find yourself standing on higher ground now. The terrain is different and the possibilities may feel newly exciting.
Horoscopes for the Week of July 15th – 21st
Mosaic Artist Britt Hammer
This evening at 6:24 PM PDT & 9:24 PM EDT there is a new Moon in the sign of Cancer. It is a challenging new Moon requiring major shifts in focus and a “new home.” Read the full interpretation here. Over the next two weeks unfolding in some area of life will be the outlines of a new loyalty or allegiance that places us on higher ground.
On Saturday Venus changes signs – from Leo to Virgo. She is moving, just for a short two week stint, into the sign of Virgo. Then, on Aug 1st, back into Leo for another 10-11 weeks. This is unusual and I will post an article explaining its significance sometime soon.
Next Tuesday the Sun changes from the watery, sensitive, nurturing sign of Cancer into the self-celebratory, fiery sign of Leo. Social occasions designed to maximize enjoyment, children, love affairs, and creative immersion are all given energetic support from the universe. It’s a time when acting as though the world “revolves around you” can work very well.
Have a great week and, as always, thanks for reading.
Holly RePenn
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rios Street
San Juan Capistrano,
CA 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
As Venus enters your 6th house your work and responsibilities may become more enjoyable in some way. For all the difficult mental work that you do, for your methodical, logical, effective problem solving mind, for being the perfect employee or the exquisitely reliable one, you’re being rewarded. But it’s time to give it a rest. You’ve proven yourself to yourself. Take an extra long lunch break and daydream about what comes next. You will be shown over the next month what it is that gives you the most joy, that allows you to feel exuberant, creative, uninhibited, and “in love.” A new foundation is being constructed beneath you that enhances your potential and may change your life direction. In the meantime it’s time to play for awhile and to reconnect with your child-like self. That will give you a good idea of how to integrate more of your natural talent, good humor, and creative ability into your work going forward.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Your work at the moment is learning what it is that you truly love to do or the kind of life, going forward, that you would like to create. The good news is that Venus is about to make this task very easy if you pay close attention to details you might normally miss. What seems unimportant but repeatedly flashes before you, possibly in some annoying way, may be the gift that Venus is trying to give you. There is an important message wrapped in a way you might tend to ignore. Guilt, worry, and perfectionistic tendencies will interfere with your receptivity. So will the tendency to turn it all into something much harder than it needs to be. There is the possibility that you have shifted onto some higher ground and that the old rules no longer apply. Your mind needs a new home and plenty of room to play with ideas, possibilities, and a perspective that’s rapidly expanding.
Venus is moving into your 4th house revealing, through attention to detail, who you are at an essential level. The 4th house alway defines the bottom line of who you are and what’s most important. Venus is delivering her gifts to you within this realm. You can be petty or an unobstructed channel of the purest forms of energy imaginable. You can worry about everything or effectively problem solve in the most efficient possible ways. You can be the critic who turns against himself or the one able to look at a big complicated picture, recognize and eliminate the tiniest dissonant piece, and turn it into a work of exquisite beauty. In the interest of being as receptive as possible to Venus this week it is necessary to weed out the petty distractions that move you way from your rock solid essential self. If you do that Venus will move you deeper into who you are at the most essential level.
Unfolding this week is a new approach to life, a new style that may actually require a makeover of some type. Cooperative arrangements have set you free in some way to make significant advances. It’s as though you’ve reached some higher ground and are able to operate on a level that may be unprecedented for you. It’s a liberation of some kind – an opportunity you must be prepared to seize. Your routine, conversations with siblings, relationships from the past, and family may provide you with the means to transcend old blockages that previously hemmed you in. This week is a giant step forward on some level. Nine months from now you will understand where it all leads. It looks like an assumption of leadership, a promotion, more authority, or more independence and control over your life direction.
Leo is in a position at this time to lose something – deliberately. Some area of complicated struggle can be unchosen. You can simply walk away from a game of “tug of war” because it’s run its course, become uninteresting, or sapped enough of your energy. The ability to end something represents the beginning of something bigger and more cosmically significant. Going with the flow is an easier, more effective way to live your life. As Venus transits into your 2nd house of “protecting your assets” (in the broadest possible sense) money may begin to flow in your direction as a result of some self-assertion or “seizing of opportunity” that took place at the beginning of June. Next Tuesday represents the beginning of a new astrological year for you. Your exuberant energy returns and you reset your routine to include more fun and games. Actually you’re back in the game and back to your most natural joyful self.

Venus moves into your sign on Saturday and to the extent that you can adopt her ways, all the better. Venus lets nothing interfere with her deep enjoyment of life, especially not the habit of projecting perfection, proper manners, overly responsible attitudes, more work and less fun. Now is the time to let your hair down in whatever ways feel right to you. Actually none of it may feel right but it’s a good idea to take advantage of this time to be a more uninhibited, sensual version of yourself. If you have trouble coming up with ideas for how to pull this off a few well chosen, therapeutic, friendly “healing types” may be more than happy to help you out. Or you might just refer back to where your wilder “imaginings” have taken you over the past month and figure out how to “put those in play.” You are at your peak of physically attractiveness over the next several weeks. That’s an opportunity you can make work for you.
Venus moves into your 12th and last solar house this week signifying that it’s time to cash in on what you’ve worked hard for for the past year. Making yourself highly receptive by taking a break, relaxing more, and maybe being alone in the pleasant company of yourself allows the universe to deliver. If you’re worried about the future, ruminating over the past, or otherwise preoccupied, you won’t be “at home” when the cosmic UPS guy shows up to deliver your gifts. Those may be coming in the form of a reward for past work, patience with what appeared to be a failure, and the willingness to take a “hands off” approach to something you would have rather orchestrated. Now it’s time to clear your mind, to coast, and to thoroughly enjoy what the universe hands you.
This week your life direction is energized. Goals may feel within reach and you may feel as though your life direction is “on track.” There is some communication from friends, lovers, or children that sucks you into vicariously experiencing another’s life and learning from it. Information about how enjoyable and rich others lives can be feeds your soul in ways that inspire joy and faith in the future. In fact the new Moon has provided some new reason for optimism, potential future expansion, and some new freedom. You may want more information than another is willing to provide, but, you may gain, through some welcomed news, evidence of how life unfolds best organically, in its own time, in its own way, even when you don’t try to manage the outcome. The universe supports what fits into the bigger, more mysterious plan. You can afford to sit back, learn and simply enjoy the show.
Sagittarius may experience this new Moon in fairly profound ways. The deeper questions about life and death, loyalty, and the value of a more “selfish” motivation to keep relationships balanced and healthy may be surfacing. As the Sun moves into Leo and your 9th house you may feel a new type of freedom to advance your own interests and to revolve your life around yourself. You may embrace a more unapologetic approach to inconveniencing others in order to get what you want. This is complicated, however, if you don’t actually know what you want. It’s time to figure it out if that’s the case. Unfolding over the next two weeks may be an outline of the specific life direction you would love most. Opportunities you have worked for may now be presented to you. And any work you do to more clearly define what it is you want delivers way more than expected in terms of information you need.
Reflected in your relationships is the need for some new approach to life. Going over the same territory, responding in the same ways you always have, insisting on strict control over circumstances, and working exceptionally hard as you always have may be causing you to miss something important about what you need for the future. Venus in Virgo moves into your 9th house, freeing you from the need to work and overwork, and handing you information you need about going with the flow, the value of rest, of letting others do their part, and developing a more careful approach to picking up on subtle cues that could save you lots of time and energy. There is more to you than meets the eye. Others see it but you may not – yet. But as the Sun energizes your 8th house of transformation you may be on the verge of integrating the lost parts of you that have more to do with receptivity, sensitivity, and a willingness to admit that what you’ve already mastered isn’t enough to get you to where you need to be.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
If you’ve been thinking lately about the positive effects of what you used to think of as some monstrous failure, some incredible stroke of bad luck, or disastrous turn of events, you’re on the right track. What has been damaged is moving rapidly in the direction of healing and even beyond that. It’s as though, because of some major damage or wound to your soul, your potential has increased dramatically. As Venus moves into your 8th house on Saturday the universe is delivering rewards for your full engagement in the transformation process – for letting go, for doing what you were afraid to do, for working harder than most, and for trusting that you would survive when it seemed that you might not. For all of that, Venus is showering you with gifts and unprecedented power. You could have been beaten but you chose differently. For all your courage and wise choices you deserve to bask in this Venusian glow.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships rewarding you for the hard work you’ve done to make it all work. You can afford to take a break now, to be more receptive to the good things that may be coming your way in the form of a gift from another or simply from the feeling of being more balanced and fully integrated. Others may be more than generous with you, showering you with the kind of gifts you love most. The coast seems clear now for you to come into your own in some way. Your life direction, in terms of career possibly, could be clarified in some mysterious or unlikely way. Your work and your talents may be highlighted as the Sun moves into your 6th house. An epiphany regarding your life direction may come “out of the blue.” You may find yourself standing on higher ground now. The terrain is different and the possibilities may feel newly exciting.
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