Chart Updates

Astrological updates are available for those who’ve had readings in the past. Astrology is dynamic. Planets move continually at varying speeds. Their positions change and  influence life in a variety of ways. Cycles repeat, ideally at progressively higher levels of integration. Time frames change.

Simply put, an update keeps you informed of the changing energetic influences that impact your life. Updated information allows you to consciously make the adjustments needed to increase your effectiveness and sense of well-being.

Updates provide new time frames for current cosmic alignments to assist with decision-making. Foresight makes intelligent planning and efficient organization more likely.

Updates are scheduled when you feel the need for one. A particularly challenging situation, a life crisis, an important decision, transitions, or simply the need for support and deeper insight are all valid reasons to schedule one.

During an update the natal chart is always reviewed as well as current transits, progressions, solar arc directions, lunar phases, Sabian symbols, and any astrological technique that can best clarify and provide relevant information.

A one time natal reading can be enlightening and very healing. But routine updates provide the means for learning how to use astrology as a powerful tool to strengthen your impact and navigate efficiently through the complexities of life.

The cost of a 1.0 hr update is 210.00


  1. Rosie Messer:

    Holly, I look forward to talking with you on Monday. Questions: I have been unsettled since August, a major transition, I think. I turned 80 in March , I think it hit me in August. I have never been 80 before, what is it like? Who am I now? Am I on my path? I wonder if I veered off but am coming back just now as in this week?

    • Admin:

      Rosie…I will respond to this question personally and privately. Very profound questions perfectly aligned with this stage of life for you.

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