The Aquarian Sun, progressing now through the 3rd decan, emphasizes relationships, beauty, and love – perfect timing for the impending arrival of Valentine’s Day.
After being officially in retrograde motion for the past three weeks, today Mercury “goes direct”. This may represent a time when conclusions are reached, decisions made, and actions taken as, once again, forward momentum begins to build. Recent challenges may have revolved around rebellion and expressing your distinctiveness within an area related to beliefs, travel, higher education, transportation, communication, or thought.
There is an issue of “contracts” – sometimes unconscious ones – that we’ve remained committed to long past the time they actually serve us well, and long after the “terms of the contract” are being ignored by everyone but you. This week we are challenged to adjust the nature of our commitments. If you agreed to something that has become unnecessarily confining, it may be time to free yourself by declaring that contract “null and void,” replacing it with something that feels more equitable and self-serving. Marriage and partnership “contracts” may be especially vulnerable and in need of major adjustments.
Uranus is working his way toward one big final challenge to any stultifying “status quo” that remains in your life.
Every five years Ceres and Pluto meet up. This represents an unlikely fusion of the “planet of death and destruction” with the asteroid of fertility and life. The last time they aligned was October of 2010 when 33 Chilean miners, trapped deep underground for 69 days were rescued, one by one. Maybe this is a time when important facets of yourself that have been submerged and suffocating for awhile begin to resurface, and, if given enough oxygen, become fully revived and energized.
Here’s to intensifying rebellious impulses, an end to unnecessary confinement, and rescuing and reviving long lost parts of youself.
Have a great week!
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rio Street
San Juan Capistrano,
California 92675
Slowly emerging may be the realization of how much in love with someone you actually are – along with the urge to express it. Initially it may feel as though words aren’t adequate, and when you try to say what you feel, it may seems to miss the mark. It’s important to stay with it and to find a way. Someone needs to hear from you the nature and the depth of the love you feel for them. If they truly understood, they would be transformed in an instant. Most importantly, though, you need to feel again how it feels to fully express love from the bottom of your heart. More than anything it’s who you are, and what you’re all about. If you’ve been side-tracked into thinking that another kind of role – maybe something more detached and clinical- was you’re calling, it’s time to re-align with your warmest, most natural self. You’re strongest when you’re focused on love.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Having struggled with relationships and issues of intimacy for awhile, you’ve come through it and are now on the other side of what has been a major life transformation. What is especially important is a new recognition of the many different ways love can be expressed. The wisdom you’ve gained seems to revolve around accepting the many different ways others express their love for you. At the “heart level” you’re ability to feel another’s love, even if it’s expressed in an unfamiliar way, is gaining momentum. Taurus is all about love. It’s the fuel that drives everything they do. It’s the oxygen that keeps them alive. And now that you no longer have to demand that love be shown in very specific ways, you are being revived and re-energized on a continual basis.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Beliefs about how relationships “should be” rev up your nervous system, keep you in a state of perpetual restlessness, and on “high alert” when you’re with your “lover.” The emerging big picture for you is that Saturn is encouraging a different kind of mindset and a different set of beleifs where relationships are concerned. The more specific picture this week is the dynamic turn of Mercury into direct motion, in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius influences the mind toward more tolerance, a live and let live attitude, and a recognition of the need to be more receptive to the way in which love for you is expressed by another – even if that feels “not as it should be.” It’s time to focus on enhancing your receptivity, taking a deep breath and exhaling, acknowledging that you don’t know everything, and controlling the thoughts that keep you starving in a “field of rye” because all you know is “wheat”.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Enhancing love this week may involve moving backward into more closer alliance with the younger, more natural person you used to be – before success, heavy responsibility, social status, and material security became burning issues. There was a time, most likely, when you were more connected to the earth, to family, to love, and to your heart. I’m visualizing you and a more communal way of life, more nakedness, granola, earth rituals, freedom, with greater receptivity to the magic of the night sky, fresh air, and the mysterious habits of tiny creatures. I’m visualizing you, more self-contained and better equipped to nourish the most important parts of who you are. It may be time to rebel against the “progress” you’ve made and to revert to something simpler for the sake of reviving the liberated lover you once unleashed with abandon.
LEO (July 21-August 21)
Held back for awhile has been your awareness of how your most significant relationships have the ability to inspire and uplift others. Immersed in your own personal struggles, the full Moon last week amy have stirred something within that reminded you of the special impact lovers have on the world around them – how they can elevate the energy frequency to enable something better, in all of us, to emerge. As Mercury moves direct, you may now be emerging from a period of confusion and re-evaluation regarding your relationship’s impact on the world around you. You may be clearer now on the power of your personal relationship to transform anyone within its reach to some higher “level of operation.” For Leo it is a source of pride. For the world, it is a gift.
VIRGO (August 21-September 21)
As Pluto, the planet of death and destruction, aligns with Ceres, the asteroid of fertility and life, it is likely that love is busily destroying some suffocating force that disconnected you from your heart and from life itself. You are in the process of being rescued, like the miners I mentioned, deep underground and oxygen deprived for too long. This is preparation for some future work, most likely involving health and healing, that will require the full engagement of your heart – a heart that is re-energized, fully awake, and fully alive. Whatever is happening behind the scenes, if it feels like you’re coming back to life, it’s a gift. From the broader perspective it is a gift not only to you, but to the world. Our souls missed you as your light progressively dimmed and now feel inspired and revived ourselves as we sense the impact of your “full life force” returning.
LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
There is something very refined about the love between good friends. It seems more pure, higher minded, tolerant, accepting, and potentially more lasting, than the passionate kind of love found within love affairs. It seems gentler, kinder, more forgiving, and less fraught with expectations. It’s interesting that Valentine’s Day falls under the sign of Aquarius, the quintessential sign of friendship. Libras truly love their friends and are the ones most likely to weave powerfully transcendent threads of friendship into every passionate love affair…and vice versa. This week you are at your peak combining passionate love with gentle understanding and total acceptance. Friendships are reinforced and love affairs intensify. This week Libras are truly at home and “in their element.”
SCORPIO (October 21 – November 21)
This week some form of vital communication is re-established bringing you back to life in ways that revitalize and renew. Maybe you open your mind to something foreign that was, for some reason, previously shut out. Maybe you learn the truth, face the truth, or tell the truth. Maybe you reconnect with something that is an essential part of who you are. Whatever the details, the fact is that some part of you, submerged for a long time, is resurfacing, demanding more oxygen and some food in the form of more information, a chance to learn, and exposure to something mentally stimulating. Your mind is powerful and craves stimulation. Prolonged worry and perpetual creations of possible “negative scenarios” is not enough to keep it alive. There must be something more. This week your love affair involves a chance to accomplish something that moves the world in a more progressive direction.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
This week Sagittarius feels themselves being inspired by images from the past – ones that encouraged them to dream and to “gift to the world” their naturally transcendent and magical way of being. Having passed through various phases of victimization, now it may be time to revive something old but very essential to your most natural approach to the world. It is deeply romantic, infused with infinite possibility, and boundless love. Relationships for you must involve mental stimulation, variety, and a few magical surprises. They must be spacious, adventurous, and freedom enhancing. Ideas of “breaking relationships wide open” to accommodate all you need them to be, gain momentum this week. Of course that involves breaking yourself wide open to ideas and beliefs that allow you the freedom to experiment and to make it up as you go along.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
This week Capricorn’s approach to the world is unleashed in some way. Most likely you feel a part of your approach to the world being revived – a piece that has been submerged and without oxygen for too long. It’s the part of you that both craves and wants to express gentleness, forgiveness, and an emerging love that is spontaneous and unbounded by routine and rules. Capricorn is accustomed to harshness, deprivation, and to a “duty first” attitude where love is involved. But this week something different and new comes into play. It’s not actually new. It’s a soul memory that has survived all manner of assault and scarcity – like the Chilean miners underground for 69 days. You’re being rescued and the first indication is a gentle unexpected kiss, a kind word, a friendly face, a forgiving partner, a loving but unanticipated response given or received.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Aquarians are on a quest to revive something subtle and undefinable, hidden, and mysterious, that can give them their life back. Saturn hit you hard during his transit through Scorpio, assaulting the very things that gave you your sparkle and drive. It’s possible to recover, but how to recover is the question. What is the best focus and the most effective method from restoring and reviving yourself? It is something nebulous like following your urges, acting on your highest excitement, releasing preconceived notions, and giving up on the fact that you can predict what lies around the next corner. Something expressed within the nature of your urges knows how to heal you, even if you don’t. A leap of faith requires that you trust your feelings and urges and follow them even when you don’t know exactly where they’ll lead. No need to explain or to understand now. You will eventually.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
If there is a deficit in your “love department”, a longing that goes unfulfilled, some deprivation or scarcity, you can fix it this week. It only requires that you express yourself in ways that come most naturally to you. You already know how to do it. Creating romantic environments, spending the time, sitting closer, projecting softness, gentleness, and kissability is the key. You may have to take the lead, but keep in mind that the planets are aligned in ways that could make it well worth the effort. You could make up for years of deprivation in one passionate moment. It’s magical the way love works and this should not be underestimated this week, especially for Pisces. Chiron in your first house is a strong healing force, and love is the strongest healing force there is. It’s a perfect time for you to slip into the mode that’s most familiar to you, even though it may have been sitting idle for awhile.
Horoscopes for the Week of Feb. 11th – 17th
(Mosaic Artist Stacy Alexander)
The Aquarian Sun, progressing now through the 3rd decan, emphasizes relationships, beauty, and love – perfect timing for the impending arrival of Valentine’s Day.
After being officially in retrograde motion for the past three weeks, today Mercury “goes direct”. This may represent a time when conclusions are reached, decisions made, and actions taken as, once again, forward momentum begins to build. Recent challenges may have revolved around rebellion and expressing your distinctiveness within an area related to beliefs, travel, higher education, transportation, communication, or thought.
There is an issue of “contracts” – sometimes unconscious ones – that we’ve remained committed to long past the time they actually serve us well, and long after the “terms of the contract” are being ignored by everyone but you. This week we are challenged to adjust the nature of our commitments. If you agreed to something that has become unnecessarily confining, it may be time to free yourself by declaring that contract “null and void,” replacing it with something that feels more equitable and self-serving. Marriage and partnership “contracts” may be especially vulnerable and in need of major adjustments.
Uranus is working his way toward one big final challenge to any stultifying “status quo” that remains in your life.
Every five years Ceres and Pluto meet up. This represents an unlikely fusion of the “planet of death and destruction” with the asteroid of fertility and life. The last time they aligned was October of 2010 when 33 Chilean miners, trapped deep underground for 69 days were rescued, one by one. Maybe this is a time when important facets of yourself that have been submerged and suffocating for awhile begin to resurface, and, if given enough oxygen, become fully revived and energized.
Here’s to intensifying rebellious impulses, an end to unnecessary confinement, and rescuing and reviving long lost parts of youself.
Have a great week!
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rio Street
San Juan Capistrano,
California 92675
ARIES (March 21-April 21)
Slowly emerging may be the realization of how much in love with someone you actually are – along with the urge to express it. Initially it may feel as though words aren’t adequate, and when you try to say what you feel, it may seems to miss the mark. It’s important to stay with it and to find a way. Someone needs to hear from you the nature and the depth of the love you feel for them. If they truly understood, they would be transformed in an instant. Most importantly, though, you need to feel again how it feels to fully express love from the bottom of your heart. More than anything it’s who you are, and what you’re all about. If you’ve been side-tracked into thinking that another kind of role – maybe something more detached and clinical- was you’re calling, it’s time to re-align with your warmest, most natural self. You’re strongest when you’re focused on love.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
Having struggled with relationships and issues of intimacy for awhile, you’ve come through it and are now on the other side of what has been a major life transformation. What is especially important is a new recognition of the many different ways love can be expressed. The wisdom you’ve gained seems to revolve around accepting the many different ways others express their love for you. At the “heart level” you’re ability to feel another’s love, even if it’s expressed in an unfamiliar way, is gaining momentum. Taurus is all about love. It’s the fuel that drives everything they do. It’s the oxygen that keeps them alive. And now that you no longer have to demand that love be shown in very specific ways, you are being revived and re-energized on a continual basis.
Beliefs about how relationships “should be” rev up your nervous system, keep you in a state of perpetual restlessness, and on “high alert” when you’re with your “lover.” The emerging big picture for you is that Saturn is encouraging a different kind of mindset and a different set of beleifs where relationships are concerned. The more specific picture this week is the dynamic turn of Mercury into direct motion, in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius influences the mind toward more tolerance, a live and let live attitude, and a recognition of the need to be more receptive to the way in which love for you is expressed by another – even if that feels “not as it should be.” It’s time to focus on enhancing your receptivity, taking a deep breath and exhaling, acknowledging that you don’t know everything, and controlling the thoughts that keep you starving in a “field of rye” because all you know is “wheat”.
Enhancing love this week may involve moving backward into more closer alliance with the younger, more natural person you used to be – before success, heavy responsibility, social status, and material security became burning issues. There was a time, most likely, when you were more connected to the earth, to family, to love, and to your heart. I’m visualizing you and a more communal way of life, more nakedness, granola, earth rituals, freedom, with greater receptivity to the magic of the night sky, fresh air, and the mysterious habits of tiny creatures. I’m visualizing you, more self-contained and better equipped to nourish the most important parts of who you are. It may be time to rebel against the “progress” you’ve made and to revert to something simpler for the sake of reviving the liberated lover you once unleashed with abandon.
Held back for awhile has been your awareness of how your most significant relationships have the ability to inspire and uplift others. Immersed in your own personal struggles, the full Moon last week amy have stirred something within that reminded you of the special impact lovers have on the world around them – how they can elevate the energy frequency to enable something better, in all of us, to emerge. As Mercury moves direct, you may now be emerging from a period of confusion and re-evaluation regarding your relationship’s impact on the world around you. You may be clearer now on the power of your personal relationship to transform anyone within its reach to some higher “level of operation.” For Leo it is a source of pride. For the world, it is a gift.

As Pluto, the planet of death and destruction, aligns with Ceres, the asteroid of fertility and life, it is likely that love is busily destroying some suffocating force that disconnected you from your heart and from life itself. You are in the process of being rescued, like the miners I mentioned, deep underground and oxygen deprived for too long. This is preparation for some future work, most likely involving health and healing, that will require the full engagement of your heart – a heart that is re-energized, fully awake, and fully alive. Whatever is happening behind the scenes, if it feels like you’re coming back to life, it’s a gift. From the broader perspective it is a gift not only to you, but to the world. Our souls missed you as your light progressively dimmed and now feel inspired and revived ourselves as we sense the impact of your “full life force” returning.
There is something very refined about the love between good friends. It seems more pure, higher minded, tolerant, accepting, and potentially more lasting, than the passionate kind of love found within love affairs. It seems gentler, kinder, more forgiving, and less fraught with expectations. It’s interesting that Valentine’s Day falls under the sign of Aquarius, the quintessential sign of friendship. Libras truly love their friends and are the ones most likely to weave powerfully transcendent threads of friendship into every passionate love affair…and vice versa. This week you are at your peak combining passionate love with gentle understanding and total acceptance. Friendships are reinforced and love affairs intensify. This week Libras are truly at home and “in their element.”
This week some form of vital communication is re-established bringing you back to life in ways that revitalize and renew. Maybe you open your mind to something foreign that was, for some reason, previously shut out. Maybe you learn the truth, face the truth, or tell the truth. Maybe you reconnect with something that is an essential part of who you are. Whatever the details, the fact is that some part of you, submerged for a long time, is resurfacing, demanding more oxygen and some food in the form of more information, a chance to learn, and exposure to something mentally stimulating. Your mind is powerful and craves stimulation. Prolonged worry and perpetual creations of possible “negative scenarios” is not enough to keep it alive. There must be something more. This week your love affair involves a chance to accomplish something that moves the world in a more progressive direction.
This week Sagittarius feels themselves being inspired by images from the past – ones that encouraged them to dream and to “gift to the world” their naturally transcendent and magical way of being. Having passed through various phases of victimization, now it may be time to revive something old but very essential to your most natural approach to the world. It is deeply romantic, infused with infinite possibility, and boundless love. Relationships for you must involve mental stimulation, variety, and a few magical surprises. They must be spacious, adventurous, and freedom enhancing. Ideas of “breaking relationships wide open” to accommodate all you need them to be, gain momentum this week. Of course that involves breaking yourself wide open to ideas and beliefs that allow you the freedom to experiment and to make it up as you go along.
This week Capricorn’s approach to the world is unleashed in some way. Most likely you feel a part of your approach to the world being revived – a piece that has been submerged and without oxygen for too long. It’s the part of you that both craves and wants to express gentleness, forgiveness, and an emerging love that is spontaneous and unbounded by routine and rules. Capricorn is accustomed to harshness, deprivation, and to a “duty first” attitude where love is involved. But this week something different and new comes into play. It’s not actually new. It’s a soul memory that has survived all manner of assault and scarcity – like the Chilean miners underground for 69 days. You’re being rescued and the first indication is a gentle unexpected kiss, a kind word, a friendly face, a forgiving partner, a loving but unanticipated response given or received.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
Aquarians are on a quest to revive something subtle and undefinable, hidden, and mysterious, that can give them their life back. Saturn hit you hard during his transit through Scorpio, assaulting the very things that gave you your sparkle and drive. It’s possible to recover, but how to recover is the question. What is the best focus and the most effective method from restoring and reviving yourself? It is something nebulous like following your urges, acting on your highest excitement, releasing preconceived notions, and giving up on the fact that you can predict what lies around the next corner. Something expressed within the nature of your urges knows how to heal you, even if you don’t. A leap of faith requires that you trust your feelings and urges and follow them even when you don’t know exactly where they’ll lead. No need to explain or to understand now. You will eventually.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)

If there is a deficit in your “love department”, a longing that goes unfulfilled, some deprivation or scarcity, you can fix it this week. It only requires that you express yourself in ways that come most naturally to you. You already know how to do it. Creating romantic environments, spending the time, sitting closer, projecting softness, gentleness, and kissability is the key. You may have to take the lead, but keep in mind that the planets are aligned in ways that could make it well worth the effort. You could make up for years of deprivation in one passionate moment. It’s magical the way love works and this should not be underestimated this week, especially for Pisces. Chiron in your first house is a strong healing force, and love is the strongest healing force there is. It’s a perfect time for you to slip into the mode that’s most familiar to you, even though it may have been sitting idle for awhile.
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