This is an astrologically eventful week, jam-packed with major shifts on every level, including the arrival of the sacred and pivotal Winter Solstice.
Saturday, Venus and Pluto align exactly in Capricorn with Uranus opposing both planets as it prepares to station direct in the forceful sign of Aries. Saturn has entered the final critical degree of Scorpio, ending (almost) a two and a half year period of discovery, painful loss and necessary transformation. At this time, the Moon enters its balsamic phase, softening while infusing a vague, dreamy, emotional haze over everything.
Freedom urges conflict with the need to be conservative, cautious, and patient – to delay gratification, especially where finances and professionalism are concerned. Rebellious urges encourage risk-taking, and a “buy now pay later” approach. Power struggles within relationships could take a dangerous turn.
But there is also the possibility that Venus will soften hardened resistance and that Uranus will recognize the opportunity to step in and move things in a new direction.
Uranus changes into direct motion on Sunday after five months in retrograde motion. This gives more impetus to our rebellious and eccentric urges. Re-awakened is the need to express ourselves independently, uniquely, and forcefully. Big breaks from conventional ways of being are more likely, giving us new freedom and, again, the potential for a giant step toward something new and more progressive.
The New Moon in Capricorn occurs on Sunday as well. It’s time to nurture our dreams in a more realistic way. The new Moon’s ruler, Saturn, is on the cusp of shifting from the emotional sign of Scorpio into fiery Sagittarius. Packing up, leaving behind, and preparing to move into new emotional territory, ready or not, is a theme.
The Sun’s move into Capricorn on Sunday, signifying the arrival of the Winter Solstice, is a time when energy stands still for a moment while a change in direction occurs. There is a rebirth of hope in the northern hemisphere as the days get longer, the Sun shines brighter, and things begin to warm. In the Southern hemisphere there is a gradual shift into the dark fertile territory necessary for gestating something new.
Saturn enters Sagittarius next Tuesday after spending over two and a half years in the sign of Scorpio. Saturn will progress through Sagittarius until June 2015, when it dips back into the last degrees of Scorpio through September of 2015. At that time it re-enters Sagittarius for the duration.
This changes the nature of our challenges and opportunities. If you’re interested in how things will change more specifically for you, I will be writing individualized reports describing, in detail, your new terrain. I anticipate the turn around time to be about two weeks. Reports will be delivered to your in-box. The cost is 65.00. E-mail me with requests if you have an interest.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week!
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rio Street
San Juan Capistrano,
California 92675
Aries may be taking action that could be interpreted as extreme, wildly creative, outrageous, rebellious, uninhibited, and socially unacceptable. This is what happens when you’ve been confined for too long. On the other hand, this is what happens when you finally realize that independence, forceful self-assertion, starting new things, and embracing a style and approach the leans toward the selfish and impatient, energizes you and feels most like “your real self.” It is necessary to to keep things under control this week, though, if for no other reason than to protect your reputation. Things are taking a pivotal turn this week and it involves your professional life, your life direction, and your ability to assert authority in ways that solidify your leadership status. Making new connections, partying with associates, renewing friendships, and doing something humanitarian gets you noticed in the community. Family time may be just what you need to keep yourself grounded.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This week there is something new and pivotal that enters into your calculations for the future. Some information from the past is being revived in a way that puts you in touch with a treasure or something valuable that has been overlooked, buried, or forgotten. Possibly it is part of a story that you used to tell yourself about your future, some dream you envisioned, something that, given life’s realities, up until now, seemed impossible to manifest. Pay close attention this week to stories from the past told by family members or someone from your past. Delve into old diaries, and make a conscious effort to remember. Ask Venus, the love goddess, for help. The reason this is important is because you are now more capable than ever of putting the pieces together and arranging your life in a way that maximizes the possibility of manifesting your most cherished dreams. A partner may be integral in making it all happen.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This week the 8th house is emphasized – a powerful place where relationships are solidified, bonds secured, and intimacy established. Here you are encouraged to manage well joint financial ventures, tax implications, and the power that comes from financial security. There is something new and pivotal occurring in this house, some new beginning that puts you on more solid footing. Success here depends on a dispassionate approach. It is necessary to put “on hold” emotional considerations particularly if you become suspicious that you do not have all the information, that information is wrong or misleading, or that someone is lying to you. This is when you must flip into your cold, calculating, investigative role. Unbiased by emotional considerations you go after the truth scientifically and methodically, leaving no stone unturned until you uncover the essential information. It is an approach that serves you well as you become more confident and free to enter into many different kinds of joint partnerships over the next year.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
Cancers may experience a tremendous amount of inflexibility and resistance in the form of a significant other, that impacts their ability to be soft, adaptable, accommodating, and resilient. There is in place now a tremendously ambitious, relentless, emotionless, win-at-any-cost, counterweight to your most natural, nurturing, way of of being. Something is hardening and there is the need for a break through sometime soon. Fortunately Uranus moves direct this week reviving the rebellious, independent, action-oriented instincts. It is possible that resistance will soften at the time Uranus moves you to consider something extreme. There is the need to break free of a professional role you’ve outgrown, to be more independent, and/or free to move in a new direction. The new year brings you closer to having to make a choice between staying put or moving foreword. It’s time to consider how important it is for you to be able to get back to your softer self, to reconnect with your source of strength and security, and to revive your sense of self-worth if needed.
LEO (July 21-August 21)
Leos experience a shift in focus this week from fun and games to the need for something new within the realm of work, responsibility, and physical health. Greater rewards, more money, more security, accolades, and a leadership role may lead you in a new direction. Security, well being, and the “intangibles” come into play as well. Change is indicated as the ruler of your work life, Saturn, changes signs – from Scorpio, where massive transformation of some kind was an issue for two and a half years, to Sagittarius, where abundance, meaning, purpose, beliefs, and doing something you love becomes higher priority. Necessary during this transition is the need to keep the ego in check. A significant other could provide the counterweight to any tendency you have to overwhelm the masses with an “overly healthy” opinion of yourself and your capabilities. To invite cooperation it is necessary to consider yourself part of the human race, part of a team, and part of something bigger, not the pivotal lynchpin in every situation.
VIRGO (August 21-September 21)
This week there is the need to engage in some kind of rejuvenating, possibly behind the scenes activity, that brings back to life the part of you that recognizes how multi-talented, entertaining, lovable, child-like, and creative you actually are. All the self-sacrifice, loss, grief, and unpredictability of the past two and a half years has left you somewhat disconnected from an awareness of your true nature. It may be time to break out the creative materials you have stored in the back of the closet, to turn on the music, play with some kids, or to work on something that is fun for you. Reminding yourself of the joy involved in developing your talents is important. If this seems frivolous or time-wasting consider the following: Giving yourself your undivided attention and indulging your talents reconnects you with positive self-regard. That changes you in ways that have very positive effects on your physical health, relationship with co-workers, and your ability to manage your responsibilities efficiently.
LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
Your “way of being” in relationships will be placed under a harsh light this weekend. There is the possibility that you will experience feelings of regret and guilt. But the reality, most likely, is that there has been some very significant progress over the past two and half years that has transformed your approach to relationships, particularly those within the family. If progress is your goal, then you can take pride in how far you’ve come. If perfection is your goal then you can spend this weekend feeling bad about not having achieved that. As Saturn prepares to move into Sagittarius, perspective becomes increasingly important in helping you to maintain a mindset that can maximize your potential and happiness. Reality is a mixed bag. Your perspective determines whether you will feel energized or perpetually undermined.
SCORPIO (October 21-November 21)
This is a week where striving turns into something different. You have finally acquired all of the ingredients necessary to practice the ancient art of alchemy, to turn yourself into an alchemist and your life into something magical and incredibly powerful. The ingredients are the byproducts of all of your life experiences – your wild successes and tragic failures, hopeful moments, desperate attempts, ecstatic high points, devastating lows, tragic losses, and amazing good fortune. It is now time to transform all of that accumulated energy into some powerful fuel that drives you in the direction of your dreams. There is a choice that needs to be made in the coming months that involves choosing between moving forward into the unknown or backward toward something safer and more familiar. The choice also involves the decision to use magical, visionary methods to achieve something significant or to rely on something more mundane.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
As Saturn shifts into the sign of Sagittarius, the nature of your essential fiery energy, enthusiasm, and adventurous lust for life will be challenged. There is something within you that needs to grow stronger, more powerful, and resilient to resist any thought of toning it down, keeping it small, playing it safe, skimming the surface, or letting go of the very thing that gives your life meaning. Saturn will load progressively more weight onto your shoulders in an attempt to strengthen you against the onslaught of seemingly “legitimate” reasons to lose hope. Perspective makes all the difference. If you view the next two years as an amazing adventure that puts at risk the survival of your essential life energy, your natural urge will be to dive in head first and to give it all you’ve got. If you indulge fear and self-pity then you are truly in danger of losing yourself. It’s a choice, but keep in mind that Sagittarians are naturally enlivened by challenges that test their belief in themselves.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Various levels of fear normally infuse the everyday life of a Capricorn. You might not guess that if you’re not a Capricorn. Their public persona powerfully projects confidence and leadership. But if you’re a Capricorn, you know that fear is ever-present. Sometimes it’s dormant, just waiting to be triggered by unexpected change. Over the next several months your fear response is likely to be triggered and you will be challenged to respond in a new and different way. Working harder, longer, and faster is your traditional response. But in the coming months you will be challenged to sit with fear for awhile. What you may notice is that the longer you sit with it the less terrifying it feels. In fact feeling fear now has the ability to renew some deep connections you’ve lost along the way – connections that have the ability to make you whole, healthier, and more resilient. A higher response to fear increases your flexibility and gives back to you the thing that makes your life feel most meaningful.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
As Uranus moves into alignment with the South Node (your past), opposing your North Node (your future), which way to go is dilemma that splits your life into two pieces. There is the “south node” piece that wants the security found in the way things are and the foundations you’ve already set in place. And then there is the “north node” piece that is intrigued by “far away places,” the novel, and the unknown. There is the tendency to want to move forward, to cut off suddenly what you’ve always known, to make a clean break, and to enter into more exciting and stimulating territory. There is a craving for more expansive experience and the urge to revive something that has died over the past two and a half years amidst heavy, internal, claustrophobic influences. While Aquarians are known for their openness and tolerance, flexibility does not come naturally. It must be cultivated. It may be time to let go of your “either/or” mentality as you figure out how to use your past to fuel progression toward a more interesting life.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week there is the impetus to free yourself from something intangible that keeps your life small and options limited. There is the urge to dislodge what is deeply entangled within the deepest recesses of your mind. It is useless junk – fear of the future, guilt, shame, etc. – that you’ve accumulated along the way. In some convoluted way, it fills in the gaps, and gives you a distorted feeling of being safe and secure – like a prison cell might. But there is a growing psychic impatience with the confining nature of treading over the same ground repeatedly. This week it may be time to take some independent, behind the scenes action that breaks through the tangled mess. It looks like taking control of your finances may be key. You might consider taking steps to contact an expert, managing your resources in a different way, getting more control over joint financial arrangements, creating a will, getting some tax advice, etc. This is an important step in creating a more solid foundation to support your dreams.
Horoscopes for the Week of December 17th – 23rd
Mosaic Artist Wendy Nelson – Frozen Waterfall
This is an astrologically eventful week, jam-packed with major shifts on every level, including the arrival of the sacred and pivotal Winter Solstice.
Saturday, Venus and Pluto align exactly in Capricorn with Uranus opposing both planets as it prepares to station direct in the forceful sign of Aries. Saturn has entered the final critical degree of Scorpio, ending (almost) a two and a half year period of discovery, painful loss and necessary transformation. At this time, the Moon enters its balsamic phase, softening while infusing a vague, dreamy, emotional haze over everything.
Freedom urges conflict with the need to be conservative, cautious, and patient – to delay gratification, especially where finances and professionalism are concerned. Rebellious urges encourage risk-taking, and a “buy now pay later” approach. Power struggles within relationships could take a dangerous turn.
But there is also the possibility that Venus will soften hardened resistance and that Uranus will recognize the opportunity to step in and move things in a new direction.
Uranus changes into direct motion on Sunday after five months in retrograde motion. This gives more impetus to our rebellious and eccentric urges. Re-awakened is the need to express ourselves independently, uniquely, and forcefully. Big breaks from conventional ways of being are more likely, giving us new freedom and, again, the potential for a giant step toward something new and more progressive.
The New Moon in Capricorn occurs on Sunday as well. It’s time to nurture our dreams in a more realistic way. The new Moon’s ruler, Saturn, is on the cusp of shifting from the emotional sign of Scorpio into fiery Sagittarius. Packing up, leaving behind, and preparing to move into new emotional territory, ready or not, is a theme.
The Sun’s move into Capricorn on Sunday, signifying the arrival of the Winter Solstice, is a time when energy stands still for a moment while a change in direction occurs. There is a rebirth of hope in the northern hemisphere as the days get longer, the Sun shines brighter, and things begin to warm. In the Southern hemisphere there is a gradual shift into the dark fertile territory necessary for gestating something new.
Saturn enters Sagittarius next Tuesday after spending over two and a half years in the sign of Scorpio. Saturn will progress through Sagittarius until June 2015, when it dips back into the last degrees of Scorpio through September of 2015. At that time it re-enters Sagittarius for the duration.
This changes the nature of our challenges and opportunities. If you’re interested in how things will change more specifically for you, I will be writing individualized reports describing, in detail, your new terrain. I anticipate the turn around time to be about two weeks. Reports will be delivered to your in-box. The cost is 65.00. E-mail me with requests if you have an interest.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week!
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rio Street
San Juan Capistrano,
California 92675
Aries may be taking action that could be interpreted as extreme, wildly creative, outrageous, rebellious, uninhibited, and socially unacceptable. This is what happens when you’ve been confined for too long. On the other hand, this is what happens when you finally realize that independence, forceful self-assertion, starting new things, and embracing a style and approach the leans toward the selfish and impatient, energizes you and feels most like “your real self.” It is necessary to to keep things under control this week, though, if for no other reason than to protect your reputation. Things are taking a pivotal turn this week and it involves your professional life, your life direction, and your ability to assert authority in ways that solidify your leadership status. Making new connections, partying with associates, renewing friendships, and doing something humanitarian gets you noticed in the community. Family time may be just what you need to keep yourself grounded.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This week there is something new and pivotal that enters into your calculations for the future. Some information from the past is being revived in a way that puts you in touch with a treasure or something valuable that has been overlooked, buried, or forgotten. Possibly it is part of a story that you used to tell yourself about your future, some dream you envisioned, something that, given life’s realities, up until now, seemed impossible to manifest. Pay close attention this week to stories from the past told by family members or someone from your past. Delve into old diaries, and make a conscious effort to remember. Ask Venus, the love goddess, for help. The reason this is important is because you are now more capable than ever of putting the pieces together and arranging your life in a way that maximizes the possibility of manifesting your most cherished dreams. A partner may be integral in making it all happen.
This week the 8th house is emphasized – a powerful place where relationships are solidified, bonds secured, and intimacy established. Here you are encouraged to manage well joint financial ventures, tax implications, and the power that comes from financial security. There is something new and pivotal occurring in this house, some new beginning that puts you on more solid footing. Success here depends on a dispassionate approach. It is necessary to put “on hold” emotional considerations particularly if you become suspicious that you do not have all the information, that information is wrong or misleading, or that someone is lying to you. This is when you must flip into your cold, calculating, investigative role. Unbiased by emotional considerations you go after the truth scientifically and methodically, leaving no stone unturned until you uncover the essential information. It is an approach that serves you well as you become more confident and free to enter into many different kinds of joint partnerships over the next year.
Cancers may experience a tremendous amount of inflexibility and resistance in the form of a significant other, that impacts their ability to be soft, adaptable, accommodating, and resilient. There is in place now a tremendously ambitious, relentless, emotionless, win-at-any-cost, counterweight to your most natural, nurturing, way of of being. Something is hardening and there is the need for a break through sometime soon. Fortunately Uranus moves direct this week reviving the rebellious, independent, action-oriented instincts. It is possible that resistance will soften at the time Uranus moves you to consider something extreme. There is the need to break free of a professional role you’ve outgrown, to be more independent, and/or free to move in a new direction. The new year brings you closer to having to make a choice between staying put or moving foreword. It’s time to consider how important it is for you to be able to get back to your softer self, to reconnect with your source of strength and security, and to revive your sense of self-worth if needed.
Leos experience a shift in focus this week from fun and games to the need for something new within the realm of work, responsibility, and physical health. Greater rewards, more money, more security, accolades, and a leadership role may lead you in a new direction. Security, well being, and the “intangibles” come into play as well. Change is indicated as the ruler of your work life, Saturn, changes signs – from Scorpio, where massive transformation of some kind was an issue for two and a half years, to Sagittarius, where abundance, meaning, purpose, beliefs, and doing something you love becomes higher priority. Necessary during this transition is the need to keep the ego in check. A significant other could provide the counterweight to any tendency you have to overwhelm the masses with an “overly healthy” opinion of yourself and your capabilities. To invite cooperation it is necessary to consider yourself part of the human race, part of a team, and part of something bigger, not the pivotal lynchpin in every situation.
This week there is the need to engage in some kind of rejuvenating, possibly behind the scenes activity, that brings back to life the part of you that recognizes how multi-talented, entertaining, lovable, child-like, and creative you actually are. All the self-sacrifice, loss, grief, and unpredictability of the past two and a half years has left you somewhat disconnected from an awareness of your true nature. It may be time to break out the creative materials you have stored in the back of the closet, to turn on the music, play with some kids, or to work on something that is fun for you. Reminding yourself of the joy involved in developing your talents is important. If this seems frivolous or time-wasting consider the following: Giving yourself your undivided attention and indulging your talents reconnects you with positive self-regard. That changes you in ways that have very positive effects on your physical health, relationship with co-workers, and your ability to manage your responsibilities efficiently.
Your “way of being” in relationships will be placed under a harsh light this weekend. There is the possibility that you will experience feelings of regret and guilt. But the reality, most likely, is that there has been some very significant progress over the past two and half years that has transformed your approach to relationships, particularly those within the family. If progress is your goal, then you can take pride in how far you’ve come. If perfection is your goal then you can spend this weekend feeling bad about not having achieved that. As Saturn prepares to move into Sagittarius, perspective becomes increasingly important in helping you to maintain a mindset that can maximize your potential and happiness. Reality is a mixed bag. Your perspective determines whether you will feel energized or perpetually undermined.
This is a week where striving turns into something different. You have finally acquired all of the ingredients necessary to practice the ancient art of alchemy, to turn yourself into an alchemist and your life into something magical and incredibly powerful. The ingredients are the byproducts of all of your life experiences – your wild successes and tragic failures, hopeful moments, desperate attempts, ecstatic high points, devastating lows, tragic losses, and amazing good fortune. It is now time to transform all of that accumulated energy into some powerful fuel that drives you in the direction of your dreams. There is a choice that needs to be made in the coming months that involves choosing between moving forward into the unknown or backward toward something safer and more familiar. The choice also involves the decision to use magical, visionary methods to achieve something significant or to rely on something more mundane.
As Saturn shifts into the sign of Sagittarius, the nature of your essential fiery energy, enthusiasm, and adventurous lust for life will be challenged. There is something within you that needs to grow stronger, more powerful, and resilient to resist any thought of toning it down, keeping it small, playing it safe, skimming the surface, or letting go of the very thing that gives your life meaning. Saturn will load progressively more weight onto your shoulders in an attempt to strengthen you against the onslaught of seemingly “legitimate” reasons to lose hope. Perspective makes all the difference. If you view the next two years as an amazing adventure that puts at risk the survival of your essential life energy, your natural urge will be to dive in head first and to give it all you’ve got. If you indulge fear and self-pity then you are truly in danger of losing yourself. It’s a choice, but keep in mind that Sagittarians are naturally enlivened by challenges that test their belief in themselves.
Various levels of fear normally infuse the everyday life of a Capricorn. You might not guess that if you’re not a Capricorn. Their public persona powerfully projects confidence and leadership. But if you’re a Capricorn, you know that fear is ever-present. Sometimes it’s dormant, just waiting to be triggered by unexpected change. Over the next several months your fear response is likely to be triggered and you will be challenged to respond in a new and different way. Working harder, longer, and faster is your traditional response. But in the coming months you will be challenged to sit with fear for awhile. What you may notice is that the longer you sit with it the less terrifying it feels. In fact feeling fear now has the ability to renew some deep connections you’ve lost along the way – connections that have the ability to make you whole, healthier, and more resilient. A higher response to fear increases your flexibility and gives back to you the thing that makes your life feel most meaningful.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
As Uranus moves into alignment with the South Node (your past), opposing your North Node (your future), which way to go is dilemma that splits your life into two pieces. There is the “south node” piece that wants the security found in the way things are and the foundations you’ve already set in place. And then there is the “north node” piece that is intrigued by “far away places,” the novel, and the unknown. There is the tendency to want to move forward, to cut off suddenly what you’ve always known, to make a clean break, and to enter into more exciting and stimulating territory. There is a craving for more expansive experience and the urge to revive something that has died over the past two and a half years amidst heavy, internal, claustrophobic influences. While Aquarians are known for their openness and tolerance, flexibility does not come naturally. It must be cultivated. It may be time to let go of your “either/or” mentality as you figure out how to use your past to fuel progression toward a more interesting life.
PISCES (February 21-March 21)
This week there is the impetus to free yourself from something intangible that keeps your life small and options limited. There is the urge to dislodge what is deeply entangled within the deepest recesses of your mind. It is useless junk – fear of the future, guilt, shame, etc. – that you’ve accumulated along the way. In some convoluted way, it fills in the gaps, and gives you a distorted feeling of being safe and secure – like a prison cell might. But there is a growing psychic impatience with the confining nature of treading over the same ground repeatedly. This week it may be time to take some independent, behind the scenes action that breaks through the tangled mess. It looks like taking control of your finances may be key. You might consider taking steps to contact an expert, managing your resources in a different way, getting more control over joint financial arrangements, creating a will, getting some tax advice, etc. This is an important step in creating a more solid foundation to support your dreams.
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