With the Sun’s move into Libra, the New Moon, and Pluto’s change in direction behind us, we’re standing on new ground. We no longer have the “luxury” of blaming, wallowing, waiting, settling, or worrying our way through life. That phase has run its course. Without sounding too dramatic, our task now is to “permeate the world with the fragrance of our soul.” Too bad if that clashes with the prevailing status quo, material security, emotional comfort, or the sense of order we’ve tried to maintain since the beginning of 2014. That’s ruthless Pluto talking, not me. The challenge, as always, is to move beyond fear. Understanding how we got to where are is critical.
Opposing all the Libra is Aries. Courageous action is required. Forward movement cannot be stopped by fear of failure. Well, it can, but Pluto is ruthless, and he says it’s time to move forward. Picking a fight with him is not the best idea. He’s ruthless. Did I just say that?
The most effective actions going forward may require moving out of your comfort zone. Discomfort won’t kill you but, spending time lamenting that something new is now demanded of you, will deplete your energy. Depressive moods or the senseless waste of every resource of the self warns you that you may be sinking and in need of some help. Pay close attention.
Mercury’s move into Scorpio on Saturday may exemplify Pluto’s shift in direction. Mercury is motivated to tell you the “unsugar-coated” truth about yourself or someone else, while, at the same time, giving you power to destroy psychological conditioning that fuels stagnation. Mercury in Scorpio can completely transform your mindset and your perspective, revealing new ways to get from point A to point B.
Mercury intensifies and forces a reordering of priorities, simplification, and building on more solid foundations. Mercury moves retrograde from October 4th – 24th so a three-week period of reconsideration to clarify is imminent. (Don’t make any decisions that will be difficult to reverse during that time. I’ll cover that next week.)
Venus feels right at home in Libra, more “herself,” as she is able to consolidate power. It may be wise to focus on the finer points of attracting what you desire, harmonizing with the flow, and leaning into the support that surrounds you. The nature of your role in relationships is highlighted. Venus focuses you on cleverly using your resources to best advantage. This period of time marks the completion of a phase, not the attainment of perfection. It’s time to find a new way for yourself and that process may entail trial and error.
It’s not too late for New Moon wishes. Ask Venus to remove indecision, the habit of over-compromising, and the tendency to prefer peace and security at any price. Ask that she replace those with courage. Then give Venus something back, like immersing yourself in something you love- the perfect Libra New Moon ritual. It’s time to be all-in as you “permeate the world with the fragrance of your soul.”
I will personalize the emphasis for each sign in this weeks’s horoscopes.
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rio
San Juan Capistrano,
California 92675
Letting go of the past, of old roles in relationships, and old approaches to life, is proving to be a challenge. Just the same, there are many aspects of your life that now need to be filed in the history section. It is important to be able to distinguish between a challenge and a no-win situation. Sometimes the central challenge is to protect the critical relationship you have with your soul. Confusion or some missing link keeps you stuck in a mindset and perspective that won’t change. You are learning patience, it seems, and this appears to be the only redeeming feature of your current predicament. But action on a different front is possible. This “stuck scenario” gives you time to plan, to strategize and to dream big in terms of what you want for yourself and for your future. New awareness is emerging regarding the importance of material security, talent, and using resources wisely. Actions, even if those seem nebulous – in the form of filling in the details of your dreams, for example – need to be taken. Pay attention to who you attract into your life after next Monday. Something relationship-wise gets easier.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This is the week when you transform worry, the weight of perfectionism that keeps you from deciding, and compulsive thoughts, in a more productive direction. Next Monday decisions about work, balance, and health may be easier as Venus, your chart ruler, busily attracts into your life or awareness the kind of work/life balance you desire. Don’t interfere through second guessing, obsessing over details, or convincing yourself that something is too good to be true or beyond your capability. Facilitate the flow, remain flexible, determined, optimistic, and expectant of good news. By Saturday something clears regarding relationship issues. Your mind becomes powerfully incisive, able to process the “very complicated”, and to boil it down to its simplest form. You tell yourself the truth about yourself and your perspective changes. A major transformation toward balance may take place. The promise this week holds is the ability control your mind in ways that influence your situation more positively. It’s time to let go of the future you had planned for yourself in favor of something much better.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
This week you begin to tell yourself some difficult truths about your work, health, your beliefs, your most significant relationships, and your future. Or it may be your partner who exposes the truth. What has been avoided for fear of pain, and possibly some negative effect on resources, stands ruthless and naked in front of you. Decisions need to be made and those need to be based on what is true for you. Your mind is reaching a state of incredible power, incisiveness, and clarity throwing your work life, health, and possibly relationships into the next transformative phase. Something needs to be cleared in order for your life to proceed in a healthy, more integrated way. What may need to change is an attachment to financial dependency, lack of trust in yourself, a lackadaisical approach to use of resources, or comfort with old psychological conditioning. By Monday something gets easier surrounding your love life, children, or your potential for experiencing a more joyful life. Creative urges feel more supported and facilitated. You may feel a more powerful kind of love surrounding you. In the next couple days it’s time to end the influence of old relationships on your emotional state. Cosmic energy helps move you in that direction.
CANCER (June 21-July 21)
This week Cancers take a major giant step toward clearing what has always felt confusing and blocked their ability to start something new and more deeply satisfying. By Saturday Mercury moves into your 5th house and tells you the truth about children, lovers, self-love, artistry, and your ability to enjoy life. You may be completely surprised or you may have suspected it all along. Your mind turns incredibly incisive and able to process the most complicated issues. This changes your perspective in ways that encourage you to adjust your life plans toward something more realistic, particularly where relationships are involved. A period of reconsideration about how to do this is approaching. But, even if this is somewhat difficult, it opens doors to a much more satisfying existence and new beginnings. The overall take-away may be a great sense of relief. Finishing up something related to paperwork, a sibling, or a child may be required at the beginning of the week. But by next Monday you find joy, comfort and support coming from your mother, your past, old friends, or from your current living arrangements.
LEO (July 21-August 21)
Leos find themselves changing focus from work, worry, financial planning, and more worry, into the realm of their daily routines, and the people, places, and things they encounter on a regular basis and everything seems easier. Perspectives change, your ability to shine, as you love to do, is enhanced and more supported. A cycle has been completed that involved your work life, responsibilities, and some degree of self sacrifice and confusion. By next Monday relationships in your everyday world improve dramatically. You like your new contacts and they like you. Old imbalances resolve. Some fortunate opportunity may drop into your lap and you know exactly how to proceed with grace and refinement. Your mind becomes more incisive and may tell you some truths about yourself or your situation that you don’t like. But the truth sets you free, as they say. On the other hand intense mental discipline or mental work may be a new part of your current responsibilities. Perspective regarding friends, organizations, finance, and the future may be clarified. Flexibility is critical to keep you from messing up the ease and flow, give and take, and the harmonious potential of your joint financial ventures.
VIRGO (August 21-September 21)
Virgos find themselves involved in a cycle of completion where relationships and money are involved. Something new has entered the mix while something old is finalized, winding down, and fading further into the background. Perspectives change rather dramatically. A new found freedom may be connected to breakthroughs in the areas of old psychological conditioning, restrictions involving collaborations and money, and trusting your instincts. By Saturday Mercury, your chart ruler, enters into the sign of incisive and honest Scorpio. Your mentally vulnerable state allows you to perceive some new truths about love, lovers, creative expression, and the simple act of having fun. Your mind is sharper than ever, more capable of untangling complications and discriminating between what’s true and what’s masquerading as truth. Old emotional issues may be affected in ways that free you somehow. Expanding your world is now possible. Important now is staying connected to the truth and keeping your eye on the ball as you navigate through doubts of your ability to create the kind of life you love. A closed door opens new ones allowing you to initiate deeper connections between your soul and your work.
LIBRA (September 21-October 21)
This is your season to begin something new. It may never be easier as the whole world seems now be on the same page with you. A more confident approach to expressing your diplomatic, balancing, beautiful style may manifest. Your ability to make an impact is enhanced and we all need what you’re selling, as long as it’s Libra expressing her highest potential. Mercury implies that you may not be quite there yet. As he leaves Libra and enters Scorpio, you may be faced with some harsh truths regarding money, self-worth, priorities, and what you value most. Something previously hidden may be revealed that gives you a better understanding of how to correct any imbalance that continues to express through your current style and approach. Mercury’s impending retrograde shows you how to integrate new truths and more depth into your current approach. Home, family, and professional issues may be resolving in ways that set you free to focus more on your own resources, talents, and self-worth. You may now be free to evaluate how to best use your talents and resources to make the impact you want to make.
SCORPIO (October 21-November 21)
A call for change may be necessary as Scorpio feels their self-worth compromised by an intimate partner’s needs, a collaborative effort that feels confining, or a lack of respect. It may be necessary to protest strongly the need for a reorganization that takes into account your own values, a bigger life, more options, and the opportunity for personal growth through more personal freedom and independence within relationships. There is risk involved in changing the rules in the middle of the game, but without significant pushback, it is unlikely that you will be able to feel inwardly peaceful, aligned, connected, and grounded. As Mercury moves into Scorpio on Saturday, saying what needs to be said, facing the truth about yourself, your role in relationships, your current situation, and your approach may be necessary. Making a decision may be necessary, though Mercury’s retrograde period gives you a few weeks to clarify before you decide. There is the need to distinguish between being useful and being used. Manifesting your dreams requires an end to the practice of closing your eyes to a relationship reality in order to avoid confrontation.
SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 21)
Sagittarians are feeling the need to make a strong impact, to act in ways that make their world bigger, and to integrate their philosophy of life into their personal style and approach. Feeling unsure of how to best accomplish this they may be looking to a partner to reflect back to them their next right move. Over concern with other’s reaction to your own actions is a a wake up call to the need to ground yourself more thoroughly in your deeper self. You may not be feeling confident that you have the solid foundations you need to support the kind of bold moves and risk you want to take. A conscious effort to listen to your own inner voice, to define what you love by reflecting on what you loved as a child, to connect your body, mind, and spirit through some disciplined consistent practice, and to tune out the reactions of others is important. It reinforces the strongest foundation a Sagittarian will ever know. This will give you the confidence to act boldly in your own self interest, to fortify your independence, and to impact the world in the strongest, broadest way possible. The world is in need of your wisdom, an example of mastery over lower impulses, and a bold, risky, inwardly driven approach to life. BTW, only the most supportive friends belong in your tribe.
CAPRICORN (December 21-January 21)
Capricorns may be feeling especially ambitious to achieve. Always a force to reckoned with in the professional world and on the home front, there is something new and changed regarding the need to keep it all balanced, just, fair, and peaceful. Perhaps a partner is insisting that his interests be taken into account. Maybe you have reached a stage where some delicate professional diplomacy is required, and maybe your urge to boldly forge ahead is being tamed by some delay or complication. For you, it’s time to look at the big picture to avoid landing in a place you hadn’t intended. It may be time to consider an approach that feels foreign to you in order to achieve what you desperately want to achieve. In fact, someone of foreign descent, differing beliefs, or race may be instrumental in encouraging some tweak in your current approach. As Mercury moves into Scorpio and your 11th house you may have to face some unnerving truth about yourself, and your ability to be ruthless when a friendlier approach might align better with your goals long term. Or maybe something previously hidden where friends, organizations, and groups are concerned changes your perspective. This week self-discipline, a bigger perspective, and a flexible approach is rewarded.
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 21)
As Pluto moved into direct motion, Aquarians may have broken through some confusion or illusion and now find themselves capable of focusing on their chosen goal. Most likely this involves their professional life and the desire to be a powerful healing force for good in the world. Aquarians see their role in society as a fearless transformational agent, willing to go where others fear to tread, detached from self-interest, completely aligned with their higher principles. The “New Moon/Equinox/Sun in Libra/Pluto change in direction” has given new life to your higher principles and desire to communicate those in a powerful ways. A highly refined, more artistic, and courageous approach may seem necessary. This week is a moment of truth for Aquarians as they are being urged to go big or go home. Saying what “the powers that be” don’t want to hear is risky. Shaking up the stays quo can be dangerous. Telling the truth can create a painful backlash. This week there is the opportunity to give the world what it most needs at this point in time. It is the thing that you are most well-equipped to give.
PISCES (February 21 – March 21)
This week Jupiter, your traditional sign ruler, stimulates your urge for financial freedom. Something has been transformed regarding a financial collaboration, trusting your instincts, and the balance of power in relationships. While personal financial unpredictability has disrupted the balance of power for awhile, there is new hope this week for some kind of major realignment and return to balance. Working longer and longer hours cannot replace faith in your own competency, belief in your creative abilities, and a willingness to integrate into your work your entertaining and fun-loving self.. In fact, what may solve financial and power imbalances may be the willingness to use the “fun-factor” as a guide to designing work that is more lucratively rewarded. When choosing where to invest your energy, allow yourself to be guided by how much fun you’re having creating whatever it is you’re creating, what kind of relationships you find most enjoyable, and which responsibilities seem more like play than drudgery. Invest yourself more heavily in those. This week the atmosphere you create and the approach you take can make all the difference in opening doors to more money, more balance, and more freedom. Guilt is a joy-killer and has no place in your work life.
Horoscopes for the Week of September 24th – 30th
Mosaic – Kasia Polkowska
“Moving into More Fertile Territory”
With the Sun’s move into Libra, the New Moon, and Pluto’s change in direction behind us, we’re standing on new ground. We no longer have the “luxury” of blaming, wallowing, waiting, settling, or worrying our way through life. That phase has run its course. Without sounding too dramatic, our task now is to “permeate the world with the fragrance of our soul.” Too bad if that clashes with the prevailing status quo, material security, emotional comfort, or the sense of order we’ve tried to maintain since the beginning of 2014. That’s ruthless Pluto talking, not me. The challenge, as always, is to move beyond fear. Understanding how we got to where are is critical.
Opposing all the Libra is Aries. Courageous action is required. Forward movement cannot be stopped by fear of failure. Well, it can, but Pluto is ruthless, and he says it’s time to move forward. Picking a fight with him is not the best idea. He’s ruthless. Did I just say that?
The most effective actions going forward may require moving out of your comfort zone. Discomfort won’t kill you but, spending time lamenting that something new is now demanded of you, will deplete your energy. Depressive moods or the senseless waste of every resource of the self warns you that you may be sinking and in need of some help. Pay close attention.
Mercury’s move into Scorpio on Saturday may exemplify Pluto’s shift in direction. Mercury is motivated to tell you the “unsugar-coated” truth about yourself or someone else, while, at the same time, giving you power to destroy psychological conditioning that fuels stagnation. Mercury in Scorpio can completely transform your mindset and your perspective, revealing new ways to get from point A to point B.
Mercury intensifies and forces a reordering of priorities, simplification, and building on more solid foundations. Mercury moves retrograde from October 4th – 24th so a three-week period of reconsideration to clarify is imminent. (Don’t make any decisions that will be difficult to reverse during that time. I’ll cover that next week.)
Venus feels right at home in Libra, more “herself,” as she is able to consolidate power. It may be wise to focus on the finer points of attracting what you desire, harmonizing with the flow, and leaning into the support that surrounds you. The nature of your role in relationships is highlighted. Venus focuses you on cleverly using your resources to best advantage. This period of time marks the completion of a phase, not the attainment of perfection. It’s time to find a new way for yourself and that process may entail trial and error.
It’s not too late for New Moon wishes. Ask Venus to remove indecision, the habit of over-compromising, and the tendency to prefer peace and security at any price. Ask that she replace those with courage. Then give Venus something back, like immersing yourself in something you love- the perfect Libra New Moon ritual. It’s time to be all-in as you “permeate the world with the fragrance of your soul.”
I will personalize the emphasis for each sign in this weeks’s horoscopes.
Holly RePenn
RN., MS., NMH., RYT., C.A.P.
Professional Astrologer
31631 Los Rio
San Juan Capistrano,
California 92675
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