“We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else”. -Carl Jung
Most are intrigued with the information astrology provides, though obviously there are those who reject it for religious and social reasons. Astrology claims no interest in replacing any belief systems other than the one that rejects, out of hand, the unfamiliar and unknown. Like science, astrology is a powerful system that has the potential to be used wisely or dangerously. In the hands of a competent professional astrologer it can be a wealth of information and healing potential, underutilized at a time when widely accepted conventional assessment tools remain inadequate.
Using astrology to improve outcomes is controversial but it’s potential is extraordinary. The relapse rate for addictive and emotional disorders is disgraceful and unnecessary. Accurate assessment is key to positive outcomes. In Europe astrologers assist counseling psychologists to uncover emotional conflict and spiritual distress. To my knowledge this is done only with the permission of the client, as it should be. Similar collaborations exist in progressive clinics across the United States, but astrology’s modern day therapeutic usage is in its infancy.
Within the realm of the physical body, allowing for individualized treatment, is an array of blood testing, toxin level testing, scans, X-rays, and monitoring. But the nature of psychological, emotional, and spiritual problems remains guesswork. Astrology provides symbolic images of hidden areas similar to a CT scan providing multiple, cross-sectional, informational images. The Radiologist interprets images to clarify the condition of internal organs, bones, and soft tissue for the treating physician. The Astrologer interprets the birth chart, its symbols, angles, and placements to clarify individual psychology, emotional need, and spiritual health, making individualized treatment an actual possibility.
The astrological chart reflects the client’s internal compass, and from this perspective, is truly client-centered. The most natural way an individual gets his needs met, his most natural time for integrating wounded aspects of himself, most natural strategies for problem-solving, relating, creating, loving, working, and parenting, are all clearly defined within a birth chart. The emphasis on the natural is an holistic idea that equates the natural with integration and empowerment.
Within the course of continuing assessment, strengthening the client’s internal compass by providing self knowledge is empowering. Protecting the spirit by respecting and reinforcing individual growth cycles humanizes astrology’s contribution to healing. In the interest of pragmatism, the traditional rejection of astrology as nonsense, or worse, can no longer be a barrier to helping millions achieve higher levels of integration through authentic, holistic, individualized options.
Astrology’s Extraordinary Potential
“We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else”. -Carl Jung
Most are intrigued with the information astrology provides, though obviously there are those who reject it for religious and social reasons. Astrology claims no interest in replacing any belief systems other than the one that rejects, out of hand, the unfamiliar and unknown. Like science, astrology is a powerful system that has the potential to be used wisely or dangerously. In the hands of a competent professional astrologer it can be a wealth of information and healing potential, underutilized at a time when widely accepted conventional assessment tools remain inadequate.
Using astrology to improve outcomes is controversial but it’s potential is extraordinary. The relapse rate for addictive and emotional disorders is disgraceful and unnecessary. Accurate assessment is key to positive outcomes. In Europe astrologers assist counseling psychologists to uncover emotional conflict and spiritual distress. To my knowledge this is done only with the permission of the client, as it should be. Similar collaborations exist in progressive clinics across the United States, but astrology’s modern day therapeutic usage is in its infancy.
Within the realm of the physical body, allowing for individualized treatment, is an array of blood testing, toxin level testing, scans, X-rays, and monitoring. But the nature of psychological, emotional, and spiritual problems remains guesswork. Astrology provides symbolic images of hidden areas similar to a CT scan providing multiple, cross-sectional, informational images. The Radiologist interprets images to clarify the condition of internal organs, bones, and soft tissue for the treating physician. The Astrologer interprets the birth chart, its symbols, angles, and placements to clarify individual psychology, emotional need, and spiritual health, making individualized treatment an actual possibility.
The astrological chart reflects the client’s internal compass, and from this perspective, is truly client-centered. The most natural way an individual gets his needs met, his most natural time for integrating wounded aspects of himself, most natural strategies for problem-solving, relating, creating, loving, working, and parenting, are all clearly defined within a birth chart. The emphasis on the natural is an holistic idea that equates the natural with integration and empowerment.
Within the course of continuing assessment, strengthening the client’s internal compass by providing self knowledge is empowering. Protecting the spirit by respecting and reinforcing individual growth cycles humanizes astrology’s contribution to healing. In the interest of pragmatism, the traditional rejection of astrology as nonsense, or worse, can no longer be a barrier to helping millions achieve higher levels of integration through authentic, holistic, individualized options.
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